Taming Cockatiels - Secrets To Turning Your Cockatiel Into A Loving Pet

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==== ==== Taming Cockatiels - How To Effectively Tame Your Cockatiel www.cockatielcarecenter.com/taming-cockatiels ==== ==== Taming Cockatiels How To Effectively Tame Your Cockatiel Many pet bird owners have a lot of frustrating moments when they are taming their cockatiels. Whether you are a new bird owner or a veteran cockatiel owner, some simple guidelines will help to take the stress out of the taming task. The first important tip is to know your cockatiels history if at all possible. If you purchased him from a pet store, find out how old he is, if he was hand raised by a private breeder etc. If you purchased him from a private breeder, they should have his whole breeding and raising history available to you. If you purchased your cockatiel from a private individual who was just wanting to sell him, history is very important to find out if he was neglected, never was taken out of the cage for companionship and interaction etc. This history of your cockatiel will help you immensely in the taming process. The next important tip to remember is to respect your cockatiels space and opinion as you are approaching him to tame him. If he is uncomfortable the closer you get to him, back away, respect his space, and try again later until he lets you approach him. If you continue to try to get closer to him when he doesnt feel comfortable, you are unintentionally conditioning him to be afraid of you, your finger or your hand. Speak softly and gently to him as you approach him and as you tame him. He will respond to your gentle and soothing voice and relate that to friendliness. Reward your cockatiel when he does what you want him to do. Millet is a good choice of reward food. Only let him have millet as a reward for good training. Dont feed it to him as a regular diet. As you get used to your cockatiel and his behavior, you will soon know what he likes. Use that in your taming and training sessions to make it fun for him. Taming your cockatiel may take some patience on your part depending on his history, but it is well worth it. Just remember that your cockatiel wants nothing more than to bond with you and spend time with you as a companion. Cockatiels are very social birds and he just wants to be social with you. Taming cockatiels really isnt that hard as long as your remember that all interactions with them are either making them love your more or they are making them hate you. Cockatiels are great companions and form strong bonds with their humans that last a long, long time.

Shari Hickman is a bird lover with over 25 years experience raising cockatiels, finches and parakeets.

==== ==== Taming Cockatiels - How To Effectively Tame Your Cockatiel www.cockatielcarecenter.com/taming-cockatiels ==== ====

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