Chang Shao En - Architecture Portfolio 2022

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En 張劭恩 結構設計作品集 拱舒張 勝利校區 許致遠 張劭恩 TH=� TH=� Ø=� 鋼桿斜撐 ��x�� ��x�� Ø=�� RC基座 �x� C型槽鋼 �x� C型槽鋼 500 410 320 230 140 50

curriculum vitae

Chang Shao En 張劭恩


1999.04.27 Taichung, Taiwan (+886)978-897 779

Bachelor of Architecture Design (5-year degree) National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan 09.2017-07.2022

Coil Tower Arch, shu-chang contents SS01 SS02
SS01 Coil Tower
the park
Feature of
Design duration : 8 weeks Structure system studio

In the beginning of the project, I took the advantage of an existing gazebo in Tainan Park and built an observation tower on it, turning it into a new feature of the park. To begin with, the gazebo acts as a foundation, with a new mast raised on top of its center column. Besides, there are layers of platforms and steps, which enable visitors to ascend gradually. Moreover, the bowl-shaped units connected to the mast at different heights and angles stabilize the mast.

110 500 60 150 310 486
Site location : Tainan Park, Tainan Gazebo, original plan

On the other hand, I put cable nets into my design, the woven structure system not only provides transparency, allowing visitors to experience the dynamic change of height and view, but also transfers compression force and lateral force to the base, stabilizing the whole structure at the same time.

610 20 680 DN 四層平面圖 (+1875) 50 100 200 (cm) SCALE 200 120 250 120 690 DN UP 三層平面圖 (+1435) 0 50 100 200 (cm) SCALE 200 120 300 120 740 DN UP 二層平面圖 (+915) 0 50 100 200 (cm) SCALE 200 120 350 120 790 130 465 60 165 一層平面圖 (±0) 0 50 100 200 (cm) SCALE 820 UP AA' 剖面圖 0 50 100 200 (cm) SCALE BB' 剖面圖 0 50 100 200 (cm) SCALE 1F Plan ±0 2F Plan +915 3F Plan +1435 4F Plan +1875 Section A Section B
H型鋼 50x20 cm TH=2cm 鋼板,彎折加勁 TH=1cm 木板座位 TH=1cm 鋼板踏階,彎折加勁 焊接 樓梯細部圖 0 20 40 80 (cm) SCALE 原柱表面打毛 10-#7 #3 @20 20 TH=3cm 鋼板 錨定螺栓 焊接 無收縮混凝土 頂層平面圖 (+2280) 0 50 100 200 (cm) SCALE 50 DN UP 結構平面圖 (+1435) 0 50 100 200 (cm) SCALE RF Plan +2330 Structural Plan Details

Site location : NCKU sports center, Tainan

Site area : 3380 m2

The site of the swimming pool is located between the serene campus and the bustling street, with an existing 2-meter altitude difference. We aim to design a canopy for the pool and respond the marked contrast of the site through its form.

Arch, shu-chang Large-span structures
duration :
SITE PLAN SCALE � ��� ��� ����(cm) Site Plan
Structure system studio; Duo project

To begin with, the roof gradually transforms from delicate planks to dramatic arches, with V-columns and X-columns supported on each end. The side-by-side units provide mutual resistance to the thrusts, also we placed the external beam on the outer side of the units for resistance. Furthermore, there are glasses as water channels between the units, which bring rhythmic light and shadow effects into the swimming pool.

C B A PLAN SCALE � ��� ��� ���(cm) ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� WEST ELEVATION SCALE � ��� ��� ���(cm) ��� ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� EAST ELEVATION SCALE � ��� ��� ���(cm) WEST ELEVATION SCALE � ��� ��� ���(cm) ���� ���� ���� ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���
Plan West elevation East elevation
SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE � ��� ��� ���(cm) SECTION A SCALE � �� ��� ���(cm) a DETAIL b DETAIL a ��� ��� ��� TH=� 鋼板屋頂 ��x�� 鋼管 ��x�� H型鋼 續接板 矽利康填縫 Ø=�� 鋼管 槽鋼窗架 TH=�.� 玻璃 連接器 Ø=� 鋼桿斜撐 槽鋼窗架 ���� ���� South elevation Detail a SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE � ��� ��� ���(cm) SECTION A SCALE � �� ��� ���(cm) a DETAIL b DETAIL a ��� ��� ��� TH=� 鋼板屋頂 ��x�� 鋼管 ��x�� H型鋼 續接板 矽利康填縫 Ø=�� 鋼管 槽鋼窗架 TH=�.� 玻璃 連接器 Ø=� 鋼桿斜撐 槽鋼窗架 ���� ����
Detail b SECTION B SCALE � �� ��� ���(cm) DETAIL c c b SECTION C SCALE � �� ��� ���(cm) ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� RC基座 錨定螺栓 金屬接合構件 Section C Section
Detail c
Section A
拱舒張 勝利校區 許致遠 張劭恩 TH=� 鋼板 TH=� 矽酸鈣板 Ø=� 鋼桿斜撐 ��x�� H型鋼 ��x�� 鋼管 Ø=�� 鋼管 RC基座 �x� C型槽鋼 �x� C型槽鋼 500 410 320 230 140 50
張劭恩 結構設計作品集
Chang Shao En

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