1 minute read

Oceanic Whitetip

The Oceanic Whitetip is now so close to extinction, having swum in this planet’s oceans for millions of years. I wanted to capture something of their perfection of form, their ease of movement and the light beneath the seas they inhabit. I am in disbelief that 50 years ago these beautiful creatures were considered to be perhaps the most abundant large animal on the face of the earth, whereas now they might disappear forever, victims of a barbaric trade to satisfy the banality of idiosyncratic culinary desires, while attention is focused elsewhere on political interests and dramas.


I paint endangered species street art on urban walls, drawing attention to the environmental crisis by bringing huge images of our native fauna, much of which is disappearing at an alarming rate, to a wide audience. By showing the beauty and significance of these creatures I hope to inspire interest, curiosity and a desire to protect them and the habitats on which they depend.

By bringing colour and beauty into the public domain, out of the galleries and accessible to all, the hope is to inspire active participation in environmental protection and creation.

Small individual changes repeated on a large scale can have dramatically positive effects.

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