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Accessibility top tips

Alt Text Writing image descriptions is one of the most effective things you can do to make your content more accessible. Most social media sites offer alt-text functions but a lot of the third-party management tools do not. You may have to write your image descriptions into your content yourself. Use it as an opportunity to be creative, but don’t forget the purpose - make sure alttexts are clear, concise, and consistent.

Content Notes Content notes, also known as ‘Trigger Warnings,’ are tags written at the top of content to alert your audience to themes within the work. They can be used to alert your audience to issues that may potentially cause distress so they know ahead of time and can avoid it if they choose to. It’s good practice to use content notes and it shows that you have your audience’s interests in mind.


Captioning Writing captions for your video and audio content makes it more accessible and so increases the potential size of your audience. It can sometimes be a lengthy task but there are increasing numbers of AI services for autocaptioning or, if you have the budget, organisations like StageText who caption content for you. Check out this training from StageText!

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