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Head Start Offers Comprehensive Services
On behalf of the staff at LCCAA EHS/Head Start Program, we are happy to welcome you to the 2021- 2022 school year and honored you have chosen to have your child attend one of our 5-Star Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) rated programs.
We are looking forward to our partnership with you to ensure your child can achieve their fullest potential. We recognize that in order to be successful in EHS/Head Start, your child needs support from both the home and school.
We know strong partnerships with you will make a great difference in your child’s early childhood experience. As partners, we share responsibility for your child’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities.
By choosing Head Start, you and your child will receive the following comprehensive services:
Opportunity to learn through play by engaging in hands-on learning experiences with qualified degreed teachers, who follow a researched-based curriculum.
Health screenings (vision, hearing, dental, lead, height and weight).
A developmental & behavioral screening to assist in identifying any potential developmental delays as early as possible.
On-going communication through this Head Start newsletter, bi-weeklies about what’s happening in your child’s classroom, parent meetings, ClassTag messages, to daily conversations with your family service worker or child’s teacher.
Healthy and nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack, which follows the USDA guidelines.
Parent engagement opportunities by participating in parent meetings, volunteering, participating in policy council, school-wide events or attending education, health, or safety committee meetings.
On-going monitoring of your child’s educational growth will be measured throughout the year with our child assessment and results will be shared with families at home visits and conferences.
A quality early childhood experience that will foster long-lasting relationships and your child’s love for learning.
Exposure to extra curriculum supports: Tae Kwon Do, Viva Spanish and a music and movement program from the Kindermusik.
Your child’s early childhood years are very important. We do encourage that your child attends school daily and arrives on time, as attendance does play a huge impact on your child’s learning experience.
Early experience last a lifetime, and we look forward to working with you and your child to ensure a successful school year.