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Guarding Your Child's Mental Health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and even small children need mental health support. As a parent, you play a huge role in supporting your child’s mental well-being. Your child looks to you for love, learning and safety.
Try to spend as much quality time together as possible. Nurturing and loving care build a strong foundation, helping your child to develop the social and emotional skills they need to lead a life of good mental health.
As your child grows more independent and curious, they will want to explore the world outside and learn about the things around them. Encourage social interaction through play with other children.
Invite them to help you with simple age-appropriate chores. Guide them through steps to solve simple problems.
Set clear boundaries and realistic expectations. Follow up ‘No’ with alternatives for what you would prefer them to do instead.
Provide them with clear choices that are easy for them to understand when making decisions on what to eat, wear or play.
What to Watch For
Young children are learning how to express themselves and manage big emotions. This can sometimes cause anger or stress when they cannot communicate their needs. When children feel stressed or overwhelmed, they need a loving adult to help reassure them and help them to navigate their feelings.
What to Avoid
Any form of violence, including shouting and hitting. When a child lives in a negative environment it can cause “toxic stress” – harming the child’s growth and development – as well as long term problems later in life.
Frequent arguments between parents and people around the child. Tension in the environment can be stressful for children – they may feel neglected, powerless and vulnerable.
Any form of neglect. Children need consistent attention, love and care for their healthy growth and development.
Remember: Take Care of Yourself as Well
Emotions include joy, frustration, fatigue and nervousness. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, take time to manage your own stress.
Make sure you’ve got good social support around you. Try to have some alone time, so you can have some space for yourself.
Remember to invest in enough sleep, healthy food and physical activity.
Some form of stress is something every new parent experiences, but don’t be afraid to ask for support, and take time to look after your own needs.