A Thesis Report on AGRO
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE
Submitted by: SHARANYA. R 1NS16AT021 Semester IX
Under the guidance of Ar N. S. NALINI
Studying in
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE
Submitted by: SHARANYA. R 1NS16AT021 Semester IX
Under the guidance of Ar N. S. NALINI
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree
Submitted by: SHARANYA. R 1NS16AT021
Under the guidance of Ar. N. S. NALINI
This is to certify that this thesis report titled, “AGRO PARK", By SHARANYA. R, of Semester IX, B. Arch. (2016 – 2021 Batch), bearing USN-1NS16AT021, has been submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the under-graduate degree of Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.) by Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU Belagavi, Karnataka). This has been Approved.
Prof. (Dr.) Ar. Sanjyot Shah HoD, Architecture Date: Prof. Ar. N S Nalini
Prof. Dr. Ar. Chandran Rekha Jetty Thesis Guide Director & Principal Date:
This Thesis titled "AGRO PARK", submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for award of the under-graduate degree of Bachelor of Architecture is my original work to the best of my knowledge. The sources for the various information and data used have been duly acknowledged. The work has not been submitted or provided to any other institution/organization for any diploma/degree or any other purpose.
I take full responsibility for the content in this report and in the event of any conflict or dispute, if any, hereby indemnify Nitte School of Architecture Planning & Design, Bangalore and Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi and its official representatives against any damages that may rise thereof.
I take immense pleasure to express my most sincere thanks to all the people who accompanied me and because of whose constant guidance and encouragement, this thesis project has been successfully completed.
I would like to extend my thanks to Shri. N Vinay Hegde, Chairman, Nitte Education Trust, Mangalore, and Dr N R Shetty, Advisor, NMIT Bengaluru for providing us with the opportunity and facilities. Further, I would also like to thank Mr. Rohit Punja, Administrator, Nitte Education Trust Bengaluru for his constant encouragement.
I would like to extend a heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ar. Chandran Rekha Jetty, Director and Founder Principal, Nitte School of Architecture Planning and Design for her immense support and encouragement in this journey.
I would also like to express my gratitude to Prof (Dr) Ar. Sanjyot Shah, Professor and Head of the Department of Architecture, Nitte School of Architecture Planning & Design, for his valuable suggestions and constant encouragement in completion of this project.
I extend my thanks to The Thesis Co-ordinator, Prof. Dr. Ar. N S Nalini, for her support and encouragement. I further take immense pleasure to thank my thesis guide Ar. N S Nalini, Professor, Department of Architecture, for constantly monitoring the development and progress of this thesis project.
I would also like to thank all the reviewers and jurors, whose comments have helped me immensely I also thank Ar. Bhadri, Professor for all the inputs and motivating me to widen my perception about the project and learn while I design.
I further thank all the faculties and non-teaching staff of the department for their support.
I thank my parents for their moral support. Last but not the least, I thank all my friends who have helped directly or indirectly in bringing out this work.
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I N T R O D U C T I O N A N D R E S E A R C H S T U D Y 72
C O N T E N T S :
Over the journey of Urbanization, India’s major source of employment and food production- “agriculture”, has seen a gradual downfall over the years with respect to its importance, culture, economy and technology. With rapid growth in population, the land for cultivation has been taken over to suffice the needs of people for various developmental activities.
Due to various reasons like climatic changes, lack of knowledge and lack of education about the latest techniques and technologies, lack of social and marketing skills and mainly due to lack of training and exposure to training facilities, agriculture is overlooked and is scarcely being passed on over to the future generations.
One way of handling a situation like this can be through unifying agriculture and architecture. One such way of arriving at a solution is by introducing the general public and to the farming community to an Agricultural Park, where various aspects of the agriculture are met at one single place. This park focuses on economic, cultural and social aspects of agriculture. The concept behind this project is to establish a platform for the farmers (through Research and Information center and Training center) to learn, practice, market their produce and also to introduce the general public to the history, evolution and importance of agriculture (through Museums).
Many programs have been initiated by the government, but most of them have remained unnoticed, due to the lack of awareness and various other reasons. So, a park like this helps in creating the required awareness, urges people to invest time, money and attention towards agriculture and also to opt agriculture as one among many living skills.
Agriculture is an ancient discipline which was practiced by majority of people. But over the period it lost its importance and gradually the number of people investing and practicing agriculture reduced. This has led to an imbalance in the living system, where the food produced is much lower than the population depending on it. Another reason being, due to lack of regional training centers and research centers to aid to all the problems faced on the field. So, to re-build a relationship between man- and man-made nature i.e., ‘agriculture’ an educational park like this is required.
• The study aims at designing an Agriculture park consisting of a research and information center, training center and a museum.
• The research and information center allows the farmers to confront the researching crew about the updates on climate, soil typology, new crop types, etc and also to discuss various other problems.
• The training center trains the farmers with the latest agricultural technologies and methods of practice, maintenance of crops, etc.
• The museum helps in showcasing the evolution of agriculture across the country and the various technologies that are present today. This is not only helpful for the farmers but also creates awareness among the general public.
• To understand the various agricultural practices across India
• To make a study on the history of agriculture and its importance
• To study the latest technologies in agriculture
• To understand the physical conditions of the land for which the research center is built.
• To also decide on a place where this research center would be built, so that its local farmers could be benefited.
• To also know about the various conditions the research would be conducted, for example outdoor spaces and laboratories.
• To provide a platform for the agricultural sector in trading/ marketing.
• To study the architecture and design aspects of the research center and museum.
A park like this can provide the required conditions to create awareness about the importance of agriculture. This in turn can help retrieve the fallen numbers of agricultural economy in the country. This can also provide employment opportunities to a larger section of the country’s population.
• The location of the hub can also add to an educational tourism.
• Educating farmers
• Imparting Agricultural skills
• Practical training at farmlands
• Laboratories
• Discussion center
• Lecture halls
• Libraries
• Museum
• Auditoriums
• Annual farmers santhe area
• Farm equipment display and hands-on training block
• Farm lands for tilling/ seed sowing/ crop/ yield training
This thesis is limited to fulfilling of the above-mentioned aim and objectives. These acquired data is highly dependent on the Secondary data than the Primary data. Because of the limitations of the co-vid the whole of the Secondary data is collected from secondary sources. Study of agriculture is classified into “Plant science” and “Animal Science” and this project has been designed keeping in mind the different aspects under plant science and not animal science. The project does not represent structural system, structural detail, and is independent of costing and estimation of the project.
• Subject study.
• Need for the study.
• Data collection pertaining to the topics.
• Selection of a suitable site.
• Analysation of the site and its surroundings with its future developments and impacts.
• Facing factual problems and arriving at a design solution.
• Study on Research and information centers, training centers and museums.
• Literature reviews and case studies.
• Studies on Laboratory designs and conditions.
• Equipment’s and various spaces required in the research and information section, training section and at the museum.
N E E D F O R T H E P R O J E C TThe demand for food and other resources has increased over the years due to the rise in the population. But unfortunately, there is very minimum knowledge about the importance of agriculture among people. Majority of the population in rural areas, who’s primary occupation was agriculture migrated to cities for better living conditions. This is because of the gap and lack of communication between the farming community and the agricultural research and extension.
In order to restore the present situation with a better living and working environment for the farmers, a hub or park like this can help them learn, create and trade at the same place. This not only helps in the upbringing of the farmers, but also will create awareness in people to opt and invest in agricultural sector.
A Recent decision by the govt. was to ban intermediaries in the agricultural sector whilst allowing the farmers to sell the products directly. And this hub could be the right place for exchange of goods, i.e., trading in directly with the consumers.
This hub also creates a chance for tourism because of the museum and research fields which exhibits various typologies of crops. And people neighboring by this park can also be employed with jobs pertaining to the functioning of the park or the interested can be benefited from the training center
The need for this kind of a hub is very much relatable in a situation like a pandemic i.e., co-vid. Due to many other circumstances faced on fields, the farming sector might always use an extra help from the research department. On the other hand, the tourism of the place also could be enhanced.
Since the trading is part of the hub, the farmers are given wide variety of chances to sell their crops directly to the local consumers. And also, the crops grown on training fields and research fields could be sold at the market place within the site itself. The training center on the other hand trains the farmers to handle new machineries, to use newly introduced techniques or use of pesticides and fertilizers.
It was lately observed that, due to the increase in the amount of unemployment in the city, most people in cities traveled back to their villages, in search of jobs in Agricultural sector. This was the situation even before the pandemic hit, but the numbers of migrants returning to the villages are still quite high due to this situation.
According to Karnataka land revenue act before, only people belonging to a farmer’s community could buy lands. But recently the government has come up with an alternative decision for this, where in anybody willing to invest in agriculture can buy the land. This was a great decision made by the govt. to encourage more and more people to invest money in agriculture, which was not possible with the laws that prevailed before.
Stake holders in a project like this includes, farming community who are the primary stake holders, along with people who trade pesticides, fertilizers and other farm products. The end users being the consumers are also considered to be the stake holders here.
With a platform here to trade and exchange goods with the agricultural sector, it enables traders to expand there trading along with the introduction of the community to latest products.
Agricultural sector includes farming and animal rearing. So, people rearing animals for domestic purposes are also considered to be the stake holders.
The farmers along with the research team can bring in awareness among people by introducing farming related campaigns and other awareness programs in general.
Agricultural hubs are designed keeping in mind the multi functionality of the space. The hub deals with agricultural inputs, machinery, advisory, post harvesting goods along with the marketing of the goods.
Chronological documentation of architecture dealing with the phenomena
Agriculture being India’s most staple form of occupation for the longest times, there’s no project dealing with the various aspects of agriculture under one roof. But there are departments like A.P.M.C, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, etc. Providing all the basic necessities and help for the agricultural sector under one roof are lately given importance for farmers welfare.
Every city across the country has its own agriculture related help centers and other departments of agriculture. Most of the time these are not at the reach of people which has created a gap between the ministry and the government. Presently there are no such hubs in the country.
Contemporary architecture dealing with the phenomena
Incorporation of agriculture and techniques irrespective of the space of dwelling is the major concerned. The hub needs to reach out to the larger section of the society to practice agriculture
Agronomy. Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Economics, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Soil Sciences, Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Botany, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agro- Micro Biology, Biotechnology, Agro- forestry
Ruminants, Diary Science, Poultry Science, Pisciculture, Sericulture, Apiculture
• Agriculture is the science and art of cultivating plants and livestock (food, fiber, forest products, horticultural crops, and their related services).
• The major agricultural products can be broadly grouped into foods, fibers, fuels and raw materials.
• Food classes include cereals (grains), vegetables, fruits, oils, meat, milk, fungi and eggs.
• Over one-third of the world’s workers are employed in agriculture, second only to the service sector.
• The history of agriculture began thousands of years ago.
• After gathering wild grains beginning at least 105,000 years ago, nascent farmers began to plant them around 11,500 years ago.
• Pigs, sheep and cattle were domesticated over 10,000 years ago.
• Plants were independently cultivated in at least 11 regions of the world.
• Industrial agriculture based on largescale mono culture in the 20th century came to dominate agricultural output.
• Agriculture in India began by 9000 BCE.
• Settled life soon followed with implements and techniques being developed for agriculture.
• Double monsoons led to two harvests being reaped in one year.
• Indian products soon reached the world via existing trading networks and foreign crops were introduced to India.
• Irrigation channels reached a new level of sophistication
• Indian crops affected the economies of other regions of the world under Islamic patronage.
• Land and water management systems were developed.
Indian agriculture began by 9000 BCE as a result of early cultivation of plants, and domestication of crops and animals.
By 9000 BCE- Wheat, barley, and jujube were domesticated in the Indian subcontinent.
By 8000-6000 BCE- Domestication of sheep and goat soon followed, was visible in Mehrgarh.
By the 5th millennium BCE- agricultural communities became widespread in Kashmir
5th millennium BCE- 4th millennium BCE- The first evidence of cultivation of cotton. The Indus cotton industry was well developed and some methods used in cotton spinning and fabrication continued to be practiced till the modern Industrialization of India.
Native Tropical Fruits- mango, muskmelons.
The Indians also domesticated hemp, which they used for a number of applications including making narcotics, fiber, and oil.
Sugarcane was originally from tropical South Asia and Southeast Asia.
Wild Oryza rice appeared in the Belan and Ganges valley regions of northern India as early as 4530 BCE and 5440 BCE respectively.
2nd millennium BC- rice cultivation in the Kashmir and Harappan regions.
The farmers of the Indus Valley grew peas, sesame, and dates.
Rice was cultivated in the Indus Valley Civilization.
Mixed farming was the basis of the Indus valley economy.
By around 4500 BCE- Irrigation was developed in the Indus Valley Civilization.
The size and prosperity of the Indus civilization grew as a result of this innovation, which eventually led to more planned settlements making use of drainage and sewers.
Around 3000 BCE- Sophisticated irrigation and water storage systems were developed by the Indus Valley Civilization.
An early canal irrigation system was developed in 2600 BCE in India.
Archeological evidence of an animal-drawn plough dates back to 2500 BC in the Indus Valley Civilization.
Jute was first cultivated in India, where it was used to make ropes and cordage
• There are repeated references to iron being found here.
• Cultivation of a wide range of cereals, vegetables and fruits is described.
• Meat and milk products were part of the diet.
• Animal husbandry was given importance.
• The soil was plowed several times.
• Fallowing and certain sequence of cropping were recommended.
• Cow dung provided the manure.
• Categorized soils and made meteorological observations for agricultural use.
• Other Mauryan facilitation included construction and maintenance of dams and provision of horsedrawn chariots - quicker than traditional bullock carts.
• The Tamil People cultivated a wide range of crops such as rice, sugarcane, millets, black pepper, various grains, coconuts, beans, cotton, plantain, tamarind and sandalwood. Jack fruit, coconut, palm, areca and plantain trees were also known.
• Systematic ploughing, maturing, weeding, irrigation and crop protection was practiced for sustained agriculture.
• Water storage systems were designed during this period. Crystallized sugar was discovered by the time of the Gupta’s (320-550 CE).
Chola rule land was transferred and collective holding of land by a group of people slowly gave way to individual plots of land, each with their own irrigation system.
• The construction of water works and aspects of water technology in India is described in Arabic and Persian works. The diffusion of Indian and Persian irrigation technologies gave rise to irrigation systems which bought about economic growth and growth of material culture.
• Agricultural ‘zones’ were broadly divided into those producing rice, wheat or millets. Rice production continued to dominate Gujarat and wheat dominated north and central India.
• Land management was particularly strong during the regime of Akbar the great (reign: 1556-1605), under whom scholar-bureaucrat Todarmal formulated and implemented elaborated methods for agricultural management on a rational basis.
• The second half of the 19th century saw some increase in land under cultivation and agricultural production expanded at an average rate of about 1 percent per year by the later 19th century
• Agricultural performance in the inter war period (1918–1939) was depressing.
• From 1891 to 1946, the annual growth rate of all crop output was 0.4 percent, and food-grain output was practically stagnant.
• The Bhakra-Nangal multipurpose dam was among the earliest river valley development schemes.
• The Grow More Food Campaign (1940s) and the Integrated Production Program (1950s) focused on food and cash crops supply respectively.
• The many ‘production revolutions’ initiated from 1960s onwards included Green Revolution in India, Yellow Revolution (oilseed: 1986-1990), Operation Food (dairy: 1970-1996), and Blue Revolution (fishing: 1973-2002) etc.
• Various institutions for agriculture related research in India were organized under the ICAR – Indian Council of Agricultural Research (est. 1929).
• During 2003-04, agriculture accounted for 22 % of India’s GDP and employed 58 per cent of the country’s workforce.
This farming practice is mainly used by tribal groups to grow tuber and root crops. Land is obtained by clearing a forested area and planting crops there. When the land is no longer fertile, another area of land is cleared and the crops are shifted there.
This is a widely-practiced farming technique can be seen all over India. The farmer and/or his family grow grains for themselves or for sale at the local market.
This farming practice can be seen in densely populated areas in India. It is an attempt to maximize the output of the land, through the use of every possible effort. It requires a huge amount of capital in addition to a great deal of human labour, but more than one crop can be raised per year.
This is the modern type of farming that can be seen largely in the developed world and in some parts of India. It relies largely on machinery as opposed to a human labour force and raises one crop per year.
The goal of commercial agriculture is a high yield, so that produce can be exported to other countries or areas for profit. Wheat, cotton, sugarcane, and corn are some commercial crops and they are grown in states including Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, and Maharashtra.
This style is often used for crops which require a lot of space and a long growing period, such as rubber, tea, coconut, coffee, cocoa, spices, and fruits. Plantations are only capable of producing a single crop. Plantation agriculture is practised in Kerala, Assam, Karnataka, and Maharashtra.
As the name suggests, dry land farming is practised in the more arid and desert-like areas of the country, including northwest and central India. Crops such as gram jowar, bajra, and peas have lower water requirements and can therefore be grown in these conditions.
Many areas of India are affected by heavy monsoon rains and subsequent flooding. Well-irrigated areas, such as those in the northeast India and the Western Ghats, are suitable for farming rice, jute, and sugarcane.
Terracing is an agricultural practice that suggests rearranging farmlands or turning hills into farmlands by constructing specific ridged platforms. These platforms are called terraces. The essential (and distinguishing) feature of terracing agriculture is excavating and moving topsoil to form farmed areas and ridges. The trick is that water flows down to lower platforms when the upper ones are full. Thus, the amount of water is distributed more or less evenly, not just at the foot of the hill.
Contract farming is defined as agricultural production carried out according to an agreement between a buyer and farmers, which establishes conditions for the production and marketing of a farm product or products.
This is the practice of farming using principles of ecology. Unlike organic agriculture, sustainable agriculture focuses on the ability of providing food on the long-term. As such, besides artificial fertilizers and pesticides it also does not allow the use of agricultural machines running on non-renewable resources.
Vertical farming is the practice of growing produce in vertically stacked layers. The practice can use soil, hydroponic or aeroponic growing methods. Vertical farms attempt to produce food in challenging environments, like where arable land is rare or unavailable. The method helps mountainside towns, deserts and cities grow different types of fruits and vegetables by using skyscraper-like designs and precision agriculture methods.
• According to the Economic Survey (2017-2018), Indian agriculture sector accounts for 17-18 percent of India’s gross domestic product (GDP) and provides employment to around 50% of the country’s workforce.
• Share in national income: From the very beginning, agriculture is contributing a major portion to our national income. In 1950-51, agriculture and allied activities contributed about 59 per cent of the total national income. Although the share of agriculture has been declining gradually with the growth of other sectors.
• Agriculture plays vital role in generating employment: In India over two-thirds of our working population are engaged directly on agriculture and also similarly depend for their livelihood.
• The real gross value added by agricultural sector in India in fiscal year 2018 amounted to about 20.7 trillion Indian rupees. A decreasing trend in real gross value can be attributed to decreasing agricultural prices, with most of them below the minimum support prices, along with an increase in urbanization and the expansion of the country’s services and manufacturing industries.
• Organic farming started mostly as trial operations on farms less than one acre in size. The total organic area is about 5.71 million hectares. Sugar crops are mainly cultivated using this method.
• Small and fragmented land-holdings: Average size of landholding in India has reduced from 2.28 hectares in 1970 to 1.1 hectares in 2018. Farming activities like irrigation and farm mechanization becomes difficult on such small and fragmented fields.
• Inadequate water supply
• Inadequacy of assured quality seed: Good quality seeds are out of reach of the majority of farmers, especially small and marginal farmers mainly because of exorbitant prices of better seeds.
• Inadequate use of manures and fertilizers: Unmindful use of chemical fertilizers has brought issue of water and soil degradation to forefront.
• Inadequate use of efficient farm technology: Most farmers continue to use native plough and other accessories due to the lack of knowledge and awareness.
• Inadequate Storage Facilities: Due to lack of storage facilities, most of the farmers sell their produce immediately in the market without realizing remunerative prices for their produce.
• Farmer’s Indebtedness: According to NSSO’s report, more than half farm-households in India are in debt, sometimes leading to suicide.
• Fragmentation of Market: Agricultural markets in India are highly regulated and fragmented. This has led to inefficiency and prevented universal national market.
• Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) has been started in the year 2014-15 to promote agricultural mechanization. The scheme aims at ‘reaching the unreached’ by bringing to the small and marginal farmers, the benefits of farm mechanization, especially regions where availability of farm power is low, promoting ‘Custom Hiring Centers’, creating hubs for hi-tech & high value farm equipments, creating awareness among stakeholders through demonstration and capacity building activities, and ensuring performance testing and certification at designated testing centers located all across country.
• Seed Village Program aims at upgrading the quality of farm saved seeds. The core idea is to meet the contingency in seeds demand in the country. The Seeds Bank Scheme is being implemented through National Seeds Corporation.
• Recognizing importance of storage facilities in overall development of agricultural sector government has taken following steps;
● National Policy on Handling and Storage of Food Grains, 2000:- It aims to reduce storage and transit losses at farm and commercial level and to modernize the system of handling, storage and transportation of food grains.
● Gramin Bhandaran Yojana: Under the scheme subsidy is provided for construction/ renovation of rural godowns. The scheme aims to create scientific storage capacity in rural areas to meet the requirements of farmers for storing farm produce.
● Private Entrepreneurs Guarantee (PEG) Scheme: The scheme promotes construction of godowns through Private Entrepreneurs with Guaranteed utilization by the FCI
• Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM) It is a scheme to replace diesel pumps and grid-connected electric tube wells for irrigation with solar irrigation pumps. Salient features of the scheme are: -
● Installation of grid-connected solar power plants each of capacity up to 2 MW in the rural areas;
● Installation of standalone off-grid solar water pumps to fulfill irrigation needs of farmers not connected to grid;
● Solarization of existing grid-connected agriculture pumps to make farmers independent of grid supply and also enable them to sell surplus solar power generated to DISCOM and get extra income; and
● Solarization of tube-wells and lift irrigation projects of Government sector
• Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) The major objectives of the PMKSY are: -
● To achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level, expand cultivable area under assured irrigation (Har Khet ko pani),
● To improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage of water, enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other water saving technologies (More crop per drop),
● To enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water conservation practices by exploring the feasibility of reusing treated municipal based water for peri-urban agriculture and attract greater private investment in precision irrigation system.
• Integrated Scheme on Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) with the aims
● to develop agricultural marketing infrastructure
● to promote innovative and latest technologies and competitive alternatives in agriculture marketing infrastructure
● to provide infrastructure facilities for grading, standardization and quality certification of agricultural produce
D-01- Assistance for Micro Irrigation: Financial assistance will be given to the farmers who have adopted micro irrigation / Drip irrigation system in the horticulture farms. (90% subsidy up to 2 Ha. & 50% subsidy for another 3 Ha).
D-05- Publicity and Literature: This scheme involves setting up to Departmental stall showcasing latest technologies and innovations pertaining to Horticulture in Agriculture Exhibitions. District level flower show will be conducted. It also involves Printing of blowups, charts, pamphlets etc., relating to different schemes in Horticulture department and regarding latest technologies for distributing to farmers.
D-06- Assistance for cold storage: Assistance will be given to the cold storage unit at the rate of `Rs. 1.00 per unit of electricity consumed.
D-07- Bee keeping: In this scheme remuneration to bee-keeping assistants will be given and training regarding bee keeping will be provided for the farmers.
C R O P S G R O W N I N R A M A N A G A R AAREA: 4800 m²
ARCHITECTS: Canvas Arquitectos
CATEGORY: Research and experimentation in farming and plant maintenance
• The site is close to the river Tormes. The architecture is not imposed here rather it is made a part of the territory. Hence are a series of folds and movements that have defined a landscape.
• This building emerges in the landscape distancing itself from a housing environment without a clear order, with different shapes and random arrangement.
• It has the infrastructure required to conduct research related to agricultural activities in the field of physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of plants, fungus and microorganisms.
• There are 2 entries/ exits into the building.
• The educational and administrative programs are located on the upper level, with direct access from the street; and from the lower level to the building can be accessed which would be through the laboratory area and this area opens onto the river.
• The research program and support facilities occupy an elongated half-buried volume that gives access to different nuanced services through an interior street.
• The laboratories are situated in four cubes on piles and are well insulated, with views of the river and are separated by common area which has the view of the river.
• In the closest area to the river there are a few greenhouses connected by a path outside, inside these researches related to agro biotechnology is done.
• The research area is reached after crossing the pronounced cut of the slab that supports the roof garden, a ramp guides you to the hall and the interior street that goes across and articulate the whole. This area consists of discussion areas, lecture rooms, etc.
• The South of the building, entry from the street consists of supporting areas such as offices, lecture halls, services, etc.
• Through a glass wall protected by the eaves of the roof garden, light flows in this elongated and complex space that, despite undergoing the strictness demanded by the functional program, is energized with ramps and galleries that give way to the platforms of the different laboratory volumes, the exit zone or the teaching building.
• The architecture is clear and easily understandable, seeks a flexible and versatile scheme, able to solve the appearance of new programs that will necessarily be incorporated into the research complex.
• One of the aims of the design is to achieve permeability and transparency between building and landscape, in order to obtain this, a light multilayer facade system is used, resulting in a variable density filter that meets both the heat and sunlight needs as well as the necessary privacy
• The roof gardens of the building take part of this privileged landscape with a proven ecological system, using seasonal flowering, hardy species and drip irrigation with low consumption and maintenance.
• The design team aimed at creating a bio climatic architecture, keeping in mind the land-related that would passively achieve favorable environmental conditions.
• The building is separated from the ground and supported on piles, the materiality of the structure is revealed throughout the entire building, establishing a heavy and steady world.
• On the contrary the facade systems are light, dry mounted to exhibit their temporary and removable character.
• A gallery of accessible facilities under the slabs runs the building all the way long. This infrastructure can solve the maintenance and further introduction of new services and technology.
• Use of green roof feature acting as a cooling strategy in summer.
• Use of curtain walls in order to allow natural lighting.
• Usage of Shading devices.
• Multilayer façade is used to control the heat gain & sunlight.
• The structure works well with the sun path
• The building achieves visual comfort as it is oriented towards the river.
• The landscape around the site allows the user to feel the integration between the surrounding environment and the building.
• The simple planning of the masses allows the user to walk through the building easily & enjoy its geometry & proportions.
• The design is flexible with movable partitions used, in order to reshape the plan according to its functions.
• A light multilayer facade system is used, resulting in a variable density filter that meets both the heat and sunlight needs as well as the necessary conditions required within the building such as privacy, heat gain, etc.
AREA: 30,000 sq. ft
CATEGORY: Research center
California University Campus Map
• Jordan Agriculture Research Centre is a state-of-the-art research facility located on the campus of California State University, Fresno.
• The center is located on the southeast corner of Woodrow and Barstow avenues.
• It is a 3-story structure.
• The design team has analyzed regional climate to come up with the use of passive building design to save 47% more energy as compared to a code laboratory building.
• The design used to achieve this energy reduction was an innovative dilution solution with a single exhaust system serving all areas in the building.
• Given the nature of the building programs, the envelope was designed to allow the building to transfer heat through the building skin that would otherwise have to be mechanically cooled.
• As designed, the building envelope provides the best energy savings.
• Further energy saving strategies, include: the complete elimination of reheat energy, laboratory exhaust heat recovery, a high efficiency chiller and boiler plant, and LED lighting and automated lighting controls.
• Shading strategies were also used throughout the project to reduce the solar load and assist in energy savings. Among these are recessed windows and a large portico shade over the glazed main entrance lobby.
• Over 10,000 square-feet of wet and dry laboratory space creates a hub of collaboration, discovery, and investigation.
• The building’s flex and community lounge space is flanked by labs with large windows, allowing students to mingle and view experiments being performed in the labs.
• This design allows for complete transparency and interdisciplinary interaction, creating a truly unique and collaborative space.
• Other facilities also include a horticulture unit, organic research and production plot, greenhouse and tissue culture laboratory.
• The farm laboratory features 120 acres of wine, table and raisin grapes, with some varieties used for faculty and student-led research projects.
• The building is a steel concentrically braced frame type of a structure.
• The building has 2 entrances, one to the West (main entry) and one onto the East.
• The building is entered through a Covered Portico and leads to the lobby area which consists of a staircase and a lift.
• This building has 2 staircases and lifts, West and East.
• This floor consists of a Conference room, Sensory Evaluation Tasting and Preparation Labs, Computer Water Modelling/ Visualization labs, Instrument robotic labs, modules for future are to the left of the building; toilets, Lounge, a staircase, a lift and storage area are to the right of the building.
• This floor consists of Environmental air and water quality lab, Bioenergy systems and modules for future needs.
• This floor consists of flexible modules, which have a flexibility of use in the space.
• It also consists of labs such as Genomics lab, Microbiology Lab, Plant Physiology lab, Entomology lab and Plant Pathology lab.
• Like on every other floor there is a lounging space for interaction and relaxation.
• The energy- recovery loop recovers heat from the air passing through the exhaust fan.
• Energy is moved by the circulation of water, in pipes and pumps, from one coil to other.
• IN WINTER: Air leaving the building through the exhaust fan is warmer than the outside fresh air being brought into the building through the Air Handling Unit (AHU), resulting in the fresh air being pre- heated by moving heat from the exhaust fan to the AHU coils.
• IN SUMMER: Air leaving building through the exhaust fan is cooler than the outside fresh air being brought through the AHU, resulting in the fresh air being pre- cooled by moving heat from the AHU to the exhaust fan coils.
• Farm Market (Gibson Farm Market) to sell the produce grown on the research fields.
• The research center also consists of dean’s office, staff room, classrooms and teaching laboratories dedicated to agriculture and related disciplines, a central computer lab available to students, a large theater-style classroom, a central open courtyard with garden areas.
• Within the facility are several smaller labs: They include a main analytics lab for general laboratory work such as plant, soil and water analysis.
• Other units are a plant science lab for conducting plant tissue analysis; the animal science lab for research such as SEM sample preparation and special projects; a media preparation lab for preparing microbiological media and other chemical solutions; and a soils lab for assaying soil chemical components, moisture and other characteristics.
• The building here is designed as to demarcate between the lounging spaces for discussion and lab spaces for research purposes.
• It is so designed to fit in various types of research-oriented experiments in one place.
• The provision of various temperature stabilizing systems for the lab spaces is very important.
• Since the lab spaces are designed mainly for the students from the university the number of labs handling various experiments in agriculture are limited.
• The functioning and circulation within the building is kept simple and segregated.
AREA: 7200sqm
CATEGORY: Research center (in environmental sciences and paleontology)
• There are 3 entrances to this building since this is situated in a campus. Main entrance is placed on the south façade.
• The building has been designed so as to profit from the high temperatures in offices and laboratories during winter while it tends to dissipate in summer.
• Walkways and open meeting spaces surround a large atrium that runs through the core of the building.
• PATIOS: In the middle of the building there are four patios, with stairs that connect the different levels at certain points. These guarantee light and ventilation in all workspaces reducing the consumption of artificial lighting. These patios also contain several plant species.
• The atrium is topped by a zigzag skylight that provides natural light and ventilation for the series of timber-clad offices and laboratories positioned around its edge.
• BASEMENT: Air from the two basement levels is redistributed through cavities in the retaining walls and used to temper the atrium, producing a stable temperature all year.
• WOOD CLAD OFFICES: These feature windows and ceiling fans that provide a degree of control over the climate inside, while laboratories can be more strictly controlled by artificial means.
• The building has five floors (40x40 sq m) and two basements.
• It contains the following spaces on each floor:
- Ground floor: the hall, bar, classrooms, meeting rooms, the administration area, lobby, cafeteria
- First, Second and Third floor: consists offices and laboratories
- On the Roof: Greenhouses consisting of vegetable patches and resting areas (128 sq m)
- Semi basement: the parking and the engine rooms
- Basement: warehouses and other laboratories
The concrete structure is wrapped and protected by an exterior bioclimatic skin.
The corrugated polycarbonate shutters operate automatically depending on weather conditions, like a computer-controlled greenhouse.
Automated shutters are used to regulate the internal climate. The external shutters are controlled by a similar process, with roof-based heat, humidity, solar and wind-monitoring devices
During wet or windy weather, the polycarbonate shutters automatically close, while in hot and dry weather they open to increase ventilation, giving the building a serrated profile.
This is one of the key features that gained the building its LEED gold energy rating.
• Low-cost concrete structure has been used as the main structure, contributing directly to the passive comfort of the building.
• The quantity of concrete has been optimized distributing its mass in favor of the thermal exchange.
• It uses a post-stressed concrete slab with pipes in the central area where the air circulates, in order to build a lighter structure.
• At the top and bottom of the slab the thermal mass is activated by geothermal energy.
• A mineral material with a lot of thermal inertia and long service life has been chosen for the structure combined with low environmental impact materials for the secondary partitions.
• Organic or recycled materials and dry constructive systems are prioritized at use.
• The building optimizes the whole water cycle by reducing the demand and consumption through the reuse of rainwater, gray water, yellow and waste water.
• The building has been designed to host three types of climates:
• Climate A: in-between spaces, that are exclusively acclimatized/ heated by passive and bioclimatic systems;
• Climate B: offices, that combine natural ventilation with radiant and semi-passive systems;
• Climate C: laboratories and classrooms that have a more hermetic and conventional functioning.
• The behavior of the building is monitored and controlled by an automatic computer system that processes and manages an important set of information in order to optimize both comfort and energy consumption.
• The system has been programmed in favor of the maximum passive behavior of the building and to minimize the use of non-renewable energy sources.
• The building reacts and adapts constantly, opening and closing itself, activating and deactivating itself, managing to use all the natural possibilities offered by the environment; therefore the comfort perception is much more real, less artificial than usual. "The system has been programmed in favor of the maximum passive behavior of the building and to minimize the use of non-renewable energy sources," the architects added.
• Readings from heat, humidity and carbon dioxide monitors located in the office spaces are processed by the central computer system, which uses this data to help regulate the climate.
• This study was made to get a better understanding with the spaces within a research centre.
• The courtyards add to the better ventilation and also brings in good sunlight.
• The outdoor research is done in the green house which is on the top most floor of the building.
• Since this research centre was for plants, it gave an idea of better understanding towards various common spaces that would be required in my design.
• The circulation and the movement of the building is kept simple and it is built considering the topography of the land.
AREA: 11, 000 sqft
ARCHITECT: Ar. Anant Raje
CATEGORY: Training center
• This is an institute set up for rural dairy farmers under a program set up by the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) in Palanpur, Gujarat, to impart basic training in cooperative dairy farming to villagers in surrounding districts.
• It is set amidst wheatfields, where the institute consists of a hierarchy of courtyards enclosed by stone walls.
• The project includes two sets of classrooms with residential rooms for 24 students, dining and other facilities connected with a regular dairy plant.
• This standardization allowed for a rapid and economical construction process.
• The project also features an auction hall with raised platform for loading and unloading produce.
• The series of loggias making up the dormitories do not open on the courtyard placed in their center in order to achieve maximum privacy
• The compound is enclosed by stone walls, and the buildings’ openings are spanned by concrete lintels and are deeply recessed to provide additional shade.
• The complex, built in the midst of wheat fields, consists of two distinct clusters respectively housing the school and residential units.
• The former group of structures, accessed by a courtyard, is designed as a house, with several courts and rooms where people can gather, and a verandah used as a dining space.
• Indoor and outdoor areas are clearly defined so as to reflect the villagers’ perception of space and seclusion.
• The series of loggias making up the dormitories do not open on the courtyard placed in their center in order to achieve maximum privacy.
• The compound is enclosed by stone walls, and the buildings’ openings are spanned by concrete lintels and are deeply recessed to provide additional shade.
• The exposed stone facades and arched lintels used throughout convey a visual unity to the overall design.
• The courts form important places in the working of the institute as well as form link to various areas of living, teaching and dining activities. The bigger court becomes the amphitheater with grassed terraces linking the lower part of the contours
• The grouping of various activities that form the buildings are oriented according to the priorities of wind, light and shade.
• Thus, the dormitories occupy the prevailing wind direction, teaching areas on the North side and the kitchen on the East side.
• The wall that forms the arrival court keeps the view of the factories on site away from the internal activities of the Institute.
• Rough stone masonry wall and smooth exposed concrete porches and lintels, used for elements of light, set against the landscape of wheat fields and mango trees.
• The buildings are of load-bearing stone, quarried from nearby quarries. Openings are spanned by concrete lintels, and are deeply recessed to provide shade from the hot sun.
• The buildings are based on the repetition of 4.5-meter-wide structural bays roofed with a barrel vault concrete shell.
• The spaces are woven surrounding an outdoor space or a courtyard.
• The building follows the topography of the land on which it is built.
• The fields surround the building thus enabling a better learning for the trainees.
• Simple and minimalistic details and details are made us of.
• The public spaces are placed on the lower level, while that on the above are dedicated to dorms.
AREA: 2700 ft²
ARCHITECTS: Ar. Rasika Badave, Ar. Prasad Badave, Rajiv Gujar, Prakash Apate, Ravindra Katre, B. Seshadri
• The purpose of this project was to help the local farmers and young generations in the rural area to learn various new agricultural techniques in short duration courses.
• Also, it’s a place for getting information about soil, climate, crops etc. for adjacent villagers.
• This center will arrange exhibitions of student’s research which can be easily seen by farmers.
The basic square plan and the central open space has been derived from traditional local structures (Wada) from nearby places of Ahmednagar. A Wada is typically a large building of two or more storeys with groups of rooms arranged around open courtyards.
The commonly used elements of design at local level are used and rearranged in a new way e.g. External Staircase. The building is carefully placed on rocky portion of site instead of damaging fertile soil on the site.
• The planning is done by considering sun movement, services like toilets, pantry, and entrance lobby is placed at south corner which can act as a buffer zone.
• Cavity wall is used on all sides to minimize the heat gain.
• Both the classrooms are oriented towards North side to minimize the heat gain and maximize the natural north light throughout the day.
• The dramatic internal volume is modulated with natural illumination.
• A daring hand has spliced through the roof space to cut out a corner of the room allowing daylight to penetrate the space.
• The tall walls have minimum openings, shaped like slits, to receive a concentration of light and spray it into the rooms. In addition, the perimeter of the super structure is offset to create slits in the roof too, that further sprays more light in.
• The central court like space is taller and the volume is negated by a portion at one corner to have a large multi squared opening that focuses light inside.
• The building material is carefully chosen which will reduce the cost and it will go with adjacent surrounding structures.
• All internal spaces are having natural indirect light to reduce consumption of electricity.
• White walls lit with natural light, gray kotah stone for flooring and over detailed interiors are avoided to bring simple dignity of silent architecture.
• The main challenge for the design team was to design a building for those local people who can get to know the contemporary architecture by using the materials which are familiar to them. So in that context exposed gray and colored fly ash brick walls outside and white washed interior spaces lit with natural light.
• There are light wells that bring in ample of sunlight into the building.
• The building is oriented in such a way that it gets good sunlight and ventilation.
• The building is built on a smaller scale to reach out to the farming community that reside in the vicinity.
AREA: 2136.77 sqm (22 acres of total complex area)
• National Agricultural Science Museum is situated in the National Science Complex, which is located on the main Dev Prakash Shastri Marg at a strategic location in the New Delhi.
• The Complex was built by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) spread over an area of around 22 acres with multi-dimensional state of the art facilities like a National Agricultural Museum, Conference halls, training halls, lecture halls, exhibition hall, guest house, offices of the International and national organizations of agricultural research, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), Association of Agricultural Universities of India, etc.
• The NASC complex is the first museum dedicated to agriculture in the country.
• The museum portrays the development of agriculture in India since prehistoric time and the present state-of-the-art technology in agriculture in our country, with a futuristic projection.
• It also provides complete knowledge on the subjects through easy and interactive audio-visual medium.
• The building is 2 storeys high.
• There are 150 exhibits categorized under 10 major sections such as: -
• Six Pillars of Agriculture,
1. Agriculture in Prehistoric Era,
2. Indus Valley Civilization, 3. Vedic & Post Vedic Era, 4. Sultan & Mughal Era, 5. Advent of British,
1. Advancement of agricultural sciences in Independent India,
• Global Issues related to Agriculture,
• Towards a Food-Secure Future, and
• Children’s Section.
• There’s also a 30-seater auditorium
• There is an exclusive section for children where information on sources of food, photosynthesis, ecology system, balanced diet, Greenhouse effect etc. exhibited through interactive games and animations.
• The various topics here have been displayed through computer and posters.
• Some other attractions include documentary film on agricultural festivals, water cycle system, speaking statue and the marine and fresh water aquarium.
• This case study was made to understand various spaces required in an agricultural museum.
• The museum consists of various spaces that weave in the history of agriculture in India.
• Most exhibits here are either prototypes or the museum’s collection.
AREA: 10000 sqm
ARCHITECT: Kimmel Eshkolot Architects
• The Museum houses the spectacular and vast natural history collections of the University and also serves as a center for academic research for its natural sciences staff.
• The building is environmentally-friendly and housed within a striking architectural structure composed of a wooden-panel shell.
• The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History stands at the entrance to the Botanical Gardens of Tel Aviv University and creates a new entryway for visitors to tour the gardens in addition to the exhibitions.
• Floating above ground, the Museum’s entrance plaza and gathering lawn allow a seamless view of the gardens from the street level.
• An additional 14,000 square-meters of basement parking for museum visitors, Tel Aviv University staff and students is provided.
• The Museum’s exhibitions start within display structures along the ramps leading up from the main atrium.
• These daylight exposed spaces lead into darker and larger designated exhibition areas.
• The ramps are wide and with minimal slope, allowing visitors, including those with disabilities, to walk up to the “treasure box,” while experiencing the different spaces of the building.
• The visit ends on the rooftop terrace, overlooking the botanical gardens, from which visitors can go directly down to a public square and enter the gardens.
• Above the main interior exhibition space on the building’s upper levels, lies the research laboratories for Tel Aviv University’s staff.
• The researchers have access to the Museum’s entire collections and have independent dedicated circulation and entrance paths.
• Through the internal ramps and hallways, both visitors and researchers will be visually exposed to one another in a series of choreographed encounters through designed architectural structures and glass windows.
• A bulging, elevated timber structure wraps the exhibition spaces of the Museum.
• They did this by creating a faceted wooden structure that wrap the corner of the building. Raised above street level, it traverses an entrance plaza that also serves as an entrance gate for the botanical gardens.
• The exhibition spaces are contained within this angular volume.
• It is clad in panels of engineered timber that help to insulate the collections and maintain the consistent climate they require.
• The exposed grain of the outer veneer layer introduces a natural surface that softens the otherwise geometric and futuristic form.
• The collections, which were never before on display, were placed in a large wooden chest – a treasure box of valuable specimens of flora and fauna,” said the architects.
• “The building enfolds the box and offers it to the public as an enigmatic object, invited to be explored.”
• Visitors pass beneath the wooden box on their way to a glazed entrance lobby that offers glimpses of the collections inside. This entrance area includes spaces for a shop and restaurant, and is flanked by a 195-seat auditorium.
• From the lobby, a series of wide and gently sloping ramps takes visitors on a gradual journey through the building, providing views of some of the exhibits along the way.
• The glazed atrium allows several of the exhibition areas to be illuminated by daylight, while others are tucked away in the controlled environment of the timber-clad box
• The path continues up to the second floor, where visitors can step out from the exhibition spaces onto a terrace overlooking the botanical garden. External stairs lead down from this terrace to a public square and the entrance to the gardens.
• The upper storeys contain the research laboratories and offices in an eastern wing, which is connected by a series of bridges to areas housing the collections inside the timber structure.
• The research part of the museum is zoned in the top most floor to achieve privacy and also have a quick access service core.
• The museum is placed in the lower levels to enable an easy access to the public.
• The museum part of the building has an embossed cladding in its exterior, marking its presence in the building while also giving in the required indoor conditions.
• This study was made to understand the various functions within a museum.
ARCHITECTS: Studio Lotus
AREA: 130000 ft²
CATEGORY: Government building CLIMATE: Tropical climate; hot in the day, cooler at night
• Krushi Bhawan is located in Bhubaneshwar, the state capital of Odisha; home to multiple agrarian communities, the state is the third largest contributor to India’s grain supply.
• It is a Government Facility developed for Government of Odisha’s Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment.
• SURROUNDINGS: The building is adjacent to the old ministry office with ancillary structures of power in the vicinity, such as the Police Commissionerate Building and the State Guest House.
• Krushi Bhawan was originally planned as a purely administrative space; Studio Lotus took a cue from Königsberger‘s original vision for Bhubaneswar where he saw the Capitol Complex with a host of government offices becoming “a lively point of public life”. Thus, the architects’ suggestion to include public functions and community spaces to create a building that would add to the city’s social infrastructure was willingly embraced by the Clients.
• The building is Four story high with a basement for car parking and a roof top.
• It’s a concrete structure based on a grid of approximately 15 feet by 15 feet.
• From the main gate are two pathways—one for the public to an elevated plaza that has community spaces and landscaped areas, and another that leads to access for employees.
• The primary entrance pathway is lined by laterite lattices and trees, and performs multiple functions – from a common area for employees to congregate in and eat together during lunch hour, to a place for hosting small gatherings.
• The Ground floor is a free-flowing public space that opens out into a Plaza, which is an extension of the street.
• This floor comprises of a learning centre, a gallery, a library, and training rooms, training rooms, a gallery, and an auditorium used both by the department and for public events.
• Through exhibitions, workshops, haats (weekly markets), lectures and school visits, these public spaces become a hub for imparting skills and sharing knowledge that engage diverse sections of the city’s population.
• The Public Plaza consists of a garden with native Flora, featuring an informal amphitheater and a pond that cools the forecourt.
• The offices for the State department and Directorates – which require restricted access – have been placed on the first, second and third floors. This allows the offices to be secured off, making it possible to keep most of the other facilities open to public even on holidays.
• Administrative centre has been designed as an office for a team of nearly 600 people, in addition to accommodating spaces for community engagement and learning.
• Roof top has been designed to house urban farming exhibits and demonstration of agricultural best practices
• The craftsmanship and extensive sustainable features of the architecture are a tribute to the vision of Otto Konigsberger, the German-born architect and planner who laid out the modern city of Bhubaneshwar.
• The exposed columns surrounding the central courtyard are made of local sandstone and laterite.
• The Pedestal level and North Wing- use locally-sourced laterite and khondalite stone.
• Central court- use hand-carved khondalite lattices are used here which provide a sense of enclosure.
• Agricultural motifs have been displayed across the building through a variety of craft techniques –
A. Bas-relief carvings in laterite along the Public Plaza, which depict ripe paddy crops illustrated in the Odia Pattachitra (cloth-based scroll paintings) style.
B. In the Central Court, a Crop Calendar has been created on a stone inlay floor, which displays the harvesting cycles for the most prevalent crops in Odia farmlands.
C. The upper floors of Krushi Bhawan feature a distinctive brick façade inspired by Ikat patterns of Odisha handlooms, created using clay in three different colors that represent the geographical diversity of the region. And the tribal craft of dhokra, or metalwork, is evident everywhere—in light fixtures and screens with animal figures and foliage.
• This building is built according to the vernacular of Odisha.
• The locally available materials have been made use of.
• To restore the lost art and culture, the art has been incorporated on the walls of the complex.
• The ground floor consists of public spaces while the top most floors are for the regional agricultural offices.
• The terrace is utilized for farming displays to the visitors.
• Tuition-related practical laboratories with a large number of workstations collected together and mostly with simple basic equipment.
• Research-related laboratories, mostly in smaller rooms with special equipment and additional practical spaces like weighing and measurement rooms, centrifuge and autoclave rooms, rinsing kitchens, air-conditioned and cold storage rooms with constant temperature, photographic/dark rooms etc
• Chemistry and biology laboratories have permanently installed laboratory benches. Rooms have a high rate of air exchange and frequently additional fume cupboards with air extraction for work producing gas and smoke. Fume cupboards are often installed in their own rooms (‘stink rooms’).
• Clean room laboratories are used for work requiring especially dust-free filtered air, e.g., in microelectronics or for particularly dangerous substances, whose release into the surrounding rooms should be prevented by special air circulation and filtering (microbiology, gene technology).
• A museum is a public collection of objects testifying to human cultural development. It collects, documents, receives, researches, interprets and communicates these through display.
The ventilation of a greenhouse should be designed so that, when it is opened, the temperature is almost the same as outside. To achieve this, it is necessary that about 20% of the roof area opens as a ventilation band or a single casement. Sun protection can be necessary if there is insufficient natural shading outside to create a bearable climate under strong sunshine. The sun protection can be mounted inside or outside, but the effect of external sun protection is greater when the distance between it and the glass is large enough.
• The site is located in Bidadi, Ramanagara. Bidadi is a town situated on the Bengaluru – Mysore expressway and is part of the Ramanagara district.
• The town is located 32 km from Bengaluru towards Mysore.
LATITUDE: 12.7969°N
LONGITUDE: 77.3838°E
SURROUNDINGS and LANDMARKS: Jnana Vikas institute of technology- West Power grid Bidadi- North
NEARBY LANDMARKS: Sun temple Eagleton resort, WonderLa, Innovative film city.
PRECIPITATION: The average rainfall is 622.80 meters above sea level and 931.58 mm annually.
CLIMATE: The year may broadly be classified into four seasons. The dry season is from January to February, followed by hot weather from March to May. The SW monsoon season is from June to September and the NE monsoon period from October to December.
VEGETATION: Wild shrubs, Neem trees, coconut trees, etc.
TEMPERATURE: Maximum 34°C in April; Minimum 16°C in December
HUMIDITY: The humidity is lowest during the dry season and highest during the monsoon period.
SOIL: Red sandy type of soil is found here which is derived from acidic rocks, granites and granitic gneiss.
Ground water resource in 45% area of the district including parts of Bidadi are over exploited. This has led to low ground water levels. Higher concentration of nitrate and fluoride concentration of more than permissible limit is noticed in major parts of the district.
Granites are a major geographical feature of this region. The total Geographical area of Ramanagara District is 3516 Sq. Km, of which 699.46 Sq. Km is Forest Area. Cauvery, Arkavathi & Kanva are the three rivers flowing in the District.
Ramanagara was previously called ‘Closepet’. Later it was renamed as Ramanagara which was derived from Ramagiri hill near the town. Ramanagara is a newly carved out district from Bangalore Rural District, Comprising of four Taluks- Ramanagara, Channapatna, Magadi & Kanakapura. The District is surrounded by Bangalore Urban District in the North and Mandya District in the South, Bangalore Urban District and Tamilnadu in the East and Tumkur District in the West.
Commercial crops like Mulberry, coconut, Silk Weaving (hence called silk city), Milk ,Toys, cocoon production, Ragi, Toor Dal, Mango and groundnut are the main crops of the District.
As per 2001 India census, Ramanagara had a population of 79,365. Males constitute 52% of the population and females 48%. Ramanagara has an average literacy rate of 69.22%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 67%, and female literacy is 58%. It has a population of 10,82,739 according to 2011 census.
The area has a population density of 303 inhabitants per square kilometre (780 / sq. mi) of about 3,556 km (1,373 sq. mi) district. Its population growth rate was 5.06% during 2001-2011.
The Ramanagara district is well connected with Road and railways.
a. Roadways: National Highway NH 206 (Connecting Tumkur and Honnavara) and National Highway NH 209 (Connecting Bangalore to Dindigul – Tamil Nadu) runs through the district, total of 93Kms of national highway runs through the district. About 278kms of State Highways runs through the district.
b. Railways: It has a railway connectivity to Bangalore, Mysore and other locations with 6 Railway Stations with 44kms of railway line in the District.
c. Airport: The nearest airport is Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru situated at a distance of 70Kms.
ACCESS: Access to the site through NH 275, Mysore road
Study site
Area dedicated to future agricultural expansion
Express way
Arterial roads
Collector roads
Noise pollution
Gnana Vikas Institute of Technology Sango India Automotive Parts Pvt Ltd Eagleton Golf Resort Hosakeri Medanahalli LakeFARMER’ S CENTER
820. 0 SQ M
SL. NO FUNCTIONS TOTAL AREA (SQ M) UNITS 1 RECEPTION AREA 10. 0 1 2 LOUNGE 100. 0 1 200. 0 1 180.0 1 3 SECURITY LOCKERS 40. 0 1 4 TICKET COUNTER 20. 0 1 5 INFORMATION DESK 25. 0 1 6 LADIES TOILET 20. 0 4 GENTS TOILET 20. 0 4 7 CYBERCENTER AND PHOTOCOPY 50. 0 1 8 FIRST AID 30. 0 1 9 ATM 20. 0 1 10 CONFERENCE ROOM 20. 0 1 11 PANTRY 20. 0 1 12 WORKSPACE 5. 0 1 170. 0 1 420. 0 1 13 SERVICES 30. 0 2 14 STORAGE 50. 0 1 15 ACCOUNTS 20. 0 1 16 DIRECTORS ROOM 30. 0 1 17 RECORDS ROOM 20. 0 1 18 JANITORS ROOM 2. 0 4
1 WAITING AREA 100. 0 1 2 RECEPTION AND BACK OFFICE 50. 0 1 3 CLASS ROOM 45. 0 2 45. 0 2 85. 0 1 4 STORAGE 35. 0 2 5 SERVICES 35. 0 2 6 LECTURE HALL 100. 0 1 7 STAFF ROOM 90. 0 1 8 LABORATORY 60. 0 1 9 LADIES TOILET 20. 0 2 GENTS TOILET 20. 0 2 10 MULTIPURPOSE ROOM 140. 0 1
SL. NO FUNCTIONS TOTAL AREA (SQ M) UNITS 1 WAITING AREA 60. 0 1 2 RECEPTION 10. 0 1 3 FORMAL DINING AREA 45. 0 2 30. 0 2 50. 0 2 4 LADIES TOILET 25. 0 2 GENTS TOILET 25. 0 2 5 AHU 40. 0 2 6 KITCHEN 150. 0 1 100. 0 1 7 DINING 270. 0 1 315. 0 1 1120. 0 SQ M
1 LOUNGE AND RECEPTION 190. 0 1 2 CLOAK ROOM 35. 0 1 3 SAMPLE COLLECTION 40. 0 1 4 SERVICES 70. 0 4 5 LADIES TOILET 25. 0 8 GENTS TOILET 25. 0 8 6 ADMINISTRATION 200. 0 1 7 MULTIPURPOSE ROOM 205. 0 1 8 LAB SPACES (TOTAL) 2500. 0 N/ A 9 LECTURE HALL 60. 0 1 10 LIBRARY 220. 0 1 11 FIELD PREPARATION LAB 40. 0 3 12 CAFE 220. 0 1 13 RESEARCHER’S WORK SPACE 320. 0 2 14 CONFERENCE ROOM 70. 0 2 15 STORAGE 70. 0 2
5970. 0 SQ M
The need for this kind of hub is very much relatable in a situation like a pandemic i.e., co-vid. The farming sector might always use a little extra help from the department of research. While also the tourism of the place could be enhanced by the research center and the museums.
Since the trading is part of the hub, the farmers are given a wide variety of chances to sell their crops directly to local consumers. The training center on the other hand trains the farmers to handle new types of machinery, or to use newly introduced techniques or use of pesticides and fertilizers. Farmer’s center
The farmer’s center was designed keeping in mind the various necessities required by the local farmers around. This building is for multipurpose use for the farmers, for instance, it can be used to organize a meeting between the researchers and the farmers, or it could also be used for short seminars and awareness programs.
The Farmers Training Center and Agriculture Research Center are connected to each other through a common space, that is used for various purposes. This was designed to develop an understanding and better communication between the farmers and the researchers at the center.
The training center houses outdoor farms for learning as well as indoor classrooms and lecture halls. The Research center is not open to the public unlike the training center but is accessible to the farmer ’s community placed in the area of design. This center consists of various labs such as soil testing labs, water labs, etc, to cater to the needs of the farmers.
I I I - F L O O R : I I - F L O O R : I - F L O O R :
84. Bio- energy system 85 Agricultural environment system labs 86. General lab 87. Private Researcher’s lab 88. Equipment storage room 89. Cold store 90. Freezer room 91. Lab ware wash area 92. Research field
67. Plant pathology lab 68. General lab 69. Private researcher’s office 70. Equipment storage room 71. Cold store 72. Freezer room 73. Labware wash room 74. Researcher’s lounge 75. Storage
R O U N D F L O O R :
Air quality chemical analysis room 79. Water quality Microbial lab 80. Water quality chemical lab 81. Computer water modeling lab 82. Air quality Monitoring lab 83.Observation room 20. Multipurpose room 21. Storage 22.Material Handling room 23. Labware wash area 24. Equipment storage room 25. Private researchers office 26. Precision farming lab 27. General lab 28. Precision farming lab 29. Observation room 30.Flexible modules 31. Machinery labs 32. Courtyard/ Atrium
Non- woven geo textile Polyurethane coat
Prime WBSB root resistance
4mm annealed glass
Soil Shali drain 50 mm sceed R. C. C
Argon gas
115mm thick brick
50mm thick XPS insulation
INTERIOR Low E- coating Winter indoor heat reflected back inside
Concrete Green wall panel Irrigation drip line Stainless steel frame Water proofing
n- type matep- type matep- n junction Solar panel Electron flow
The museum was designed to cater to the knowledge of the general public about agriculture, its importance, history, evolution, and so on. This museum offers not only indoor and preserved artifacts or types of equipment of agriculture, but also has outdoor spaces on the ground and the second floors to exhibit certain activities on the field to the visitors. These outdoor farming areas can also be used for specific demonstrations about agriculture.
35 33 34 32
I I - F L O O R :
31 40
6 19 18
5 6
I - F L O O R :
5 6 7 8 9 15
41 42 28
20 21 22 23 25 26 30
3 4 5 5
6 17
G R O U N D F L O O R :
10 11 12 13
14 16 6
5 6 31. Exhibition hall- 6 32. Storage 33. Library 34. Office 35. Class room 36. Lecture hall 37. Class room 38. Cafe with kitchen 39. Conference room 40. Storage 41- 42. Outdoor crop exhibit. 18. Lounge area 19. Exhibition hall with storage- 1 20. CCTV monitoring room 21. Curator’s room 22. Storage 23. Pantry 24.Administration area 25. Waiting area 26. Exhibition hall- 2 27. Exhibition hall with office- 3 28. Storage 29. Exhibition hall- 4 30. Exhibition hall- 5 1. Waiting lounge 2. Museum shop 3. Temporary exhibition hall 4. Store room 5. Ladies toilet 6. Gents toilet 7. Conservation lab 8. Storage 9. Registrar office 10. Machinery exhibition hall 11. Store room 12. Multipurpose hall 13. Back office and Cloak room 14. Temporary exhibition lab 15. V.I.P lounge 16. Exhibit farm 17. Temporary exhibition hall
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