==== ==== Learn To Play Keyboard – Two Elusive Secrets To Master The Keyboard http://tinyurl.com/7c547mb ==== ==== Learn To Play Keyboard Two Elusive Secrets To Master The Keyboard Just what does it take to really learn to play and master the keyboard? Is there a magic formula that will immediately transform the inexperienced keyboard wannabe into a music virtuoso? Well, there isnt a magic formula so to speak, but there are techniques that can virtually speed up the learning process and make it much easier even for the beginner. Secret # 1: Chords Most music teachers will have you learn to play piano or keyboard through a traditional training system that consists of music theory, music history etc. While this may work for some students, it isnt the optimal way to learn and master the keyboard. Plus it is boring by the way! By far the easiest way to learn and master keyboard is through the chord system. This system will show you how to visualize all the chords that exist in all music, how to learn them the right way and how to use them. Forget all the exercises that involve practicing scales. Instead a few exercises to learning the chords and their positions is sufficient to get a great grasp of music theory without all the boring stuff. Secret #2: Apply the chord system to your favorite music Once you learn the chords that exist in all music, you are ready to apply them to your favorite music. You can learn to play by ear, improvise, transpose, ad-lib, fill in and embellish any music to add a fuller sound. If you are playing just by reading notes, this is very difficult to do, however; with chords, it can be done on the fly and very easily once you know how it is done. This allows you to take your music playing to a much higher level without a lot of extra work. You can learn the basic left hand styles such as blues, jazz, country, rock, gospel etc and transform any song into a different style simply by implementing a different left hand harmony. My chord system music teacher can play Amazing Grace 100 different ways by just changing the left hand style. A little know fact is that most all professional musicians dont use the traditional method of playing music (it is just too cumbersome), they rely on the chord system and just a lead sheet to allow them a wider range of styles and personal interpretation. You can learn to play keyboard just like a professional if you learn the right way and the more fun way using a chord system.
Shari is a piano player and enthusiast who is excited to be able direct you to a resource to help you master piano.
==== ==== Learn To Play Keyboard – Two Elusive Secrets To Master The Keyboard http://tinyurl.com/7c547mb ==== ====