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Summer Crisis Extended Through Sept. 30
COVID-19 has changed many things about Lorain County Community Action Agency’s Summer Crisis Program, including who is eligible.
Residents can get help with their electric bills, receive an air conditioner or fan or have their central air system repaired. To be eligible, they must live at or below 175% of the Federal Poverty Line AND meet one of the following criteria:
• They are age 60 or older.
• They have a documented medical condition worsened by extreme heat.
• Their electric service has been disconnected or they have received a disconnect notice.
• They are trying to establish new service.
• They have been diagnosed with coronavirus in 2020.
• They are enrolling in PIPP Plus for the first time.
• They are an existing PIPP customer in default.
COVID-19 has also changed the way LCCAA is conducting the program. All appointments are being done by phone with zero contact between the LCCAA advocate and the client.
A secure drop box is available at 936 Broadway Ave., Lorain for required documents. Documents can also be faxed to 440-201-6483 or emailed to heapdocs@lccaa.net.
Appointments can be made by calling the new 24-hour number: 440-538-6999 or going online to https://app.capappointments.com/.
Federal Coronavirus stimulus checks do NOT count as income for this program.
The program will run through Sept. 30 this year.