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Reducing the Risk of Spreading Disease
Nobody likes being sick. It’s a top concern for families and for early childhood staff.
Some illnesses Head Start sees at this time of year include influenza; hand, foot, and mouth disease; lice; strep; RSV; and common colds. We also see some pinkeye, impetigo and, of course, COVID.
Infectious diseases are illnesses that can spread from one person to another even before any signs or symptoms are seen. People may also continue to spread germs even after the symptoms have gone away.
Germs can spread through direct contact (touching people or objects) or through the air when people breathe, speak, cough or sneeze.
Certain child behaviors also spread germs. Children are still learning to cover their coughs or sneezes and to properly wipe their noses. And of course, babies and toddlers drool and frequently put their hands in their mouths.
You can reduce the risk of spreading diseases by direct contact with good hand hygiene. Wash hands frequently and clean, sanitize and disinfect surfaces often.
You can reduce airborne germs by maximizing outdoor play.
The best way to keep your germs to yourself is to stay home when you’re sick.