3 minute read


The cost-of-living increases are impacting so many in society with reports of people having to choose between heating their homes and feeding their families! Will they also have to sacrifice replacing their toothbrush and interdental cleaners from their weekly shopping list?
Studies have shown that when people are struggling financially these burdens can lead to depression and anxiety. These two factors are known indicators for people to neglect their oral health and general health As dental professionals, we all see patients who have been through hardships which have caused them to neglect their oral health. The current economic forecast concerns me, as about the impacts on our patients’ oral economic a on our ora of a is as vit
The power of social media
As a profession we are good at thinking outside the normal avenues We are now able to promote oral health messages in other ways, such as social media, which many of us do already If every dental professional could post and share their oral health tips, our messages could reach so many people Those who work in the community could tell families and support workers to assist with delivering basic messages to friends and family
We can still help our patients, by simply spreading our knowledge and experience to people for free We do this because we care. Which is why our roles as dental professionals are extremely important.
National and an as advocate of ever. is g the gateway to we and the overstretched NHS.
The scope of practice of a student dental educating patients about the impor A key aspect of poor oral health is link general health problems such as hear diabetes 1-3 Educating patients is vital health is not neglected. Staff shortages within the National Health Service (NHS) and an increase role as educator and advocate of good important than ever The mouth is gener be the gateway to the body: we need patients and the overstretched NHS
NHS ha reports on make to register NHS to pr payments treatme established report tha are their paymen debits. are to h costs looked af
Since the pandemic, NHS dentistry ha News reports focus on how much har to make appointments and to register for NHS treatment. Many NHS practices have moved to higher payments for dental treatment. established private practices report patients are cancelling their paymen direct debits People are making sacr with their oral health to afford the hig costs of living This includes regular attenders who have always looked a their oral health.
Some key simple health messages and advice that I share:
1. Brush at night and one other time of day for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste.

2. Keep sugary snacks and drinks to mealtimes to reduce acid attacks.
3. If you want to snack, make sure it’s a true savoury snack –watch out for hidden sugars – download the change4life sugar smart app
4. Dried fruits - you may think it's a great lunch box snack for your child, but they are sticky and full of sugar
5. Spit don’t rinse after brushing. This can help remineralise the enamel keeping teeth healthy.
Author: Billie Dunn is a first-year student studying dental hygiene at Teesside University. In her free time, she loves working as a support worker for people with additional needs, which she finds extremely rewarding. In the future Billie would love to use her dental hygiene qualification in the community dental services If you have any questions or want to say hello, she can be found on instagram - @ Smile_with_bd
Email: Billie_dunn@outlook.com
Instagram: @Smile_with_bd
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Copy Dates For 1st April For The May Issue
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