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HB 3 Transition – Assessment ( R e v i s e d 0 4 / 2 7 / 2 0 1 1 ) Topic Grades/Subjects

Performance Standards

Structure Elementary/Middle Subj Grade Reading 3‐8 Math 3‐8 Writing 4, 7 Science 5, 8 Soc. Studies 8 Elementary/Middle When: Fall 2012 Performance Categories (02/07/2011): 1. Advanced Academic Performance  Accomplished Academic

English Eng I Eng II Eng III

High School Courses/EOCs When: February 2012 Performance Categories (02/07/2011): 1. Advanced Academic Performance 

Accomplished Academic Performance for STAAR Alternate  Postsecondary Readiness for Eng. III & Alg. II

2. Satisfactory Academic Performance* 3. Unsatisfactory Academic Performance

Performance for STAAR Alternate

2. Satisfactory Academic Performance* 3. Unsatisfactory Academic Performance


* Anticipated to be phased in

* Anticipated to be phased in

Field Testing

 Embedded in Operational Tests, except for:  Field test EOCs (Eng II, Eng III, World History) in 2011 th th  7 Grade Writing (2011) and 4 Grade Writing every 3 years (2011, 2014 . . . )

Implementation Policies (TBD)

 Testing Accommodations  Time limit  4 hours (for Gr. 3‐8 and EOCs)  No separate form for STAAR  Make‐up testing Accommodated  ALL grades/subjects (not just AYP)  Standardized oral administration using  Test Security online format?  SSI in 2011‐12  Dyslexia Accommodations  No retests  Expanded to include Gr. 3‐8 Reading AND Eng I, Eng II, Eng III  GPCs make promotion decisions  EOC Administration Schedule using relevant academic  End of Spring information (raw scores from  End of Summer STAAR, classroom grades, etc.)  End of Fall (beginning Fall 2012)  Test Format  Release of Test Items  Gr. 3‐8 – paper only  Sample items (Aug 2011)  EOCs – paper and online (online only  Full test forms (2014) for testers not required by State)  To graduate, a student must achieve a Cumulative Score (CS) that is at least equal to the # of STAAR EOC tests taken in each area and the scale score that indicates Satisfactory Performance  A student must achieve a Minimum Score for the score to count toward the CS  For RHSP, a student must meet CS AND meet Satisfactory Performance Standard on English III and Algebra II  For DAP, a student must meet CS AND meet College Readiness Performance Standard on English III and Algebra II  Student’s score on STAAR EOC will account for 15% of final grade  Implementation will be “challenging”  Districts not required to use student scores on subsequent administrations

Graduation and Grading

Special Education STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate Tests

Elementary/Middle Same as STAAR


Performance Standards, 15%, Cumulative Score

2013 Gr. 3‐8 EOCs  Eng I  Alg I  Bio  World Geo  Eng II  Geometry  World Hist

2014 Gr. 3‐8 EOCs  Eng I  Alg I  Bio  World Geo  Eng II  Geometry  World Hist  Eng III  US Hist

STAAR Modified  Satisfactory and Advanced   

English Language Learners (ELLs)

High School Courses/EOCs English Eng I Eng II Eng III

Math Alg I Geometry

STAAR Modified 2012 Gr. 3‐8 EOCs  Eng I  Alg I  Bio  World Geo Field Test  Eng II  Geometry

 Focus  Emphasis on Readiness Standards  Clarity  Current year’s content  Depth  Higher cognitive complexity level/match TEKS

High School Courses (EOCs) Math Science Soc Studies Alg I Biology World Geo Geometry Chemistry World History Alg II Physics U.S. History

Minimum and College‐Ready not necessary 15% “could” apply Cumulative Score not applicable

Science Soc Studies Biology World Geo World History U.S. History STAAR Alternate

2012 2013 2014 Gr. 3‐8 Gr. 3‐8 Gr. 3‐8 EOCs EOCs EOCs  Eng I  Eng I  Eng I  Alg I  Alg I  Alg I  Bio  Bio  Bio  World Geo  World Geo  World Geo  Eng II  Eng II  Eng II  Geometry  Geometry  Geometry  World Hist  World Hist  World Hist  Eng III  Eng III  Eng III  US Hist  US Hist  US Hist TAKS‐Alt discontinued beginning 2011‐2012

STAAR Alternate  Satisfactory and Advanced   

Minimum and College‐Ready not necessary 15% not applicable Cumulative Score not applicable

 Spanish versions of STAAR in Grades 3‐5 (Spring 2012)  Linguistically Accommodated STAAR (STAAR L) – available for most grades/subjects  Online test with linguistic accommodations/language assistance (clarification, audio)

 Require higher level of performance than TAKS  Increased rigor  Established first for Eng III and Alg II  Math and Reading  Linked to postsecondary readiness (Eng III and Alg II) rd  By grade level down to 3 grade  Validity Studies  E.g., NAEP, TIMSS, SAT, ACT, ACCUPLACER  Standards reviewed every 3 years  Student Progress Measures (by Fall 2012)  Phased in as data become available  May provide early warning indicator that students may not be ready for next grade/course  Some mandatory sampling for STAAR EOC assessments may be required in 2012  Necessary for legislative studies and to build test forms to allow for multiple administrations  Accelerated Instruction  Required for any student who fails to perform satisfactorily  Number of testing days (up to 45)  Annual Item Review  To ensure alignment with TEKS  Texas Assessment Management System (Data Portal)

 Substitutions for STAAR (e.g., AP, IB, SAT) will or may be developed  Students not REQUIRED to take STAAR EOCs  Will not be allowed to take Eng I, II or III  Will be required to take online version  A 1st time 9th grader in 2011‐12 who took high school courses BEFORE 2011‐12 will not be required to take STAAR EOCs for those courses  But he/she will be allowed to take STAAR EOC for such course in 2012 or after  Test result will count only if student’s score is above Satisfactory Performance Standard  STAAR Modified and Alternate only being developed for courses on the MHSP  STAAR Modified EOCs  Two test administrations (Fall and Spring)  Test Design  STAAR Modified (≈ 80% of STAAR)  Modified test questions  Similar proportions Readiness/Supporting  STAAR Alternate  Similar to TAKS‐Alt  Standardized tasks linked to EGL TEKS  Standard Setting  STAAR Modified  Summer 2012 (or summer after first admin)  STAAR Alternate  Fall 2012  New Commissioner’s Rule – Substitute Courses  Require local courses to align to TEKS for substituted course  Identify applicable STAAR Modified or Alternate test  Considerations  Narrow exemptions  Expand linguistic accommodations

HB 3 Transition – Accountability ( R e v i s e d 0 4 / 2 7 / 2 0 1 1 ) Topic Performance Indicators

Dropout, Graduation and Completion Rates

Student Groups

Ratings Labels

Distinction Designations

Overall Goal

Structure  Student performance on STAAR  % meeting Satisfactory Academic Performance Standard or Progress Standard  % meeting Advanced Academic Standard or Progress Standard  Dropout Rate  Grade levels/grade spans TBD  Definition TBD  High School Graduation Rates  Definition TBD  Additional Features  Required Improvement  Numerous models/options being considered  Three‐Year Average Performance  Performance on 85% of measures (optional)  Students NOT Considered “Dropouts” Beginning 2010‐11 (State Accountability Only)  Previous dropouts  Students not in membership (ADA code 0)  Students ordered by courts to GED programs but have not earned GED  Students incarcerated as adults and persons certified to stand trial as adults  Students initially enrolled in grades 7‐12 in US as unschooled refugees or asylees  Students detained in county detention facilities outside the students’ home districts  Dropout Rate Options  Annual or longitudinal  Graduation and Completion Rate Options  Who is evaluated/included?  Who is defined as a “Graduate” or “Completer”?  How long is cohort tracked (4, 5, 6, 7 years)?  Decisions to be made  Which Race/Ethnicity groups to include?  Other characteristics (e.g., SpEd, LEP)  Minimum size requirements (MSR)  Longitudinal group definitions  Membership in multiple groups or substantially similar groups  Number of groups evaluated (i.e., 3 largest groups that meet MSR)  Two possibilities  4 rating categories  Unacceptable  Acceptable  Recognized  Exemplary  2 rating categories (with additional distinction ratings)  Unacceptable  Acceptable  Campuses AND Districts  Recognized or Exemplary based on STAAR College‐Readiness Indicator (first assigned in 2014)  Campus Distinctions  Top 25% in annual improvement on STAAR  Top 25% in reducing performance gaps on STAAR  Academic achievement in ELA, Math, Science or Social Studies  Fine Arts  PE st  21 Century Workforce Development  Second language acquisition  By 2019‐20  Texas ranks in top ten among states in college readiness measures  % graduating college‐ready  % graduating with RHSP or DAP  There are no significant achievement gaps among student groups

Issues/Comments  Models being considered for Performance Indicators:  Separate Indicators (all or nothing)  Performance Levels Combined  Combine Satisfactory and College‐Ready  Subjects Combined  Combine subjects in a weighted index  Separately evaluate Completion Rate, Dropout Rate, ELL Progress  Performance Index  Combine all indicators in a weighted index  Longitudinal Assessment Measures?  Cumulative Performance  EOC Progress  Differences in State and Federal definitions

 First issued after 2012‐13 school year  Recognized, Exemplary, Distinction Designations first issued after 2013‐14 school year  Recognized, Exemplary, Distinction Designations are for meeting higher college‐ and career‐ready performance standards, rather than higher performance on the same indicators used for accountability ratings  Challenges/Issues  Definitions  Data collection  Timing  Applicability to all campus levels

 Intent: Design a NEW accountability system, not modify existing system  Challenges/Issues  Defining criteria for top ten status  Defining criteria for no significant achievement gaps  Incremental standards to apply to Unacceptable/Acceptable status  Inclusion of Modified and Alternate Assessments?  Inclusion of Assessments for ELLs

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