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Wellington Combines Virtual, In Person Students

Students at Wellington Head Start combined hands-on learning with new technology to retell a classic story – and have fun!

Teachers Brenda Robbins and Jane Godby led both center-based and virtual students in a musical retelling of The Little Three Pigs. Recently purchased webcams attached to the classroom Smart Board allowed virtual students to join the fun.

While Ms. Robbins read the script and Mrs. Godby displayed puppets, the children played their instruments on cue to represent different characters in the story.

“It was so well-organized and everyone was fully engaged,” said Site Administrator Kara Goodwin. “The virtual kids were so excited to see the whole class.”

Currently, 16 students are attending Head Start in person at the Wellington center. Another 16 virtual slots are available with the same teachers.

“This is a great example of our teachers taking what comes and making the best of it,” said Head Start Director Shauna Matelski, Ed.D. “They have been fantastic about learning new technology and working hard to make every child feel included in every activity.”

Virtual slots are still available in LCCAA Head Start Centers. Visit www.lccaaforms.net to apply.

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