Glendale, Town of

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I r'' for r.cord Drc A 1915.t 4:10 P.Ir

C.thcltn6 B.lrC!t.r of D..ds.

Strtc of E.n!l!r SeLlnr CourtJr, 88: II HEUDIBERED, fh.t E nry Eoulc .nal Zcllr Bcrscr bl! vl,f!, rrG th. of,mr! e,nd proprlctorr of th. folralng dcrcrlbcd L..dr, tarlt: ooanonotng rt, thr llortbcrct fITB) oornar a! gaotlon lurr b'r ft.nty ctg}rt f2E) ln tdnlhlp ltulbcn fht!t..n r1r), toutb of nrng. pl,vo (S), of thc Slrth f6) PJ. ln S.llnc Countyr Brr1;.ri Irlt 11111 h}rilrcd lmty f!pO) fc.t; thrna. South Strt..r Eundrcd Ihtrty fout (Ifr4) f.Gt; BE

in.!t, ttln br!d!.d nltrrty tgI/ol ?ooti th.hor tfortb, llrtc.n hlndrcd thlrty our f f6r+) fc.t, t,. t,..r pr*or of Dcglnnlng, .roGpt tb. ltght of nJr ro! tb!


tnr trolth.rn RdLr.rd Corprnyr tbrough !*1d. Ir,ndc. Ard crld Ernry Eouac and zc1r. Eourc'hk rlfa, do harGby furtb." rtlfr that thry brv. our.d to bo rcdc out rn r.eir!.t. r.I, .Dd prrt of tb. t6rlb.d r.ndr lnto Blookrr rJotr, StrG6tr .nd. al}rlr! eril oth.r tr..ts o? lrtrd ttra 1rrr. rora pertlcul8rly rppclrr oa reld plrt, rltob s3id pLf, !o !Dd. out h.rrto tttrohcil s,nd lld. l pert,t of thlr c.ltlfLort.,

M,,rt glld Hrn::y Eouac rnd zru. E".,"o, bl.! rlfc, do h.r.Dy c.rtlfy h.t tbcy do hcraby lntcrrd to !.kc !&1al tn.ot of Lard Lnto r torn r1tc, rnd tEoh torn lhrlr br ilcalgnrtrd ar th! tour ol oL.adr]r, srllnr ccrrntlr, f,r,ru*a. prrt hcrcto rttarbcd r! rfor.arld, th.rotr er'. p"rtloular]Jr lnd thet on ".r.d l8n.tod Grd th. lndloetlOn thclr Lcngth ead rldth rI:. Erlk d o[ p}rt .rrrl thrt thr rtdth of th. atrcct! rrul .Llcy! ir rrso rrrtrd t r flgnlr! llld p:I..t; r*t thrt thc otb.! tD.ctr of rrEd 60 pr3ttrd .r rforala1d, Dava lso nutcd thorcon the ).cngth.nd rrdth of cedh of s.r.d tr.rot of r.ld lrnalr,

tbrt thr lota sd bl.ookr rrc propcr\r dr.lgnttrd w thcue rcaprctlvc nrntl figu.rcr er lheua oD rslal Dlrt. And srld Eonry Eourc rrtd Zr11r Eerrrc, bl! rlf., da b.rrby fiEth.r c:rtlfy tbrt thr rtgbt .f r.r of thr !rld. rh. sr1ln f,ortbcrrr^ c@p.ny tnbrfom r.fcrr.d to, rlth th. oouri!., dlstlllcr .,1



!rd.t_b.of thl-rt.'.,

tr ln flgu]!r! o!' iald- D]rt. rf ;rrrEsei lnEtrEoF rr k yr hrr@rto rrt Gr rard6 ttrtr atu d{y of'


rb.r, t"D.


I9L5. Ecnry Eoura

Zc}].. Eour! AIE




II RBli;iiri"itLL I.b.t en tuie tjtit d.y of Iir 1915, b..?orc r. Lca Y1l11..,!rdr, r Xot.ry putllo tn.nat fo! BE

llna Cdety, K"ntst, a.ila E n4r flouac rnd Z.1L Eoura, hfu rlf., erd pc to parlon l1y lo,srn to br thr s3,[c p.!ron! rhc .rQoutad tiba aDoya rlrd for]lfrg liltrur.ut l,l rtllttg .nd th.n duly r.knilLdt d th. .t.cutt6 0f tbr tur, the u6r. .rd lEqpor.t tberrtl rrllralrcdj


IX fITf,ESS IflERE0F I.h.t.

d.y rnd ya.! lrlt al{oterl.I s..I.)


h.!.unto rctuy brad .Dd .f!lr.d ry ot?tcl.l.crl

Ettt.n, .





Iy o.onlrrl,.a .tPt!.. ltr. Ir l9U.

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:3fitl 35NuH3 rlsEf,

: rE+oa *rap[H1 : Ernff +urrout, aEPd +sJ satdoS


!01 piuJn{afl iie\fr{HHs 11J1569 : aar(e4

EEAE{ Hd te:ti:rr IIge rffi

g ldrarag




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