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These Social Accounts cover Shared Interest’s financial year from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2021. References to ‘this year’ and ‘2021’ should therefore be read as this specific 12-month period.
Last year, we restructured our Social Accounts to align with our Theory of Change (ToC) and the present set of Social Accounts reflects this. The report is divided into two parts: Part I describes our activities and operations and Part II covers our impact.
A full picture of our work can be gained by reading these accounts in conjunction with our Director’s Report and Financial Statements, which are available for both Shared Interest Society and Shared Interest Foundation (Appendix 1 and 2).
These Social Accounts were produced in accordance with the process recommended by the Social Audit Network UK (SAN). This includes an audit by an independent panel, chaired by a SAN qualified social auditor, members of which are listed on page 3. In accordance with this approach, we compile these accounts using a combination of internally generated data and consultations with key stakeholders across 19 countries. Full details of our stakeholders and our methods of consultation can be found on pages 6367. Where we have quoted comments in the Social Accounts, we have selected these to be an illustrative sample of the balance of opinions from the consultations conducted.
Akabonge Azaba, a member of Amongtaaba Basket Weavers Group (working with TradeAID), weaves together with other women of her group in Sumbrungu Zobiko Village, Bolgatanga District, Ghana. TradeAID Integrated is a basket weaving cooperative financed by Shared Interest.
March 14, 2016.
Infographic key
Relates to Shared Interest Society activity
Relates to Shared Interest Foundation activity
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