1 minute read
Policy suggestions
from MUNDUS URBANO INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on "Developing sustainable food systems to achieve zero hunger"
#4 Changing perception
Employing direct innovative communication tools
Reaching out to the youth to change the field's misconceptions, e.g., (Agriculture is Uncool, Antiquated, unprofitable, etc.). By being active about sharing information on social media platforms and other digital modes of communication. It will also help in the post Covid-19 recovery process. Community, Government, educational institutes, and NGOs
#5 Investment in Green jobs
Promote sustainable green Agriculture and jobs
Involved youth in green agriculture and jobs practices by providing incentives and forging PPPs. It will boost various sector economies, including agriculture, forestry, and fisheries (FAO, 2010). It will promote change to shift to a green economy across the supply chain and generate new ecotourism, bio food, and service production opportunities. Inturn will provide opportunities for cross border cooperation (e.g., Kenya, Uganda, Zanzibar, and Tanzania )