2 minute read
letter from publisher
Happy Dog Days
This month’s Natural Pet article, “Canine Calm: Anti-Anxiety Tips for Dogs,” which can be found at www.AwakeningCharlotte.com, reminded me of the dogs I’ve had that hated the Fourth of July. In fact my daughter was right there with them. Ever since I can remember, she’s hated loud noises; she covers her ears with her hands if she even thinks one is coming. I’ve always loved watching fireworks on the Fourth and still have fond memories of exactly where I watched the best shows, so I can’t relate. But I do understand that some of my pets were completely traumatized by the noise and that my daughter would rather skip the show altogether and stay inside.
The article lists several suggestions for soothing an anxious dog’s nerves, but my favorites are the ThunderShirt and the Anxiety Wrap, both of which are tight-fitting pressure vests. (Our Lab would have looked great in one!) I remember trying a weighted blanket once and feeling so relaxed and comforted with it on. Another suggestion is to speak with your pet—not just saying, “Goodbye,” but having a conversation, like “Goodbye, I have to go to work right now, but I’ll be home in four hours and we’ll go for a walk.” I can just see our German Shepherd tipping her head like she understood. I plan to implement these strategies with my next pet. I also can’t help but wonder if the pressure vest would work with my daughter, as it would be so nice to have her join us to view fireworks. I suspect not.
Wishing you and your entire family—pets and all—an enjoyable Fourth of July and a great month of July in general,