Appropriate Practices in School-Based Health Education

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Guidance Document

Appropriate Practices in School-Based Health Education


Appropriate Practices


School-Based Health Education


SHAPE America extends its appreciation to the many professionals who reviewed this document and contributed to its development, including the members of the Appropriate Health Education Practices Task Force listed below:

Marcia Berke, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL

Jennifer Flynn, Wayland Public Schools, MA

Ellen Friedrichs, Saint Ann’s School, NY

Adam Mullis, Cobb County Schools, GA

Amy Lauren Smith, Hong Kong International School

Cheryl Todisco, Boston Public Schools, MA


This document guides key stakeholders in school-based health education, including but not limited to health educators, physical educators, school nurses, principals, teacher evaluators, community members, and higher education faculty. The document articulates best practices in school-based health education that support the implementation of effective health education as a critical component of any school system.

A secondary purpose of this document is to provide a tool that can be used to enhance communication among stakeholders involved in school-based health education. Health education in schools is more effective, supported and acknowledged as a vital component of the school system when alignment among individuals, groups, curriculum, principals and instructional practices exist.

Core Principles

This document is founded on the following set of core principles:

• Health education is an equally important subject arguably, more important than other core subjects. The time, instruction and support devoted to implementation of health education should be in alignment with that of other core subjects.

• Best practices in health education include having certified and/or highly trained health educators teaching health education at all levels. This document supports all individuals teaching health in schools.

• A student-centered approach to health education is the most effective instructional strategy, and this document presents teacher behaviors that foster that approach. The emphasis throughout the document is on what teachers can do to meet the needs of students.

• Effective health education engages many aspects of the school and the community. Health education should be collaborative, integrative, and vital within the school system and community.

• Health education supports comprehensive sexuality education and is LGBTQ+ inclusive. This guidance document presents best practices for implementing school-based health education and outlines skills and knowledge acquisition that result/culminate in health literacy.

Not all programs will be able to implement the health education practices presented here, and not all health teachers have the capacity to implement all of the practices. This document represents what programs and teachers should be working toward. Stakeholders can use this document to evaluate current practices, identify areas for improvement, and make positive changes leading to stronger schoolbased health education programs. In that way, the document supports and advances the health education profession.

To help prevent this document from becoming outdated or irrelevant, we aimed to minimize specific mentions of current initiatives, technologies, frameworks, and models.

Suggestions for Use

This section suggests using the document’s three main audiences: administrators, health teachers, and higher education teacher preparation programs. This is not an exhaustive list; stakeholders are not limited to the suggestions presented here.

Administrators can use this document to:

• Facilitate discussion at the school and district levels regarding health education and ways to support teachers in implementing these practices;

• Develop, and/or modify, in coordination with their health teacher(s), an evaluative tool to better reflect the role of a health educator;

• Identify professional development opportunities to support health educators.

Health teachers can use this document to:

• Evaluate their current practice as a form of self-assessment;

• Integrate new practices;

• Educate others about the role of health teachers and health education;

• Advocate for themselves, others and the profession.

Health education teacher preparation programs can use this document to:

• Provide a foundation for a methods course designed for future health educators incorporating best practices, tools and strategies.

• Design a classroom observation tool for students

• Create assignments and assessments reflecting best practices.

Using This Document in Health Education

In the following chart, the left column “Appropriate Practice” lists best practices in health education within the following categories: Learning Environment, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, Advocacy, and Professionalism.

The right column “Examples/Suggestions for Implementation” provides examples of what each practice might look like in the field. These examples are not the only ways appropriate practices can be implemented, but they illustrate the key components of the proper practice listed.

The learning environment influences instruction and curriculum. Curriculum, instruction and assessment connect in a cyclical, ongoing fashion.

Learning Environment

Appropriate Practice

A.1 The health teacher creates and maintains a positive learning environment where all students feel emotionally, socially, and physically secure.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

A.1.a The health teacher ensures students can safely move throughout the physical environment.

A.1.b The health teacher models and enforces behaviors that create an environment where students feel valued, welcomed, and safe. This includes but is not limited to using appropriate language and initiating effective and relevant interactions. The health teacher requires the same of students.

A.2 The health teacher fosters a supportive and inclusive environment that embraces students of diverse races, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, body sizes, religions, and physical abilities.

A.2.a The health teacher chooses all class materials including but not limited to videos, news stories, prompts, and bulletin boards that are diverse, culturally inclusive, affirming, and representative of all students.

A.2.b Students have access to and, when necessary, can use classroom materials (described in A.2.a).

A.2.c The classroom displays multicultural visuals (e.g., vocabulary, posters, books).

A.2.d The health teacher provides all students with opportunities for leadership roles to demonstrate their strengths.

A.2.e The health teacher provides opportunities for students to reflect on and describe their strengths.

A.2.f The health teacher strives to connect with and develop healthy relationships with all students in the class.

A.2.g The health teacher learns and uses students’ names when interacting with them in and out of the classroom setting.

A.2.h The health teacher encourages all students to seek support, guidance, and help when needed.

A.2.i The health teacher uses a variety of approved digital platforms to extend learning and enhance connectedness.

Appropriate Practice

A.3 The health teacher creates an environment where all students have opportunities to experience success.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

A.3.a The health teacher fosters an inclusive atmosphere, welcoming diverse viewpoints and ensuring all students can engage fully and meaningfully. This includes working to support students in taking “healthy risks” and stepping outside of their comfort zones to enhance learning.

A.3.b The health teacher’s interactions with students foster freedom of expression by encouraging acceptance of others’ responses.

A.3.c The health teacher, and their students, create norms that refrain from judgment The students and the teacher do not allow personal biases to interfere with teaching, learning, or the environment.

A.3.d The health teacher creates an environment where all students feel empowered to engage in their learning.

A.3.e The health teacher makes appropriate modifications to meet students’ needs (e.g., using IEPs and 504 plans, pairing English language learners with native English speakers) to assist during learning activities.

A.3.f The health educator offers a range of authorized resources enriching students’ chances of success. One such approach is tailoring informational texts to suit each student's unique needs.

A.4 The health teacher establishes an environment that facilitates mutual respect among all students and the teacher.

A.4.a The health teacher models respectful speech and behavior with all students and expects students to do the same.

A.4.b The health teacher creates an environment of diverse social interactions, demonstrating mutual respect.

A.4.c The health teacher and students show caring attitudes toward one another.

A.4.d The health teacher and students collaborate, cooperate, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of one another.

A.4.e The health teacher encourages and fosters positive peer pressure by modeling respectful behaviors.


Appropriate Practice

A.5 The health teacher collaborates with other school services to enhance the classroom and school environment in supporting healthy behaviors.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

A.5.a The health teacher connects with other school services (e.g., health services, nurses, counselors, nutrition services) to enhance the curriculum, instruction, and learning environment.

A.5.b The health teacher initiates and/or supports efforts to enhance the school environment to assist students in developing healthy behaviors.

A.5.c The health teacher engages with the wellness committee and/or school health advisory council and other school initiatives to support healthy behaviors.

A.6 The health teacher designs the classroom to be visually stimulating, to engage learners.

A.6.a The classroom is student-centered, displays student work, and is organized to meet students’ needs.

A.6.b The classroom design provides opportunities for student engagement (e.g., learning centers, bulletin boards).

A.6.c The health teacher balances the classroom design to be engaging but not distracting or overwhelming for students.

A.6.d The health teacher strives to provide a comfortable space for students, including modifying desks and seats (e.g., providing seat cushions) when needed.

A.6.e The health teacher uses flexible seating arrangements to accommodate all students' needs and encourage collaboration, unless other factors require alternate seating arrangements.

A.7 The health teacher designs the classroom so learners feel a sense of ownership about the space.

A.7.a The health teacher creates, with student input, a sense of community, including areas of personal space and areas for small- and large-group work.

A.7.b The health teacher strives to provide students with their own space in the classroom.


Appropriate Practice

B.1 The health education curriculum is sequential, comprehensive and planned.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

B.1.a The curriculum map vertically aligns from preK through grade 12.

B.1.b The curriculum uses a comprehensive skills-based approach incorporating relevant knowledge and content to foster health literacy skills.

B.1.c Effective comprehensive sexuality, health and physical education programs incorporate diverse perspectives and acknowledge that attainment of equity and optimal health are individualized, contextual, and affected by intersections of race, ethnicity, culture, religion, education, economic condition, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, personal experience, and many other factors.

B.1.d The curriculum is evidence-based.

B.2 The curriculum provides adequate instruction time for health education.

B.3 The curriculum reflects a holistic approach to health and wellness and includes functional information on various health-related topics.

B.2.a The curriculum provides the recommended instructional time for health education per academic year, as recommended by current guidance from SHAPE America.

B.3.a The curriculum addresses dimensions of wellness: physical, social, emotional/mental, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, sexual health, and occupational.

B.3.b The curriculum addresses multiple health education content areas. The curriculum also addresses topics listed in specific state frameworks/standards.

B.3.c The curriculum includes functional information to aid in developing health skills and knowledge. The functional information can be determined from a range of sources such as relevant data, CDC guidelines, or student and community needs.

B.3.d The curriculum design addresses the 10 components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model focusing on partnerships and collaboration with designated health services.

B.4 Curricular outcomes/goals are aligned with the SHAPE America National Health Education Standards and other relevant state standards or frameworks.

B.4.a The health teacher designs or implements a curriculum based on current health frameworks, including but not limited to the SHAPE America National Health Education Standards, statelevel frameworks/standards, and other related standards/ frameworks/guidance documents.

B.4.b The health teacher designs and/or implements a curriculum that supports the development of health literacy and health-enhancing behaviors.

B.4.c The health teacher posts the curricular standards and/or frameworks in the physical and/or virtual classroom.


Appropriate Practice

B.5 The curriculum aligns with national, state, and/or local education initiatives.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

B.5.a The curriculum and relevant documents support current school or education-based initiatives.

B.5.b The health instructor remains current with trends in the field and seeks approval to modify the curriculum as needed.

B.5.c The scope and sequence emphasize skills, but not limited to those skills listed in the SHAPE America National Health Education Standards.

B.5.d When possible, the curriculum actively supports all students inclusive of their identities, culture, language, community, family, etc

B.5.e When possible, the curriculum supports the teaching of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).

B.6 The curriculum goals align with school- and district-level goals/outcomes.

B.7 The curriculum goals are based on data designed to meet the needs of students in the community.

B.6.a The curriculum has articulated goals and outcomes that reflect and support the attainment of district-level goals and outcomes.

B.7.a The health teacher uses quantitative data from instruments such as the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to identify areas of concern.

B.7.b The health teacher undertakes surveys and other data-collection methods (e.g., interviews, informal discussions, KWL, pre- and post-tests) to understand the needs of their students.

B.7.c In developing the curriculum, the health teacher uses input from agencies/groups such as parents/guardians, community members, a school health advisory council, and/or wellness committee.

B.7.d The health teacher considers data from the school district, nurses, administrators, counselors, learning specialists, and other members of the school/community in developing the curriculum.

B.7.e All data collection methods follow appropriate confidentiality and anonymity protocols.

B.8 The curriculum is skills-based, emphasizing health literacy.

B.8.a The curriculum goals focus on developing the skills necessary for health literacy and health-enhancing behaviors.

B.8.b The curriculum goals are oriented toward student behavioral outcomes (i.e., objectives should be written in the format “Students will be able to ”)


Appropriate Practice

B. 9 The curriculum outcomes/goals include a progression to higher-order thinking.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

B.9.a The curriculum uses evidence-based frameworks to foster rigor and complexity in student learning.

B.9.b The health teacher, when possible, assists in developing a curriculum demonstrating a progression of critical thinking across the grade spans (from preK-12).

B.10 The curriculum is evaluated and revised consistently.

B.11 The curriculum is organized to foster the development of skills from competency to proficiency.

B.10.a The health teacher collects and evaluates data (e.g., from in-class assessments and student feedback) to reflect on the curriculum.

B.10.b The curriculum is modified as necessary to address students’ needs.

B.11.a The curriculum is designed so students experience all steps of skill development (skill introduction, critical elements/skill cues, modeling, practice and feedback, assessment and transfer).

B.11.b The curriculum is structured and designed to ensure that students attain proficiency in health-related skills by the time they finish their education.

B.12 Functional information is used to teach, develop and apply skills.

B.13 The curriculum includes multiple opportunities for practicing healthrelated skills.

B.14 The curriculum includes formative and summative authentic assessments.

B.12.a The health teacher recognizes and uses functional information to cultivate skills and enhance students’ health.

B.13.a The health teacher provides multiple opportunities in varying contexts for students to practice developing and applying skills, both inside (e.g., role playing) and outside (e.g., self-monitoring physical activity) of school.

B.13.b The health teacher provides students with clear expectations and expected outcomes for skill development.

B.13.c The health teacher presents students with opportunities to practice and receive feedback based on those outcomes.

B.14.a The health teacher implements formative and summative assessments to monitor student progress and skill development.

B.14.b The health teacher emphasizes authentic assessments.

B.14.c The health teacher uses evaluations of the assessments to inform practice and curriculum decisions.

B.14.d The health teacher provides timely and effective feedback to enhance teaching and learning.


Appropriate Practice

B.15 The health education curriculum addresses health-enhancing norms, attitudes, and values.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

B.15.a The health teacher sets social norms that develop students’ positive attitudes and values toward health.

B.15.b The health teacher is cognizant and respectful of family values and culture. Students are offered opportunities to contemplate the impact of family values and culture, both positive and negative, on their health and well-being.

B.15.c The health teacher implements strategies that help students develop positive, health-enhancing attitudes, values and beliefs.

B.16 The curriculum includes interdisciplinary connections.

B.17 The curriculum follows the WSCC model and includes opportunities for students to connect with adults and other resources in the community.

B.16.a The health teacher advocates for (and when possible, engages in) collaboration with other disciplines in developing the health curriculum.

B.16.b The health teacher indicates interdisciplinary connections in the curriculum.

B.16.c The health teacher collaborates with other subject-area teachers assisting them in including health information and skills in their classes.

B.17.a The health teacher brings approved experts into the class to support the curriculum and student learning. Ideally, these experts are community members who enhance the health curriculum and foster community connections and partnerships.

B.17.b The health teacher implements the WSCC approach to health where multiple stakeholders within the school and community (e.g., community resource officers, food services, parents, and community groups) are engaged.

B.17.c The health teacher develops relationships and partnerships with individuals and organizations in the community that support student health in various areas (e.g., physical health, mental health).

B.17.d The curriculum provides students with opportunities to research and connect with positive role models in their lives.


Appropriate Practice

B.18 Learning activities emphasize social interactions.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

B.18.a The curriculum includes learning activities that focus on participatory learning.

B.18.b The curriculum includes opportunities for small- and large-group discussions.

B.19 Learning activities provide opportunities for students to personalize and internalize learning.

B.20 Learning activities are culturally inclusive.

B.19.a The health teacher provides opportunities for student reflection and fosters self-awareness.

B.19.b The health teacher provides opportunities for students to construct meaning and understanding as it relates to them personally.

B.19.c The health teacher provides opportunities for students to contribute learning activities (e.g., developing role plays, prompts) that align with the curriculum.

B.20.a The health teacher works to help students develop their cultural competence.

B.20.b The health instructor develops activities that showcase respect for student cultures by incorporating diverse cultures, striving to include representations from the various cultures present in each classroom, throughout every lesson or unit.

B.20.c The health teacher provides opportunities for students to share their culture.

B.20.d The health teacher incorporates a variety of cultures into activities, prompts and examples.

B.20.e The health teacher creates relevant learning activities.

B.21 The health instructor formulates health education lessons to ensure success for every student, aligning with the guidelines specified in individualized education programs and accommodating any special needs a student may have.

B.21.a The health teacher provides differentiated instruction, adaptations, modifications, and resources to ensure student achievement.

B.21.b The health teacher collaborates with appropriate staff members (e.g., English language learner teachers, special education professionals) to make appropriate modifications and accommodations for students.

Instructional Strategies

Appropriate Practice

C.1 The health teacher delivers instruction that is guided by the achievement of learning objectives.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

C.1.a The health teacher begins each lesson with a visible and stated objective.

C.1.b The health teacher develops instructional strategies based on the learning objectives.

C.1.c The health teacher is thoughtful and purposeful when developing lessons, ensuring that all activities contribute to attaining lesson objectives.

C.1.d The health teacher uses a backward-design approach (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005) when planning curricular and instructional strategies.

C.1.e The health teacher implements “best practice” strategies when designing lessons.

C.2 The health teacher uses formative assessment to monitor progress toward objectives.

C.3 The health teacher delivers instruction that facilitates skill development leading to proficiency.

C.4 The health teacher employs instructional strategies that promote student self-reflection and help students personalize the lesson.

C.2.a The health teacher uses questioning techniques that assess students’ understanding of the objectives.

C.2.b The health teacher uses strategies such as “exit tickets” to monitor student progress toward objectives.

C.2.c The health teacher uses formative assessments to modify instruction.

C.3.a The health teacher is flexible and provides enough time for students to meet objectives and develop skill proficiency.

C.3.b Throughout the lessons, the health teacher offers timely, informative and precise feedback during practice sessions, employing methods such as peer assessments, recording activities, and periodic reviews.

C.4.a The health teacher recognizes and uses teachable moments that occur both in and out of the classroom (e.g., an event in the community).

C.4.b The health teacher provides opportunities for students to express themselves.

C.4.c The health teacher addresses student needs as they arise.

C.4.d The health teacher allows students to conduct selfassessments on various projects.

C.4.e The health teacher provides opportunities for students to reflect and apply learning to their own lives. Examples include journaling, “do now” activities at the beginning of class, and projects that are relevant to students’ lives inclusive of their identities, culture, language, community, family, etc.


Appropriate Practice

C.5 The health teacher implements activities and uses current and relevant materials.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

C.5.a The health teacher uses appropriate technology in lesson planning and instruction.

C.5.b The health teacher stays up to date by reading pertinent articles and materials.

C.5.c The health teacher implements a variety of methods to get to know their students and uses sound professional judgment when planning and implementing new strategies.

C.5.d The health teacher provides opportunities for students to access reliable resources related to the topics and skills covered in the curriculum. The health teacher also encourages students to acquire further information from reputable sources based on students’ interests and questions.

C.5.e The health teacher solicits input from students when creating materials and provides opportunities for feedback.

C.6 The health teacher implements participatory teaching and cooperative learning styles.

C.7 The health teacher engages families and the community in the learning process.

C.6.a The health teacher facilitates participatory learning and encourages small- and large-group work beyond independent learning. Group work is structured so students can experience success

C.7.a The health teacher invites families and community members into the classroom during parent nights and other events.

C.7.b The health teacher provides activities requiring parental and/or community involvement.


Appropriate Practice

C.8 The health teacher differentiates instruction to meet the needs of all learners.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

C.8.a The health teacher uses appropriate materials to meet the needs of all learners.

C.8.b The health teacher modifies plans and activities for successful learning

C.8.c The health teacher provides options for assignments and assessments based on individual student needs.

C.8.d The health teacher consults with special education, English language teachers, and other support staff/specialists, to discuss appropriate student accommodations and modifications.

C.9 The health teacher uses different modes of delivery and various approaches to engage all students and meet the needs of all learners.

C.9.a The health teacher provides learning strategies, teaching methods, materials, and opportunities for practice that are appropriate for students’ age, developmental levels, and cultural backgrounds.

C.9.b The health teacher uses a variety of multimedia tools.

C.9.c The health teacher provides opportunities for student input on teaching strategies.

C.9.c The health teacher uses a balanced approach to teaching, incorporating more than one strategy.

C.9.d The health teacher develops an avenue for students to ask sensitive questions.

C.10 The health teacher adjusts instruction during lessons, as necessary, to meet the needs of all learners.

C.11 The health teacher demonstrates passion and enthusiasm for health education.

C.10.a The health teacher demonstrates adaptability and responsiveness by adjusting instructional methods as needed while upholding the rigor of the lesson.

C.10.b The health teacher monitors the class and adjusts instruction when students need to refocus and re-energize.

C.11.a The health teacher displays behaviors in and out of the classroom that demonstrate a passion for health education.

C.11.b While instructing, the health teacher avoids remaining seated in a chair or behind a desk for the entire class period. They are actively participating in the teaching process.



Appropriate Practice

D.1 The health teacher designs assessments that measure student achievement and drive instruction.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

D.1.a. The health teacher uses national, state and/or local standards to design measurable learning objectives.

D.1.b. The health teacher designs assessments that provide students with multiple modalities to demonstrate skill mastery, proficiency, performance, and knowledge acquisition

D.1.c. The health teacher designs rubrics that align with the learning objectives.

D.2 The health teacher designs assessments that measure student growth, achievement and skill acquisition.

D.2.a The health teacher implements pre- and postassessments to monitor student growth.

D.2.b The health teacher uses evaluations of the assessments in determining student grades and explains grades to students.

D.2.c The health teacher communicates grades to students and families promptly

D.2.d The health teacher clearly articulates the grading scale to students.

D.2.e The health teacher communicates expectations for assessments to students.

D.3 D.1.d. At the beginning of the instruction, the health teacher communicates assessment expectations for the information/skills to be acquired.

D.3 The health teacher creates and implements performance-based assessments designed to measure students’ functional knowledge, acquisition and skill performance.

D.4 The health teacher designs and implements a variety of authentic assessments that are relevant and meaningful to students.

D.3.a The health teacher uses performance-based assessments.

D.3.b The health teacher creates rubrics that include criteria for both skills and knowledge.

D.4.a The health teacher designs and implements realistic assessments that reflect situations students might encounter.

D.4.b The health teacher provides opportunities for students to contribute to the development of assessments.

D.4.c The health teacher regularly reviews and updates assessments.

D.4.d The health teacher implements a variety of assessments, including active and project-based learning, thereby providing multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate learning, as per Universal Design for Learning (UDL).


Appropriate Practice

D.5 The health teacher uses data from assessments to evaluate program effectiveness.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

D.5.a The health teacher uses data from assessments to measure the effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction.

D.5.b The health teacher monitors assessment data and modifies the instruction as appropriate.

D.5.c The health teacher uses a variety of assessments as evidence of student learning and curricular outcomes.

D.5.d The health teacher elicits feedback (e.g., reactions, suggestions) from students about their experiences in class.


Appropriate Practice

E.1 The health teacher advocates for the quality and quantity of health education at the local, state, and national levels.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

E.1.a The health teacher advocates for more instruction time, if needed.

E.1.b The health teacher advocates for increasing the number of health education courses needed to graduate, if necessary.

E.1.c The health teacher advocates for health education to be a required course in their school.

E.1.d The health teacher promotes the requirement for all newly hired health educators and/or veteran teachers to possess, at the very least, degrees in health education leading to state-level licensure, certification or registration

E.1.e The health teacher advocates for class sizes and facilities that are on par with other academic subjects.

E.1.f The health teacher advocates for health education to become a core academic subject

E.2 The health teacher advocates for professional development and support.

E.3 The health teacher advocates for a positive school culture toward health and health education.

E.2.a The health teacher advocates for increased professional development in health education to be provided by the school or district.

E.2.b The health teacher advocates for more support and resources for developing and assessing skills and health literacy.

E.3.a The health teacher advocates for skills-based school health education.

E.3.b The health teacher advocates for the implementation of a school health/wellness council in the district, if needed, which aids in the implementation and maintenance of school health wellness policies.

E.3.c When possible, the health teacher advocates for comprehensive sexuality education and LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum


Appropriate Practice

F.1 The health teacher engages in professional development activities, which include opportunities or experiences that provide a foundation for growth and learning.

F.2 The health teacher maintains high standards of practice.

Examples/Suggestions for Implementation

F.1.a The health teacher actively pursues opportunities for professional development. The health teacher reflects on their practice and identifies areas for improvement.

F.3 The health teacher commits to excellence as an educator and member of the health education profession.

F.2.a The health teacher impartially presents the curriculum as intended, without allowing personal, political or religious views to influence the delivery.

F.2.b The health teacher engages in behaviors that align with the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC) Code of Ethics and/or the district or school faculty handbook.

F.2.c The health teacher upholds ethical standards and embodies values such as honesty and integrity, contributing to preserving societal norms.

F.2.d The health teacher establishes and sustains respectful student-teacher relationships.

F.2.eThe health teacher maintains confidentiality, when appropriate, as outlined in district or school policies.

F.2.f The health teacher dresses appropriately.

F.3.a The health teacher develops their cultural competency.

F.3.b The health teacher is involved in one or more appropriate professional organization(s).


Authentic assessment: The evaluation of students’ ability to apply knowledge and skills in “real life”/”real world” situations, settings and contexts.

Best practices: Existing practices with a high level of widely agreed effectiveness, such as: identifying similarities and differences; summarizing and note taking; homework and practice; nonlinguistic representation; cooperative learning; cues and questioning

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains: A classification system named for cognitive psychologist Benjamin Bloom that defines and distinguishes different levels or domains of human cognition: cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

Coalition of National Health Education Organizations: Organization committed to advancing health education in multiple settings.

Comprehensive school health education: Includes curricula from preK through grade 12 that cover a variety of topics across multiple dimensions of wellness, develop skills included in the SHAPE America National Health Education Standards, and incorporate characteristics of an effective health education curriculum, taught by qualified health educators to assist students in maintaining and enhancing their health and well-being.

Comprehensive sexuality education: Includes age-appropriate, medically accurate information on a broad set of topics related to sexuality, including human development, relationships, decision-making, abstinence, contraception, and disease prevention. Comprehensive sexuality education provides students with opportunities to develop skills and learn.

Cooperative learning: An approach to group work that holds students accountable for their actions and reinforces principles and practices related to cooperation and teamwork. Students work together to help each other understand the topic, solve the problem, etc.

Cultural competency: Cultural competence is the ability of an individual to understand and respect values, attitudes, beliefs, and mores that differ across cultures, and to consider and respond appropriately to these differences in planning, implementing, and evaluating health education and promotion programs and interventions.

Differentiated instruction: Implementing strategies and techniques to meet the needs of all learners in the classroom, including but not limited to modifications to instruction, assessment and products.

English language learners: Students for whom English is not their first language and who are in the process of acquiring the English language.

Functional information/knowledge: Concepts and information that are accurate, reliable and relevant, and that provide the foundation for developing health-promoting skills and behaviors.

Health literacy: Health literacy is the ability to access, understand, appraise, apply, and advocate for health information and services in order to maintain or enhance one’s own health and the health of others.

Informational texts: Texts that convey factual information about the natural and social world.

National Health Education Standards: The SHAPE America National Health Education Standards provide a framework of expectations for health education that are pertinent to various stakeholders involved in promoting the health of students from preK through grade 12.

Participatory teaching and learning: A method that uses modeling, observation and social interaction.

Performance-based assessment: Evaluation that provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their learning in authentic ways. (See authentic assessment )

Project-based learning: A teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by investigating and responding to a question, challenge or problem.

Social and behavior change theory: A framework that draws from various disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and communication to understand and influence human behavior change.

Scaffolding: Support or guidance provided to students to enhance their ability to perform a task, comprehend the content, and achieve independence in the learning process.

Skill development: A planned, sequential, comprehensive and relevant curriculum that is implemented through participatory teaching and learning methods to help students develop the skills, attitudes and functional knowledge needed to lead health-enhancing lives.

Skills-based curriculum: Curriculum goals developed with an emphasis on skills that incorporate content as a context through which the skills are developed and uses participatory teaching and learning.

Social determinants of health: Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.

Student engagement: Degree to which students are interested in, paying attention to, curious about, invested in and motivated by what and how they are learning.

Transformative social and emotional learning: Focuses on skills for individual success, interpersonal relations, and community building, as well as skills needed to ensure democratic, fair, and inclusive communities

Trauma-informed practices: Intentional actions that focus on creating a safe school culture, building relationships, and supporting students’ self-efficacy. (See Safe and Supportive Best Practices.)

Understanding by design: Backward design begins with defining the course's learning goals, focusing on what students should know or be able to do by the end of the course. After establishing learning goals, teachers design assessments aligned with those goals, followed by planning the learning activities. Backward design is a more deliberate approach to course design, emphasizing alignment with overarching learning goals before addressing teaching methods.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): An educational framework providing all students with equal learning opportunities by offering flexible instructional approaches, materials and assessments. It emphasizes creating inclusive learning environments to accommodate diverse learning styles, abilities and preferences.

Wellness: A healthy state of balance among multiple dimensions of wellness, including the physical, social, emotional/mental, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, and occupational.

WSCC: The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model is the CDC’s framework for addressing health in schools The WSCC model is student-centered and emphasizes the role of the community in supporting the school, the connections between health and academic achievement, and the importance of evidence-based school policies and practices.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2019). Characteristics of effective health education curriculum. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey. Retrieved from

Coalition of National Health Education Organizations. (2020). Code of ethics for the health education profession. Retrieved from

National Commission for Health Education Credentialing Inc. (2020). A competency-based framework for health education specialists - 2020 Retrieved from ttps://

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. (2020). National sex education standards core content and skills: K-12th. Retrieved from

Suggested Citation:

Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) (2024). Appropriate Practices in School-Based Health Education [Guidance Document]. Annapolis Junction, MD: Author

National Health Education Standards

Standard 1: Use functional health information to support health and well-being of self and others.

Standard 2: Analyze influences that affect health and well-being of self and others.

Standard 3: Access valid and reliable resources to support health and well-being of self and others.

Standard 4: Use interpersonal communication skills to support health and well-being of self and others.

Standard 5: Use a decision-making process to support health and well-being of self and others.

Standard 6: Use a goal-setting process to support health and well-being of self and others.

Standard 7: Demonstrate practices and behaviors to support health and well-being of self and others.

Standard 8: Advocate to promote health and well-being of self and others.

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