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Agency Partners with Pantries
Local food pantries will again get a boost from LCCAA’s partnership grants for the holiday season. The agency has partnered with area food pantries since deep cuts were made to food stamps (SNAP) in 2013.
“COVID-19 has only increased the need for help in our community,” said Bobby Taylor, Director of Planning and Community Services. “Even recent boosts to food stamps are not solving all the hunger we see in Lorain County.”
To be eligible, organizations must be located in Lorain County and provide free food or non-food grocery items directly to any person in their service area living at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Line. The organization must also conduct monthly reporting on the clients they serve.
In addition to the food reimbursement, each partner will be given 100 new coats for distribution.
For a list of this year’s partners, please visit our website.