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Parent Volunteers Needed for Head Start
Director’s Corner
Welcome Head Start Families,
Thank you for choosing Head Start! We are excited for this program year, and we are ready to get started!
We will begin very similarly to how we ended this past school year in June concerning the ongoing pandemic. This means we will continue to take all safety precautions and measures to keep staff, children and families safe.
We will continue to follow CDC guidelines and keep you informed of any changes. The great news is we will be filling our classrooms to our normal capacities!
This year, we are able to offer full-day, full-year services to eligible children and families. We are extending this option to ensure children who will be transitioning to Kindergarten next fall are well equipped. Please contact
your center’s administrator if you are interested in this program option.
Parents, you are so needed. The Head Start model is built around the fact that we need your input, your ideas and your energy. Overall, we need your help with longterm program planning.
There are many opportunities for parent engagement. Whether it is participating in parent meetings or policy council; or volunteering in school-wide events; or serving on education, health, or safety committee meetings, your presence and voice are always needed and welcomed. Speak with your assigned family service worker or teacher to learn more. WE NEED YOU!
Let’s have a great year!
Shauna Matelski, Ed.D. Head Start Director