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Baby Signs Program Added to Early Head Start
LCCAA Early Head Start will begin using The Baby Signs Program this school year.
Even though some of our little ones can’t talk, babies six months and older have a sense of what they need, things they are interested in and remember. The inability to communicate these things with words results in frustration for children, parents and teachers.
Just as babies easily learn to wave “bye-bye” and shake their heads “yes” or “no” they can learn to use simple signs to communicate with the important people in their lives before they know words.
Benefits of the program include:
1. Reduces tears & tantrums.
2. Reduces biting and other aggressive behaviors.
3. Builds trust between babies and caregivers.
4. Helps caregivers be more observant & responsive to what the child needs.
5. Promotes positive emotional development.
6. Provides a “universal” language.
7. Jumpstarts intellectual development.
Recently, we sent home The Baby Signs that will be utilized in the classroom as well as illustrations on the hand motions. You will also see a weekly newsletter that will be sent home in your Early Head Start child’s communication folder and shared on ClassTag.
Help build the school to home connection, by using some of these signs at home and together foster your child’s communication and development.