Paleo diet (1)

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By Liz Swann Miller What It Is, What It Isn’t, and Why This New Trending Diet Might Not Be All It’s Cracked Up to Be

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


Table of Contents A Brief Intro to the Paleo Diet ���������������������������������������������������������������� 3 The Paleo Diet at A Glance �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4

What Is the Paleo Diet About? �������������������������������������������������������������� 5 What’s Wrong with the “Paleo Picture”? ��������������������������������������������������������� 6

Variations of the Paleo Diet �������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 What Does & Doesn’t Count as Paleo? ������������������������������������������������ 8 What You Can Eat ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 What You Can’t Eat ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 A Quick Tip on Shopping ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10

What Are the Benefits of the Paleo Diet? ����������������������������������������� 11 What Are the Downsides of Paleo? ���������������������������������������������������� 13 Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet ������������������������������������������������������������� 14 The Final Verdict on the Paleo Diet ��������������������������������������������������� 15 Get Smarter About Your Weight Loss ������������������������������������������������ 16

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


A Brief Intro to the Paleo Diet One of the hottest new diets today is the Paleo Diet – a meal plan and a way of living that lets you kick carbs to the curb, indulge in protein-packed meats, and tap into your inner caveman (or cavewoman). In exchange for sticking with this diet, advocates of going Paleo claim that your body will become fitter, healthier, and more disease-resistant than ever before. However, experts still aren’t convinced that the health benefits of this diet live up to the hype. And when it comes to weight loss, Paleo just doesn’t seem to compare to other faster alternatives. In this detailed look at going Paleo, you’re going to learn everything there is to know about this trending new diet. From what is and isn’t allowed on this interesting dietary regimen all the way down to the health impacts, weight loss effectiveness, and “history” – this guide will cover it all. And finally, we’ll also take a closer look at a quicker, healthier, and smarter program that blows Paleo out of the water when it comes to shedding pounds fast – and you don’t even have to eat like a cave dweller along the way.

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


The Paleo Diet at A Glance There are thousands of diets out there today. And if you’re like everyone else, it can be tricky and at times overwhelming trying to figure out which is which. The table below points out the most vital info to remember about Paleo to make finding the right diet for you just a little easier. Pros A cleaner diet w/ fewer preservatives Higher satiety (feeling full) Proven weight loss in some cases Cons Tough to stick to Can be quite expensive May not provide essential nutrients Not ideal for athletes/with exercise

Health Impacts • S ome studies have shown Paleo may be helpful in reducing bad cholesterol and triglycerides found in the blood • B arring entire food groups like grains and dairies eliminates health benefits of these types of foods which may include better cardiovascular health • A higher meat intake has been proven to lead to certain types of cancer and disease • C an significantly reduce the risk of developing certain conditions, mostly involving obesity

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


What Is the Paleo Diet About? The Paleo Diet is built on the notion that our bodies are still just as effective at processing different foods as they were back when we were just cavemen in the Paleolithic Era tens of thousands of years ago. Back then, the hunter-gatherer societies survived on a diet of unprocessed and unadulterated fruits, vegetables, and meats. In the last few millennia, however, our diet has changed pretty dramatically. Most of our meals today have countless preservatives, numerous multi-syllabic artificial ingredients, and are grown, bred, and prepared on a global industrial scale. And it’s this radical change in diet that many Paleo proponents claim is leading to the development of diseases like: • • • • • • • •

Cancer Obesity Autoimmune diseases Depression Infertility Diabetes Heart disease Alzheimer’s According to Paleo enthusiasts, we can eliminate these diseases by adopting an ancient diet since our bodies today just aren’t equipped to handle most modern foods properly. Consequently, the Paleo Diet is primarily driven by a need to remove foods and drinks that weren’t available to our cave-dwelling relatives. That means no grains, dairy, beans, or legumes and also no foods with any refined sugars, vegetable oils, or table salt. Refined, hydrogenated, and processed foods should be dropped entirely as well.

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


What’s Wrong with the “Paleo Picture”? While the idea behind this diet is certainly an attractive one, Paleo proponents are unfortunately looking at our ancient ancestors through rose-colored glasses. It’s certainly tempting to think of our cavemen ancestors as being beacons of health and fitness. However, research indicates that the humans that roamed the lands during the Paleolithic Era may not have been quite as healthy as many people think. A recent study actually took a look at ancient mummies from around the world and found that cholesterol and fat clogged arteries (a supposedly modern disease) was quite common in their hunter-gatherer societies. Added to that is the fact that the overwhelming majority of humans during this time didn't make it too far past the age of 40. Not succumbing to heart disease or cancer, then, may have been due to a shorter lifespan rather than a healthier diet. And finally, both the plant- and animal-based foods our Paleolithic ancestors consumed are far different than their modern counterparts. Fruits, veggies, and meat, in particular, have all undergone significant changes due to the domestication of livestock and agriculture. In the end, the foundation of the Paleo Diet is a bit flimsier than most people know.

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


Variations of the Paleo Diet One benefit of the Paleo Diet is the fact that there are many different varieties. As such, it might be easier for people with specific goals or sensitivities to incorporate a Paleofocused meal plan into their lives than other diets. Some of the most popular variations include: • 8 0/20 Paleo – What some call “starter Paleo,” an 80/20 Paleo Diet consists of 80% Paleo-friendly foods and 20% non-Paleo foods. Many people start with this version as a way to ease into the diet and then move on to a stricter version later. • B asic Paleo – Your standard Paleo plan, Basic Paleo sticks to the core tenets of the diet: no grains, dairies, refined sugars, or processed foods of any kind. • K eto Paleo – This variation combines Paleo with what’s known as the Ketogenic Diet which focuses on limiting carbs as much as possible. Connecting the two means you end up getting the benefits (and drawbacks) of both at the same time. • V egan Paleo – As the name suggests, this type of diet incorporates vegan principles into the meal plan. Plant-based proteins, nutrients, and fats are at the core of this diet as veganism bars any use or consumption of any animal products whatsoever. • A utoimmune Paleo – Some people on the Paleo Diet have the goal of reducing the risk or severity of autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease, arthritis, or irritable bowel syndrome. This variation cuts potatoes, peppers, seeds, nuts, and eggs to reduce these autoimmune responses. • P rimal Paleo – Primal Paleo builds off of the core Basic Paleo Diet but includes raw and fermented dairy products, fermented soy products, and occasional legumes and beans.

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


What Does & Doesn’t Count as Paleo? The Paleo Diet is often cited as being especially tough to stick with over time. And part of that might be because this dietary regimen is notoriously restrictive regarding which foods are okay and which are off the table for good. That’s why if you are 100% dedicated to going Paleo (or you’re just looking for reasons not to hop on this bandwagon) then it pays to know what kinds of foods you can and cannot eat. The list below will get you started in the right direction. But remember, it isn’t meant to be completely comprehensive. Plenty of other types of food fit into the diet and, of course, at least just as many don’t.

What You Can Eat Meats • Chicken • Beef • Veal • Bison • Goose • Duck

• Turkey • Pork • Boar • Lamb • Goat • Bass

• Prawns • Salmon • Crawfish • Abalone • Tuna • Crab

• Scallops • Snapper • Herring

• Garlic • Beets • Eggplant • Squashes • Carrots

• Parsnips • Sweet potatoes • Radish • Cabbage • Kale

• Spinach • Collard greens • Seaweed

Veggies • Bell peppers • Broccoli • Cauliflower • Artichoke • Onions

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


Fruits • Avocado • Grapes • Tomatoes • Cantaloupe

• Apples • Coconuts • Lemons • Limes

• Strawberries • Blueberries • Apricots • Peaches

• Mango • Banana • Plantains • Oranges

• Pine nuts • Pecans

• Walnuts • Hazelnuts

• Macadamia nuts • Cashew

• Lard • Tallow

• Ghee • Flaxseed oil

• Coconut oil • Olive oil

Seeds & Nuts • Almonds • Pumpkin seeds

Fats • Avocado oil • Walnut oil

Sweeteners • Raw honey • Raw, unprocessed stevia leaves or powder

• Chicory root fiber • Lo Han Guo

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


What You Can’t Eat • Soft drinks • Candy • Pastries • Breads • Pasta • Beans • Lentils • Milk • Butter

• Cheese • Vegetable oil • Hydrogenated oils (like margarine) • Ice cream • Refined sugar • “Diet” or “low-fat” foods • Cereals

• Peanuts • Potatoes • Coffee • Alcohol • Yogurt • Corn • Oats • Energy drinks • Processed meats

• Potato chips • Processed salad dressings and condiments • Soy • Tofu

A Quick Tip on Shopping As you can see, there are quite a few foods you can’t eat on the Paleo Diet. Starchy vegetables, certain oils, and grains and dairies as a whole are simply off the table on this meal plan. But what makes Paleo even harder to stick to is the fact that processed foods and artificial ingredients are a big no-no. And when you look on the back of nearly any boxed food in the supermarket, you’re going to see a lot of unnatural-sounding words (like butylated hydroxyanisole), making that meal off limits. That’s why if you’re going to make it on Paleo, you simply must plan your shopping ahead of time. Get your meals lined up for the week before heading to the store. Know which foods are fair game and which are off limits with a bit of at-home research. Get used to spending the majority of your time in the produce section and at the meat counter. With a bit of practice and some planning, you may be able to stick with this diet longer than you expect. The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


What Are the Benefits of the Paleo Diet? When followed to a T, the Paleo Diet can actually provide a couple of core benefits including reduced risk of certain diseases, a “cleaner” diet overall, more fullness throughout the day, and a potential influx of certain vitamins and nutrients. Let’s first take a look at disease prevention. For some people, going Paleo is all about having a healthier immune system that’s better able to fight off maladies like cancer and heart disease. And while the research is still out on whether the types of foods eaten during Paleo are that beneficial, researchers are confident that the weight loss associated with this diet (more on that later) can help prevent obesity-related disorders including: • Heart disease • High blood pressure • Diabetes • Gallbladder disease and gallstones • Osteoarthritis • Breathing problems It’s worth repeating, though, that the benefit of Paleo here is strictly related to how weight loss alone can prevent such diseases. The actual impact that the Paleo Diet’s foods have on disease prevention is still up for debate. Another benefit, though, is that going Paleo means you’re cutting out a substantial number of food additives, preservatives, and other potentially dangerous compounds. In many cases, the majority of these compounds are safe to consume in moderate amounts (despite their intimidatingly complex names). However, consuming unhealthy levels of these compounds or some that have been deemed dangerous may increase the risk of certain kinds of cancers according to the American Cancer Society. And by cutting these out of your diet entirely with Paleo, you may be reducing those risks. The Paleo Diet might also end up making you fuller throughout the day due to the higher amount of proteins, fiber, and fats. One study even found that people on Paleo felt fuller than those on the highly-regarded Mediterranean diets. This effect will, of course, vary from person to person but it stands to reason that the less hungry you are, the lower your risk of slipping up and indulging in a cheat snack will be. And finally, Paleo may end up providing higher levels of certain types of vitamins and minerals which can contribute to healthier cholesterol and lower triglycerides. If you’re The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


moving from a junk food diet with little to no nutrition, adopting a meal regimen full of vegetables, fruits, and lean meats is going to flood your system with the dietary nourishment that you’ve been missing out on for a long time. And that can all add up to better overall health in the long run – even if it is just from fitting in more healthy foods into your meals.

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


What Are the Downsides of Paleo? Despite the benefits listed above, there are a couple of glaring problems with the Paleo Diet – some of which may make this diet a flop for certain people. The first problem with Paleo is the fact that the overwhelming majority of its health claims are exaggerated, unproven, or downright made up. While it certainly appeals to a kind of logic where getting back to a simpler time is held in higher regard than progress, the truth is our Paleolithic ancestors weren’t much healthier than we are today. What’s more, they may have even suffered from some of the very same supposed “diseases of civilization” that we struggle with. It follows, then, that our diet alone isn’t necessarily the only thing responsible here. And when you add in the fact that Paleo just doesn’t have the scientific research to back up its claims (see Scientific American’s How to Really Eat Like a Hunter-Gatherer: Why the Paleo Diet Is Half-Baked), it seems like Paleo’s health benefits are built on shaky ground. But what about the diet itself? What kinds of problems can you expect to encounter if you do decide to go Paleo? Well, there are a few. • Expenses – Although our caveman ancestors probably weren’t too worried about their finances, you might be after a few weeks of going Paleo. After all, the deli counter and the produce section are often the priciest sections of the supermarket and you’ll be spending quite a bit of time there with Paleo. • Difficult to Stick to – Despite the enormous number of cookbooks and websites, some people on Paleo may feel like they don’t know what to eat. That’s because entire categories of foods (grain and dairy) are off limits. And as with most diets, if you bar such vast swathes of foods, it can be especially tough to stay true to the guidelines. • May Cause Nutritional Deficiencies – While our Paleolithic ancestors may not have had the stomach for dairy or grains in their days, humans have come a long way in 30,000 years. And without these two categories of foods, you may be missing out on vitamin B2, calcium, and vitamin D – all of which are essential for optimum health. These deficiencies could end up causing disorders like osteoporosis or even rickets. • Can Be Tough with Exercise – Carbohydrates are great storehouses for energy. And when you’re hitting the gym or engaging in cardio, carbs are usually where your power is coming from. When you cut out grains entirely as with Paleo though, it can be much tougher to get the most out of your workouts and build muscle correctly. As a result, athletes and individuals who want to pack on muscle mass probably shouldn’t try committing to Paleo. The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet As you can see, going Paleo is likely going to end up being a bit harder than you may have imagined. But what about the weight loss associated with it? Are all of these problems balanced out by an incredibly slim and sexy waistline in just a few weeks? Well… not quite. Studies have shown that Paleo does, in fact, lead to weight loss in some people who fully commit to the diet. But in most cases, that weight loss takes a bit of time to start to show. One study from the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that obese patients on the Paleo Diet lost on average around 14 pounds over a six month period. Another 2015 study from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that a 60-day Paleo Diet resulted in an average weight loss of around 9 pounds in 76 individuals. Two other studies have shown weight loss effects, but the experiment designs themselves were a bit questionable in that neither had a control group (which is an essential part of a sound scientific method). The first study showed weight loss at around 5lbs over the course of 3 weeks while the second study showed almost 10lbs over 5 weeks. In the end, weight loss is possible on the Paleo Diet – over time. But to put it bluntly, it isn’t much better than any other diet out there.

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


The Final Verdict on the Paleo Diet There’s no doubt that the Paleo Diet sounds appealing. At first glance, it is tempting to think of our caveman ancestors as living fitter, healthier lives. But the truth of the matter is that a lot of the guesswork that Paleo’s foundation is built on doesn’t quite stand up to scrutiny. And while it certainly does offer some benefits like eating fewer preservatives and additives, providing more chances to give your body essential nutrients, and offering possible health effects like lower risks of obesity-related diseases, the detriments of Paleo might outweigh these upsides. An unusually restrictive diet, wallet-busting ingredient costs, and nutritional deficiencies are some of the worst offenders here. Beyond that, Paleo has been proven to drop pounds over time. And if you do actually stick with it in the long-term, you’ll undoubtedly start seeing results. But given just how easy this diet makes it to slip up and how long it takes for substantial weight loss to kick in, you’re probably better off finding a more accessible alternative. Ultimately, Paleo is just another fad diet with sub-par results. Luckily, though, there are faster, healthier, and smarter ways to trim up your waistline and lose belly fat much quicker. So don’t lose hope just yet!

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


Get Smarter About Your Weight Loss Paleo is lacking, that much is clear. But there are far better options out there when it comes to melting pounds fast, maintaining and even building muscle, and feeling more energized throughout the day – all at the same time. That’s where The Fat Decimator System comes in. Whether it’s Paleo, Keto, Raw, or any other diet of the week, there’s one thing that all these trending fads have in common: they don’t stand up to science. They may be built on interesting and sometimes outlandish theories, sure. But when it comes down to it, the only thing that’s impressive about them is their marketing appeal. The Fat Decimator System, on the other hand, was developed from examining over 500 medical studies, dozens of diet books and diet systems, program, gadgets, pills, and potions. Where these other diets fall short when it comes to science, then, this revolutionary program really shines. And when you consider just how quickly it can help you shed pounds around your waistline, improve your muscle tone, and give you the lean, trim body you’ve always wanted, there’s no question that The Fat Decimator System is the best program available today. Trust me; I’ve seen the results myself. So, what can it do for you? • It can help you lose as much as 41lbs in just 3 weeks (like past user Sharon Monroe did) rather than 14lbs over six months. • It incorporates nutrient- and fiber-rich meals – the best parts of the Paleo Diet. • It shows you how to pack on lean muscle without packing on the pounds. • It lets you eat the foods you crave – even ones the cavemen didn’t have! • It can help you feel healthier, energized, and more confident than ever before. The secret of this proven program involves tapping into one little-known biological process that’s making it impossible for many people to lose weight. By showing you exactly how you can overcome and take advantage of this chemical reaction, The Fat Decimator System helps you supercharge your weight loss so you can melt pounds away in half the time.

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet


The technical details are a bit outside the scope of this book, but luckily, there’s an entire documentary that dives deep into how The Fat Decimator System works on a cellular level. And trust me, once you see how easy dropping pounds can really be, you’ll wonder how you ever missed it in the first place. The video also shows you just how marine Sergeant Kyle Cooper got his hands on this no-fluff program (while on the hunt for Osama Bin Laden no less!) and how he’s used it to literally save the lives of thousands of people just like you. Go watch the video here today. I guarantee you won’t regret it. In the end, The Fat Decimator System is without a doubt the quickest, healthiest, and smartest way to get fit fast – without all the hassle of a painful diet. So, put aside the Paleo and start decimating your fat today.

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet












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