Rich Auntie Christmas Shopping Guide 2021
Red trench coat Red is our favorite color Divas! Before you head out, throw her own, she’ll keep you warm and dry… Oh and she’s Dope too
Passport/ vaccination holder 2022, we are coming for ALL of our travels. We are passport and vaccination card ready
Silver heart bracelet Wrist candy for all Rich Aunties are vital
Photo Tripod Traveling solo and need those pictures? Throw this in your bag and go
Personalized tote bag Throw it in the bag… your personalized bag sis
Silver moissanite earrings Oh, don’t forget the ear bling
Chai Tea Yumminess in a cup sis. All of your sister friends deserve some too
Tory Eleanor purse Classic, elegant and multipurpose, she belongs on your Christmas wish list
Gucci sunglasses No matter the season, sunglasses can never fail you, especially Gucci
Fluffy slippers Luxurious enough for home and compact enough to throw in your carry on for long flights
Plaid scarf Not only for neck coverage but for style, Dope Rich Auntie style! You probably need all the colors