STAAR – New Assessment – New Opportunity Quick but Steady Pace
Awareness • What is STAAR ? • How is it structured? • How does it compare to TAKS? • What is readiness?
Implementation • In what units and at what grading period are the readiness standards taught? • How will planning include professional development? • What are expectations of instructional staff?
Integration • Are assessments aligned with new standards and level of rigor? • Are data aligned to the blueprints and assessed curriculum? • Are instructional resources at the level of rigor of the assessment?
Provide STAAR training for staff Distribute and review of STAAR Blueprints Distribute and review STAAR Assessed Curriculum Documents Review Aligned Readiness Standards Charts ( Determine present levels of performance
Provide STAAR training for staff (review, update, new staff) Review curriculum for scope and sequence of readiness standards Organize professional development (planning, training, coaching) PRIOR to instruction Review and align resources Review sample items provided by TEA Monitor for depth and complexity (rigor)
Provide STAAR training for staff (review, update, new staff) Adjust local assessments to level of rigor/blueprints Organize professional development around targeted student expectations based on previous data Provide coaching and support for designated teachers Create item portfolios to support conext issues
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