These products will not only work wonders in cleaning your space but will also leave your environment safe as they don’t pollute it by any means. Baking soda is a deodorizer that occurs naturally and which you can use for your cleaning. Simply sprinkle small quantities of soda on drains, kitchen counters, and bathtubs.
You can also mix baking soda with small amounts of water and use the paste formed for scrubbing your surfaces. For oven cleaning, sprinkle small amounts of baking powder into your oven and sprinkle some water on it and leave it that way overnight. Vinegar has been in use as cleaning agents since time immemorial for cleaning windows, counters, and mirrors.
You can also mix vinegar with castile soap together with water for cleaning your bathroom and floor. Vinegar can also be used to clean grease stains. Lemmon juice work similar way to vinegar but specifically you can use it to remove water hardness and tarnishes that form on silver utensils. Stubborn stains especially food stains may effectively be removed by hydrogen peroxide. It is also used to disinfect toothbrushes and cutting boards.
Other all natural cleaning products Coarse salt is less often used as cleaning agents though it is a very effective for cleaning surfaces especially when mixed with vinegar and water to for a scrubbing paste. To freshen upholstery, use natural vodka as it is an effective disinfectant. There only a few couple of people who know that essential oils can be used as cleaning agents.
To use it, mix a few drops of it with natural antiseptic cleaners and water. An example of an effective essential oil that can be used for cleaning is that from tee tree. It is very effective in removing mildew and molds. Use citrus solvents to clean grease stains and paint brushes. However take caution because it may have an irritation effect on your eyes skin and lung though not to everyone. For cleaning rugs and carpets, polish furniture and windows use cornstarch.
How to clean your house naturally Natural products will guarantee that your house is tidy and smell good but you may find out that even after using natural products your house still smells awful. These may be the reasons for your predicament. Probably you did your cleaning from bottom to top. If this was the case, be sure that dirt will fall from the wall to the floor.
Cleaning may be one hectic activity especially if you are to do some sort of a general cleaning. It is advisable that you break your cleaning tasks into small manageable pieces. For example you can first do the dishes, followed by the walls and windows and then furniture and finalize by cleaning the floor. Use different natural products to clean different parts of your house.
Some problems that we find while cleaning may be solved if we put our house in order. For example, get a shoe rack for your shoes, and a file cabinet for storing your mails. Cleaning is on-going process hence some cleaning schedule should be in place always. All cleaning activities should be included in the schedule. For example, set the time for doing dishes, bathrooms, kitchen, filing mails, dusting, vacuuming etc. Finally have fun while cleaning and remember cleanliness is second to Godliness!
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