Making Band School of Rock Chapel Hill provides a sense of community and a place for kids and teens to hone their music skills
T H e
By E r i n S u l l ivan | P h otog rap hy by Bet h M an n
t ABOVE Anoush Mudaliar (on keys, far left), 16, Romy Falek, 13, Josh Secord, 14, and Izzie Bannister, 16. RIGHT Bella Jackson-Ruybal, 13, Sam Snider, 13, Kevin Cowan, 16, Sydney Helbert, 11, and Caleb Lackey, 15. 34
January/February 2020
he crowd at The Pittsboro Roadhouse dances as Izzie Bannister, 16, nails the high notes in Heart’s “Barracuda,” part of a rousing hourlong set of rock classics performed by the School of Rock Chapel Hill’s House Band. The band, which opened for Liquid Pleasure on the Friday after Thanksgiving, consists of 19 talented guitarists, drummers, bassists, keyboardists and vocalists ranging in age from 11 to 16. Each auditioned to earn their spot in the group. The House Band wraps up with The Allman Brothers Band’s “Whipping Post” and is met with cheers and applause while David Joseph, owner and general manager of the school, takes the stage. “Thank you all so much for coming out!” he says. David moved to Chapel Hill with his wife, Sally, and their son, Chris, in 1999; daughter Evie was born at