HB 3 Transition – Assessment ( R e v i s e d 0 4 / 2 7 / 2 0 1 1 ) Topic Grades/Subjects
Performance Standards
Structure Elementary/Middle Subj Grade Reading 3‐8 Math 3‐8 Writing 4, 7 Science 5, 8 Soc. Studies 8 Elementary/Middle When: Fall 2012 Performance Categories (02/07/2011): 1. Advanced Academic Performance Accomplished Academic
English Eng I Eng II Eng III
High School Courses/EOCs When: February 2012 Performance Categories (02/07/2011): 1. Advanced Academic Performance
Accomplished Academic Performance for STAAR Alternate Postsecondary Readiness for Eng. III & Alg. II
2. Satisfactory Academic Performance* 3. Unsatisfactory Academic Performance
Performance for STAAR Alternate
2. Satisfactory Academic Performance* 3. Unsatisfactory Academic Performance
* Anticipated to be phased in
* Anticipated to be phased in
Field Testing
Embedded in Operational Tests, except for: Field test EOCs (Eng II, Eng III, World History) in 2011 th th 7 Grade Writing (2011) and 4 Grade Writing every 3 years (2011, 2014 . . . )
Implementation Policies (TBD)
Testing Accommodations Time limit 4 hours (for Gr. 3‐8 and EOCs) No separate form for STAAR Make‐up testing Accommodated ALL grades/subjects (not just AYP) Standardized oral administration using Test Security online format? SSI in 2011‐12 Dyslexia Accommodations No retests Expanded to include Gr. 3‐8 Reading AND Eng I, Eng II, Eng III GPCs make promotion decisions EOC Administration Schedule using relevant academic End of Spring information (raw scores from End of Summer STAAR, classroom grades, etc.) End of Fall (beginning Fall 2012) Test Format Release of Test Items Gr. 3‐8 – paper only Sample items (Aug 2011) EOCs – paper and online (online only Full test forms (2014) for testers not required by State) To graduate, a student must achieve a Cumulative Score (CS) that is at least equal to the # of STAAR EOC tests taken in each area and the scale score that indicates Satisfactory Performance A student must achieve a Minimum Score for the score to count toward the CS For RHSP, a student must meet CS AND meet Satisfactory Performance Standard on English III and Algebra II For DAP, a student must meet CS AND meet College Readiness Performance Standard on English III and Algebra II Student’s score on STAAR EOC will account for 15% of final grade Implementation will be “challenging” Districts not required to use student scores on subsequent administrations
Graduation and Grading
Special Education STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate Tests
Elementary/Middle Same as STAAR
Performance Standards, 15%, Cumulative Score
2013 Gr. 3‐8 EOCs Eng I Alg I Bio World Geo Eng II Geometry World Hist
2014 Gr. 3‐8 EOCs Eng I Alg I Bio World Geo Eng II Geometry World Hist Eng III US Hist
STAAR Modified Satisfactory and Advanced
English Language Learners (ELLs)
High School Courses/EOCs English Eng I Eng II Eng III
Math Alg I Geometry
STAAR Modified 2012 Gr. 3‐8 EOCs Eng I Alg I Bio World Geo Field Test Eng II Geometry
Focus Emphasis on Readiness Standards Clarity Current year’s content Depth Higher cognitive complexity level/match TEKS
High School Courses (EOCs) Math Science Soc Studies Alg I Biology World Geo Geometry Chemistry World History Alg II Physics U.S. History
Minimum and College‐Ready not necessary 15% “could” apply Cumulative Score not applicable
Science Soc Studies Biology World Geo World History U.S. History STAAR Alternate
2012 2013 2014 Gr. 3‐8 Gr. 3‐8 Gr. 3‐8 EOCs EOCs EOCs Eng I Eng I Eng I Alg I Alg I Alg I Bio Bio Bio World Geo World Geo World Geo Eng II Eng II Eng II Geometry Geometry Geometry World Hist World Hist World Hist Eng III Eng III Eng III US Hist US Hist US Hist TAKS‐Alt discontinued beginning 2011‐2012
STAAR Alternate Satisfactory and Advanced
Minimum and College‐Ready not necessary 15% not applicable Cumulative Score not applicable
Spanish versions of STAAR in Grades 3‐5 (Spring 2012) Linguistically Accommodated STAAR (STAAR L) – available for most grades/subjects Online test with linguistic accommodations/language assistance (clarification, audio)
Require higher level of performance than TAKS Increased rigor Established first for Eng III and Alg II Math and Reading Linked to postsecondary readiness (Eng III and Alg II) rd By grade level down to 3 grade Validity Studies E.g., NAEP, TIMSS, SAT, ACT, ACCUPLACER Standards reviewed every 3 years Student Progress Measures (by Fall 2012) Phased in as data become available May provide early warning indicator that students may not be ready for next grade/course Some mandatory sampling for STAAR EOC assessments may be required in 2012 Necessary for legislative studies and to build test forms to allow for multiple administrations Accelerated Instruction Required for any student who fails to perform satisfactorily Number of testing days (up to 45) Annual Item Review To ensure alignment with TEKS Texas Assessment Management System (Data Portal)
Substitutions for STAAR (e.g., AP, IB, SAT) will or may be developed Students not REQUIRED to take STAAR EOCs Will not be allowed to take Eng I, II or III Will be required to take online version A 1st time 9th grader in 2011‐12 who took high school courses BEFORE 2011‐12 will not be required to take STAAR EOCs for those courses But he/she will be allowed to take STAAR EOC for such course in 2012 or after Test result will count only if student’s score is above Satisfactory Performance Standard STAAR Modified and Alternate only being developed for courses on the MHSP STAAR Modified EOCs Two test administrations (Fall and Spring) Test Design STAAR Modified (≈ 80% of STAAR) Modified test questions Similar proportions Readiness/Supporting STAAR Alternate Similar to TAKS‐Alt Standardized tasks linked to EGL TEKS Standard Setting STAAR Modified Summer 2012 (or summer after first admin) STAAR Alternate Fall 2012 New Commissioner’s Rule – Substitute Courses Require local courses to align to TEKS for substituted course Identify applicable STAAR Modified or Alternate test Considerations Narrow exemptions Expand linguistic accommodations
HB 3 Transition – Accountability ( R e v i s e d 0 4 / 2 7 / 2 0 1 1 ) Topic Performance Indicators
Dropout, Graduation and Completion Rates
Student Groups
Ratings Labels
Distinction Designations
Overall Goal
Structure Student performance on STAAR % meeting Satisfactory Academic Performance Standard or Progress Standard % meeting Advanced Academic Standard or Progress Standard Dropout Rate Grade levels/grade spans TBD Definition TBD High School Graduation Rates Definition TBD Additional Features Required Improvement Numerous models/options being considered Three‐Year Average Performance Performance on 85% of measures (optional) Students NOT Considered “Dropouts” Beginning 2010‐11 (State Accountability Only) Previous dropouts Students not in membership (ADA code 0) Students ordered by courts to GED programs but have not earned GED Students incarcerated as adults and persons certified to stand trial as adults Students initially enrolled in grades 7‐12 in US as unschooled refugees or asylees Students detained in county detention facilities outside the students’ home districts Dropout Rate Options Annual or longitudinal Graduation and Completion Rate Options Who is evaluated/included? Who is defined as a “Graduate” or “Completer”? How long is cohort tracked (4, 5, 6, 7 years)? Decisions to be made Which Race/Ethnicity groups to include? Other characteristics (e.g., SpEd, LEP) Minimum size requirements (MSR) Longitudinal group definitions Membership in multiple groups or substantially similar groups Number of groups evaluated (i.e., 3 largest groups that meet MSR) Two possibilities 4 rating categories Unacceptable Acceptable Recognized Exemplary 2 rating categories (with additional distinction ratings) Unacceptable Acceptable Campuses AND Districts Recognized or Exemplary based on STAAR College‐Readiness Indicator (first assigned in 2014) Campus Distinctions Top 25% in annual improvement on STAAR Top 25% in reducing performance gaps on STAAR Academic achievement in ELA, Math, Science or Social Studies Fine Arts PE st 21 Century Workforce Development Second language acquisition By 2019‐20 Texas ranks in top ten among states in college readiness measures % graduating college‐ready % graduating with RHSP or DAP There are no significant achievement gaps among student groups
Issues/Comments Models being considered for Performance Indicators: Separate Indicators (all or nothing) Performance Levels Combined Combine Satisfactory and College‐Ready Subjects Combined Combine subjects in a weighted index Separately evaluate Completion Rate, Dropout Rate, ELL Progress Performance Index Combine all indicators in a weighted index Longitudinal Assessment Measures? Cumulative Performance EOC Progress Differences in State and Federal definitions
First issued after 2012‐13 school year Recognized, Exemplary, Distinction Designations first issued after 2013‐14 school year Recognized, Exemplary, Distinction Designations are for meeting higher college‐ and career‐ready performance standards, rather than higher performance on the same indicators used for accountability ratings Challenges/Issues Definitions Data collection Timing Applicability to all campus levels
Intent: Design a NEW accountability system, not modify existing system Challenges/Issues Defining criteria for top ten status Defining criteria for no significant achievement gaps Incremental standards to apply to Unacceptable/Acceptable status Inclusion of Modified and Alternate Assessments? Inclusion of Assessments for ELLs