3 minute read
Moving Checklist
A little organization goes a long way toward easing the monumental task of relocation. While every move is unique, this checklist should help make it efficient and trouble-free.
Arrange for a moving company agent to visit your home and give an estimate of moving costs. Check insurance coverage, packing and unpacking labor costs, travel time for the load, and method and timing of payment. Finalize arrangements with the moving company, or make reservations if you’re renting a truck. If an employer helps pay moving expenses, confirm what preparations are your responsibility. Inventory your household goods.
Make a list of items to be moved and those to be discarded, sold or given away. Be sure important papers (documents for loan applications, insurance policies, etc.) are easily accessible. Washington is a community-property state, so it is advisable to consult an attorney regarding personal documents such as wills. Notify the post office of your moving date and new address. Mail changeof-address cards. Notify newspapers, creditors, insurance companies, attorneys, accountants, health care providers, etc. about your intended move. Close/clear up outstanding accounts. Notify schools. Collect transcripts, immunization records, and birth certificates or arrange for them to be sent to the new school district. Notify police if your new home will be vacant for any length of time before you move in.
Contact moving company to confirm moving date(s). Transfer insurance coverages to include possessions at new home and en route. Advise utility companies of shut-off date and new address for billing. Have utilities turned on at new location. Transfer bank accounts and request credit references to be sent to your new bank. Order checks with your new address. Transfer contents of safe-deposit box(es) to new bank. Cancel any deliveries (papers, etc.). Begin packing items not needed until you move into the new home.
Pack those items you plan to move yourself. Make/confirm travel arrangements for family members (and pets!). Service your car, especially if traveling a long distance.
Clean appliances for shipping; remove television antenna if necessary. Arrange for all utility meters to be read prior to your move and for payment of any refunds due to you. Put appliance warranties and instructions in a kitchen cupboard for new tenants.
Drain power tools of fuel. Label paint cans that you’re leaving for new tenants. Remove curtains, drapes and other fixtures that you are taking. Buy travelers checks for funds while en route. Pack lightweight clothing in dresser drawers for ease in moving and unpacking on arrival.
Arrange to spend the next night in a motel. Give friends/relatives your schedule and expected arrival time. Defrost refrigerator/freezer. Check all cabinets, closets and crawl spaces as well as the attic and basement for overlooked items. Select items needed for immediate housekeeping, food preparation and personal use at new home. Pack all in one box and label accordingly.
Confirm arrival time with moving company. Check destination directions. Accompany movers through the house as they tag furniture. You should mark each piece with room location in new house. Specify what is to be moved and what stays. Sign and keep a copy of the bill of loading (freight bill) from the operator. Put it in a safe place for future reference. Double-check closets, drawers, shelves, etc., to be sure they’re empty. Turn off lights, close and lock windows and doors. Leave keys needed by new tenant with real estate agent. Leave the house only after the moving truck has departed.
Check circuit breakers or fuse box and all other utilities to be sure everything is on. Check belongings (furniture, etc.) for damage immediately after arrival, preferably while movers are still there.
Report any damaged or missing items to the movers.