Design Segment
Design Segment
Instructor: Susannah Cramer-Greenbaum
Tectonic Strategies
Project 0 Boston, MA
Studio Goals
Tectonic Abstraction
Understand how a constructive assembly expresses a tectonic idea
The primary interpretation of my chosen tectonic system
The element of “linking” is introduced in the first model iterations. Inspiration is drawn from the dynamic spaces formed between each “link”, through moments created by implied torque and spacial transferrance.
Understand how to define, through abstraction, a relationship between elements in an assembly Understand how to explore a tectonic strategy, develop organizational logic, and apply it as a design strategy
Collage Models
Models derived from the interprative collages
The convergance of flat planes and segmented cantilevers defines this model. A layering effect is created by the extruded massing, and its adjoining relationships are created by crucial, connective members.
PROGRAM BRIEF The study of tectonic systems begins with the analysis and interpretation of an ambiguous component. By elaborating on the features of which define this assembly, a series of models is constructed and reinterpreted until a consistant tectonic theme can be identified. The influence of differing scales and component relationships is to be considered, as well as an elaboration on this tectonic system’s unifying characteristics.
Abstracting the idea of torque and spacial reconstruction further, this model features flat planes that can be shifted by tangential forces. Enclosed surfaces open up to redefine the system framework.
Design Segment
Design Segment
Separating Links
Linking Joints A simple, flat plane can be made to adhere to a multitude of constructive forms through its capacity to change. These potential changes can be defined by the action of:
The models now develop into a system of similar components defined by their unique correspondances. The shifting of components helps to create a temporal effect of distance and depth.
Joining Links In consideration of the human scale, the function of these links can be used to reinterpret a wide application of connective components. This model emphasizes the compartmentalized potential of an openly fitting connector. As a this structure can be segmented and extended in multiple directions, the potential of its versatility begins to surface...
Folding/Unfolding Opening/Closing Intersecting Overlapping Locking Bending Weaving
Design Segment
Adaptive Hierarchy Horizontal planes meet vertical planes to form set boundaries. Angled planes are defined by the limitations of these boundaries. Portrusions are created where these angled planes converge. Interior and exterior spaces are redefined by the constant shifting of new planes. Connector pieces can now be formed by using the same rules.
Potential Exponential A series of unique spacial moments can be designed by manipulating the connections that define the solid massing and collective voids.
Design Segment In the B-2 first tectonic analysis, it was discovered that subtle changes in form can result in an the exponential strengthening of a system’s framework over time When a linking and pivoting system is extended into a period of repeating elements, other variations can be exploited. Much like a mathematical algorithm meant to include changing variables, a tectonic system with adaptability can produce many iterations of an important, core theme.
Design Segment
Instructor: Susannah Cramer-Greenbaum
Apparatus on a Slope
Project 1 Boston, MA
PROGRAM BRIEF Having created an apparatus out of the model iterations from Project 0, a site context starts to take form as the program changes from an interpretive absraction to a literal subject matter. Through the mapping of Boston’s Arnold Arboretum, a deeper analysis can be drawn, and the apparatus redefined as a naturalistic refuge within an urban core. Considerations of component relationships help transform the apparatus into its intended use as a pavilion meant to accomodate urban site conditions, circulation, and adjacencies.
Design Segment
Linking to the Site Analysis of the chosen site (Site 2) dictates an open, recessed area to define the apparatus as a linked core. Explorations of exterior systems mimic the openness of tree canopies and leaf structures so that the apparatus may be programmed around transparent views and organic axis points.
Connective Form The use of an interwoven structural system allows transparencies within and beyond the site to open up at different elevations. A large zone of activity is is suspended within the confines of a bridged gap.
The pavilion is created by an overlapping of tightly angled forms over an exposed space. Circulation through the site is oriented through a core access passage, while its skewed layout allows for a fluidity into the site from many orientations.
Design Segment
In this
Design Segment
exploration, the idea of letting a space become morphed by its system components is furthered by observing the context of an exposed, sloped site topography. By using the tectonic system as a framework for development, the urban envelope around the site can be made to reflect notions of openness and collectiveness. Applying a human scale results in the opening up the core so that the system itself can be made to feel protective of its inhabitants.
Design Segment
Instructor: Susannah Cramer-Greenbaum
Urban Cultural Center The monumental nature of this site, as a historical gateway into Chinatown, is reflected on the Cultural Center’s proposed building program as a space for travelers to converge through multiple axii. Following the precedents set in the first two projects, the building envelope will act to reveal the links between Chinatown and its adjacent components through defined moments of interwoven transparencies around the exterior ediface. A large tower acts as the Cultural Center’s showcase of core tectonic applications tying in to the exterior elements, while the courtyard and auditorium offer a point of arrival for various converging paths anticipated through the site analysis. In the context of this growing downtown district, the use of interlinking building elements helps brings together a unified centered hub, as defined by its surroundings.
Project 2 Boston, MA
Linking gateways: creating space and sequence. As defined by:
1. a pivoted axis oriented between downtown and chinatown 2. an entrance portico to define the formal system arrangement 3. meeting spaces for indoor and outdoor recreational activities (small-scale spacial definition) 4. an extension of the adjacent parks (medium-scale definition) 5. a point of reference to similar landmarks (other community centers and meeting halls) 6. an accessible space for public forums and social dialogue 7. a monumental feature to be seen between the silhouette of other buildings (large-scale definition) 8. a tranquil inner core formed and sheltered by the contours of the main building framework 9. the visual demarcation of open and enclosed spaces through the use of isolated/zoned program elements 10. an active, barrier-free access between the alternating zones of activity
Design Segment
Converging Gateways
Park Access
Design Segment
Design Segment
Conference Room
Level 4 1/8" = 1'-0"
Level 5 1/8" = 1'-0"
Expanding Strategies
41 40
Elevator Access
Elevator Access
Developing the overall tectonic into an architectural component requires a better understanding of a buildilng’s natural dispositions. Sunlight must be accomodated for by widening up the exposed building core, while specific program elements must still be made to congeal under the growing need to expand the tectonic theme.
Study Loft
Level 3 1/8" = 1'-0"
Elevator Access 36
Green Roof
Game Room
Game Room
Level 2 1/8" = 1'-0"
Public Elevator Access
UP 34
Exhibit Center
Auditorium UP
Level 1 1/8" = 1'-0"
Site plans and sections cuts demonstrate the isolated nature of each building component. While a physical link is made between every quadrant, the perforated wall systems are subdivided and provide the sense of a continuous enclosure through their alternating pivot points.
Level 6 50' - 0"
Level 6 50' - 0"
Level 5 40' - 0"
Level 4 30' - 0"
Level 5 40' - 0" Level 3 20' - 0"
The tall building volume is made up of office spaces and terraced balconies. Overhanging floors create intriguing views into - and out of - the site, allowing the field of vision to expand beyond the glass and concrete framework. Lower levels open up to further magnify the experience of an expanding building chain.
Inner Piece Level 4 30' - 0"
Within the building core, an auditorium faces the inner courtyard, at the same time offering protection from street noise coming from the south.
Level 3 20' - 0"
Interchange Points
An exploded axonometric plan demonstrates the continuous linking between levels and rooms. No one segment is seperated from the others.
1/4" Section 1/4" = 1'-0"
Section 2 1/8" = 1'-0"
Design Segment
Design Segment T h e B-2 f i n a l adaptation of the tectonic system confronts the social factor of conformity and permenance. While the adaptivity of a modulating link system can prove to be seemingly endless, the reliance on its interconnected components makes the application actually quite introspective. In order for a system to conform with its perimeters, one must account for the temporal experience needed to define its unique moments. Only the juxtaposition of these moments will allow us to critically interpret a system as being open/enclosed, light/ heavy, near/far,hidden/ revealed, etc...