English for Administration (ENGL304)
Policy Paper
Name: Lam Ho See Sharon Student id: 08235560d
Summa ry: Controlling the greenhouse gas emission is the global commitment to solve the Global Warming issue. Developing renewable energy is the long-term alternative to the power generation. In 2005, HKSAR Government announced “A First Development Strategy for Hong Kong� which aims to have between 1% and 2% of Hong Kong total electricity supply generated by renewable energy by the year 2012. For the sake of further reliance on renewable energy and reaching the target, a long-term and wide-scale development should be implemented. This paper aims to investigate the potential measures adopted in Hong Kong.
P roblem Statement In May 2005, HKSAR Government announced “A First Sustainable Development Strategy for Hong Kong” to contribute to international concerted efforts in stabilizing the greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere. The HKSAR Government aimed to have between 1% and 2% of Hong Kong total electricity supply met by power generated by renewable sources by the year 2012. Although several policies and projects had been implemented in these few years, we have to consider what adoptions are going to be taken in developing renewable resources so as to reach the target and further control the greenhouse emission. Background of the problem In Hong Kong, the largest proportion of the greenhouse gas emission comes from the energy sector. Burning fuels is still dominant in power generation. To reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emission, strategic replacement of burning fossil fuels with renewable energy is necessary. In developing renewable energy, geographical condition should be considered. Hong Kong is a coastal city located in the southern part of Mainland China at the northern latitude of Hong Kong is 22.3 degree. Hence, the wind resources are very good and sunlight is sufficient in daytime. Owing to such geographical condition, wind energy and solar energy is more appropriate for wide-scale development among all renewable energy. Statement of the Government’s interest Economic growth speed is proportionate to the amount of energy consumed. As for a responsible government, we cannot ignore the ecological impact while developing economy. In order to achieve a sustainable development, constituting the alternate energy plan is necessary. As stated in the “A First Sustainable Development Strategy for Hong Kong”, by 2012, 1% to 2% of Hong Kong total electricity supply would be generated by renewable sources. Although some small-scale implements have been undergoing, the goal set in 2005, as well as further control on greenhouse emission, cannot be achieved without wide-scale application on renewable energy. The large-scale development can accelerate the progress of shifting the major power source to renewable energy. In addition, to let Hong Kong become independent of foreign energy supply, developing renewable energy in Hong Kong can be the ultimate measure for long-term aspect.
Policy Options Actions already taken by the HKSAR government Solar water heating has been used in some swimming pools, as well as the Sheung Shui slaughter house. Moreover, small-scale photovoltaic systems have been used to power automatic weather stations around Hong Kong. From 2001 onwards, a number of medium-scale of building-integrated photovoltaic systems were completed, such as Wanchai Tower, the Hong Kong Science Park, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Headquarters and even primary school in Ma Wan. These buildings have been using photovoltaic systems to generate electricity to supplement conventional power supplies. The government had discussed with two major private power companies and come up with a commitment of setting up pilot commercial-scale wind turbines. Hongkong Electric Company's wind turbine commenced operation in February 2006 and CLP Power is now in progress for the construction of a wind turbine at Hei Ling Chau. Actions taken by other governments In other countries, renewable energy plants have been constructed and operated, for instances, wind farms in the Mainland China, solar thermal power plants in California of the USA, Spain and North America. With the improving technology and experiences, increasing proportion of power generation depends on these power plants. This direction satisfies the progress of worldwide renewable energy development. To stabilize the greenhouse emission without hindering the economic progression, establishing renewable energy in different scales is the common action taken internationally. Regarded to the geographical advantages and renewable energy technology adopted in Hong Kong, solar energy and wind energy are the two most appropriate options for development. The options are mainly categorized in two areas, which are applications in rural area and urban area respectively. 1. I n r u ral area The suggestions are focusing on the power generation in the range of a few districts to the whole city. A. Offshore wind farm
Wind farm is composed of a group of wind turbines which work collectively to generate energy. The wind turbines are usually arranged in geometric arrays or linear on the area about hundreds of square kilometers. Unlike the land-based wind farm, offshore wind farm is usually built on artificial islands. The power generated varies with regard to the wind speed. The constraints to siting of offshore wind farms includes avoiding commercial mariculture areas, shipping channels, seabed utilities, and areas of marine borrow and disposal. Moreover, extensive submarine cables for the transmission of power have to be constructed. Grid connection may encourage commercial or industrial development on the island. Advantages: 1. Hong Kong has constructed wind turbine before, hence the relevant technology is pretty mature. In addition, the steady growth of wind power in the Mainland China can assist the development. 2. Offshore area is usually with significantly higher wind speeds which contribute to sufficient energy supply. 3. Many of the noise, visual problems and safety issues associated with land-based wind farm developments are avoided or reduced. Disadvantages: 1. Owing to the constraints to siting, it is uncertain for the existence of potential site in Hong Kong. 2. The energy supply may not be steady when the wind speed is low. B. Solar thermal power plant - Hybrid power plant Hybrid power plant makes use of the solar thermal power that generates electricity from high-temperature heat. The plant can be retrofitted from an existing conventional steam power plant with parabolic trough solar fields as an additional solar steam generator. Hybrid power plants are suitable for large-scale use in the range of 10 to 200 MW electricity output. It can replace conventional power plants without any qualitative changes in the grid structure. In California, the hybrid power plants are operated with the auxiliary heating with fossil fuel which can buffer the occasional fluctuations in radiation. Advantages:
1. Under thermal storage, the turbines of solar thermal power plants can also produce power in a low-radiation periods and at night. Moreover, the auxiliary heating system from fossil fuel can guarantee the energy supply is reliable and steady. 2. The power plants use low-cost, recyclable materials, such as steel, glass, and concrete. And the plants can be retrofitted from the conventional power plants. 3. The land use of solar thermal power plants is relatively lower than for biomass, wind energy or water power. 4. The production cost is slightly higher than the conventional power plants. The energy payback time of five moths is low. Parabolic trough technology has the lowest material requirements of all solar thermal power plants. Disadvantages: 1. The auxiliary heating system still consumes fossil fuel. 2. The solar thermal power plant technology is still in the early stage of industrial development. 2. I n urban area The options are suggested to promote and widely adopt in an entire residential estate, commercial area or even district. They aim to supply energy within the buildings or areas. A. Small wind turbines Small wind turbine is usually installed in the residential area. It mounts on the wall of the motor room of the life, by resting the tower on the roof of the building near the lift room and fixing the tower to the base plate. Gridconnected vertical wind turbines can increase the amount of energy generated. Advantages: 1. The small wind turbines are maintenance-free and can stay against typhoon. 2. Based on the latest technology, the wind loading is not large and structurally safe for the mounting of the pole to the wall. 3. Noise level for latest small wind turbine is quite small. 4. The cost of the wind turbine system is comparatively low to solar
photovoltaic systems. Disadvantage: 1. The inverter for grid-connected system is expensive which raise the overall cost per unit of power. B. Building Integrated Photovoltaic system Building Integrated Photovoltaic system makes use of the photovoltaic materials or panels in parts of the building envelope such as the roof, skylights, or facades instead of conventional building materials. It generates power by the solar energy. Grid-connected system can facilitate the amount of energy generated and solve the problems of the battery set. Advantage: 1. The photovoltaic materials can be colorful and visually attractive, hence they blend in better and are more appealing than other solar options. Disadvantages: 1. Capital cost of the photovoltaic panels is high. 2. The inverter for grid-connected system is expensive which raise the overall cost per unit of power. C. Wind and Solar Hybrid grid-connected system This is the grid-connected system of the solar photovoltaic panels and the wind turbines. The system can either be standalone or grid-connected with response to the weather condition. Advantages: 1. For solar photovoltaic system, the inverter is only being used during the daytime. However, the wind is normally weak during the daytime and much stronger during night time. A hybrid system of solar and wind can be implemented effectively. 2. The cost of an expensive inverter can be shared by two systems and make the overall cost per unit of power lower. Disadvantage: 1. Capital cost of the photovoltaic panels is high.
Recommendations In order to reach the target proportion of renewable energy in annual electricity output and further dependence on renewable energy, it is recommended to develop a renewable energy power plant for long-term aspect together with installing wide-scale renewable energy system in urban area. After considering the feasibility and the effectiveness of energy generation, hybrid power plant is the best option for renewable power plants. Meanwhile, Wind and Solar Hybrid gridconnected system is suggested to install in the urban area. Instead of constructing a new hybrid power plant, retrofitting from the existing conventional steam power plant is suggested. Since the conventional power plant is monitored and run by the two private power companies, co-operation and concerted efforts from the private power companies are required. To encourage the power companies to participate in the project, some incentives can give some incentives to the power companies. Also, the relevant policies can be discussed and stated in the Scheme of Control Agreements. Since the solar thermal technology is not yet mature, especially in Hong Kong, expert from the country with mature development, such as California, should be invited. Meanwhile, technicians from the power companies can be sent to these countries to learn the technology. The concern of installation of Wind and Solar Hybrid grid-connected system is how to promote widely in the residential and commercial areas. Although the technology of wind turbine and solar panels is relatively mature in Hong Kong, high capital cost of the inverter for the grid- connection may discourage the private sector to install. Hence, government can act as the pioneer to install the system in the governmental buildings as well as the public housing estates. Moreover, some incentives can be given to the building developers incorporate this system into the buildings. To conclude, incentive program, continuous research and improvement in solar thermal technology and wind/ solar grid- connection technology have to be adopted collectively. References: This study report was to investigate the probable renewable energy developed in Hong Kong.
1. (2002). Study on the Potential Applications of Renewable Energy in Hong Kong: Stage 1 Study Report . Retrieved December 1, 2009 from Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Electrical & Mechanical Services Department Web site: http:/ /www.emsd.gov.hk/emsd/e_download/wnew/stage1_report.pdf The following references are the studies or reports on the solar thermal technology and wind turbine technology. 2. Lo, W. C. (2005). Overview of BIPV Systems in Hong Kong. International Conference on Alternative Energy, 45-52. 3. Festersen, L. P. (2005). Solar Thermal Power Plant Technology. International Conference on Alternative Energy, 66-100. 4. Purdie, S. & Harding, J. (2005). Developing Wind Power in China. International Conference on Alternative Energy, 127-148. 5. Ching, M. T. (2005). The Development of Small Grid-connected and Standalone Wind Turbines in Urban Area of HK. International Conference on Alternative Energy, 155-159.