Symptoms of ADHD in Child Behavior - Action Points for Parents Guess who was the first doctor in history to notice ADHD symptoms? It was none other than the father of medicine; Hippocrates who described the symptoms as follows "quickened responses to sensory experience, but also less tenaciousness because the soul moves on quickly to the next impression". That was how hyperactive, squirming and inattentive children behaved in 500 B.C., almost a carbon copy of symptoms of ADHD in child to-day. Hippocrates even had a remedy which was actually a dietary one which favoured fish over meat, barley instead of wheat bread and lots of water together with lots of physical exercise. Well, that could almost be taken from an ADHD forum post today, just 2,500 years on!
What action points should parents carry out if they notice symptoms of ADHD in child behaviour? The first one is to get a diagnosis and a proper one by a qualified practitioner such as a pediatrician, child psychologist or ADHD specialist.
The second action point is to get a second opinion because there are cases of misdiagnosis. For example, one boy went through hell because he was misdiagnosed and in the end, after years of wrong medication which spoilt his childhood, they found that his condition was due to a parasite!
The third action point is to read up on ADHD and try to get access to ADHD forums, blogs and parent support groups and find out what the main issues are. You should be aware that that there are three possible types which are reflected very much in ADHD child symptoms. Your child may be dreamy, spacey and inattentive so getting homework done is a nightmare. This could be the Inattentive type. If your child has problems with non-stop motion, hyperactivity and impulsive actions such as dashing across the road, he may be just the hyperactive/impulsive type. If this is true, he does not have any problems with attention. The third type is the combined type which is probably the most common one and where all the symptoms described above are present. The expert in making a diagnosis will refer to the DSM Vol IV manual together with the Connors Rating Scale which are standard criteria for specialists in assessing symptoms of ADHD in child disorders. ADHD child symptoms are not as cut and dried as that, as co-morbid disorders may also be present, thus complicating the diagnosis and prognosis.
The fourth action point is to research as much as possible on the risks and side effects of ADHD drugs. Parents should know that this is not a cure and will just alleviate the ADHD symptoms. The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) state quite clearly that unless there is some psychological support such as behaviour therapy together with medication, then there is no guarantee that the they will be able to cope with or improve the symptoms of ADHD in child development.
The latest warning about ADHD medication concerns Modafinil which can increase the risk of drug abuse. Research should be done on ADHD natural remedies as well, such as homeopathic remedies which are safe, effective and carry no risks. Information on these products has been drowned out by the Big Pharm.
Dr. Sharmistha Barai is a leading Child & Adolescent psychiatrist based in Saint Louis, Missouri, using her talents and expertise to treat clients for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar and personality disorders. Dr. Sharmistha specializes in general psycho-geriatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, drug and alcohol. She completed a MBBS degree (medical degree equivalent) at Lady Hardings Medical College, in New Delhi, India (2002). To read more, visit here: