Various effects of cocaine abuse
Cocaine has many negative effects on most of the body’s organs of the individual who is addicted to this drug. Some of these include: Short-term effects Cocaine quickly affects the brain of the user. The nerves of the brain are interfered with their proper working, when cocain is used Cocaine use give a feeling of enthusiasm, supremacy and elevated mood. Decreases the need of food and sleep temporarily. Restlessness, irritability, anxiety, etc. is also felt when using cocaine.
Long-Term Effects of Cocaine Long term cocaine abuse can lead to heart attacks, strokes, seizures, headaches, abdominal pain, ulcers and a various other problems. If an individual uses cocaine for a long time, it can affect the kidneys too. Extreme weight loss is also experienced by the individual who has used cocaine for a long time. A long term cocaine user can lose his sense of smell sniffling and nosebleeds. Long term cocaine users are often depressed, isolated from family and friends, paranoia and severe respiratory disorders.