February 2016
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
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Editors Message
Happy New Year! a big welcome to 2016 ! Our new years resolution is ‘to drink more water’. Simple, achievable and very good for you. This is especially important if you are taking mediation on a regular basis over a long period of time as the toxins may build up in your liver and kidneys and drinking plenty of water will help your body ‘flush’ them out. Plus it’s quick to do and free. It takes 13 repetitions to form a habit so the sooner you start the quicker it just becomes part of your routine!
Readers Letters … Send letters to: respond to each one! Please note that some of these articles are written by patients who are still in recovery. These articles are unchanged and may contain spellings, punctuation and grammar mistakes.
A copy of our medical disclaimer is on our website It looked great! Have read a few articles from it. Very insightful. Sophie, MENCAP
Domonic, Editor
Thank you for your letters. We can’t acknowledge all the letters but will aim to Please note that errors and omissions are exempt from this publication. For terms and conditions please see
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Contents Editors message and Reader Letters Contents Contributors
2 3 4
RELATIONSHIPS Family Relationships
Children's Corner
A Parents Uncertainty
Living with Brain Injury
THERAPY Exercise -Body Maintenance
Speech Matters
Alternative Therapy
Wind and Bloating
Learn to pace yourself
IMPROVING AWARENESS Statistics and Awareness
Macmillian Cancer Support
Brain Training Applications
Coping post hospitalisation
Book Review
Movie Review
Key Contacts
How to keep motivated
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Contributors To this issue Thank you to the authors who had input to this magazine. Without your valuable content this issue would not have happened!
Brain Training:
Family Relationships: Patricia Webb
Mental Health: Becky Wickes
Children's Corner:
Claire Kearns Living With Brain Injury: Theresa Barron
Statistics and awareness Erica Bart
Parents Uncertainty: Alan Morris Exercise: Body Maintenance: Michelle Reb Speech Matters: Thomas Liedbecker
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Head injury staff may feel
Family Relationships
avoid talking to children. They might also feel anxious
“Ways of helping
with children’s distress,
children cope with Head
or lack the confidence to advise parents on the importance and how to support
Giving children information and explaining
How do you explain head injury to
head injury is paramount t enabling them with
a clearer understanding. Like adults, children
head injury and the issues and changes they have experienced as a result of it. If children are not furnished with this knowledge they have
explanation of events, which can often be inaccurate and lead to incorrect conclusions.
information about head injury. Children’s understanding
increases as they get older. The same is thought of their understanding of head injury. As a result, it is helpful to provide information at a level that is suitable for your child to understand. Even very
Adults (understandably) worry that children
young children are sensitive to the
might be upset by discussion of their relative’s
‘emotional atmosphere’ in the family and
injury and so try to protect them from this.
will pick up on and sense distress in
However children do want information and
report feeling upset when they are not aware
Certainly children around the age of five
of what is happening.
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need information to help them make sense of
It helps to start by knowing what
have a greater understanding of what an
likely to expect the injured person to make a
injury is. However, they are likely to struggle
full recovery, and so may need help in
to understand everything. They will also find
understanding the long term nature of head
the idea of problems being long term or
injury. Children of this age may need guidance
permanent difficult to understand, and so they
knowing what to tell peers. They may also
are likely to expect the relative to make a full
need help in knowing how to behave
‘normally’ towards the relative and not try to
A very important issue to bear in mind with
this age group is that they typically view
Teenagers can generally comprehend the
everything in relation to themselves and so
complexity of head injury (similar but slightly
maybe likely to blame themselves for the
different to adults), and so can be told about
accident. Children may not tell you about
issues such as the severity, seriousness, extent
these beliefs without some encouragement,
of recovery, and permanence of the injury.
therefore we have found that it is very
important to reassure all, but especially
emotional support to be able to cope with this
younger, children that they are not to blame
for the injury.
Try to prepare what you are going to say in
Children age 6–12 years at this age group are
advance of talking to them. Taking into
capable of having a more sophisticated
account their age and what they already know.
understanding of head injury; for example, they will understand both its ‘seen’ aspects
specifically affects their relative outlining
(such as physical problems) and its ‘unseen’
all areas of difficulty
aspects (such as cognitive problems) if they are clearly explained. However, they are still
State what a head injury is and how it
Focus on the injured person’s strengths
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and abilities, so that a balanced picture is given
what is actually said.
What else can help children?
Discuss recovery and the likelihood of some long-term problems. Balance this
There are a number of other ways that children can be supported.
with an optimistic statement about the Try to keep children’s daily routines as
‘normal’ as possible, which is almost
Acknowledge that the child may be feeling sadness and fear, that this is normal, and that it will improve
injury. It helps if they can continue with after-school activities, clubs, and hobbies,
Ask the child to repeat what you have
but you may need to have extra help to
said (so you can check for any
maintain this.
Tell the school what is happening—they
Ask the child if they have questions.
may be able to offer some extra support and will be sympathetic if the children
It is important to be prepared for some direct and difficult questions that could upset you
seem upset or show changes in their behaviour.
(e.g. ‘Will he ever walk again?’). Very young children benefit from lots of physical contact
Emotional support
(e.g. sitting on your lap) when being given
Most children cope well with regular
‘bad’ news. Most important of all is to remind
information about what is happening to
yourself that there is not one ‘correct’ thing to
their relative combined with the chance to
tell children or a ‘right’ way to say it. A
talk through their feelings with an adult
willingness to talk to them and to listen to
they know and trust. Younger children
their concerns is much more important than
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impossible in the early stages of the head
might prefer to draw or ‘play out’ how they
Children may need to relearn ways of
are feeling (using dolls, toy hospitals) rather
communicating with relatives who have speech
than talk.
and language problems.
Should the relative is away from the family
Children are best supported by adults who are
for a prolonged period encourage regular
managing their own stress. Therefore it is
visits to the relative alongside telephone calls,
important to look after yourself in order to be
e-mails, and letters. If visits are not possible it
able to look after others.
is helpful for the children to see photographs
When do children need extra support?
of the relative as they are, especially if they have changed significantly as a result of the
throughout the whole of their relative’s
If children are able to visit the rehabilitation unit, ask if they can observe and participate in their relative’s therapy sessions. This provides
recovery, but there are key times when they might experience heightened levels of stress and may benefit from additional help.
an opportunity for children to spend time with
Children may need:
their relative and to learn about head injury
and its treatment. However, it is important to
help to deal with the emotional shock of the accident
plan visits involving children carefully, and to avoid visiting when children are tired, which
relative might die
the injured person might find difficult. Maintain
Honest answers about whether their
Information about medical equipment and
relative and children, although there may be
machinery in advance of seeing the
some anxiety about this if the injured person
relative for the first time so that they are
has severe physical limitations.
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Help in setting realistic expectations for
leaving home, which many children who
the future
have parents with chronic conditions find difficult because of guilt and worry that
Help in coping with setbacks (e.g. if their relative does not make progress)
the family may not cope without their help
Ongoing emotional support in the event
Is it all bad for children ?
of the relative remaining in a reduced So far we have focused on the possible
awareness state, PVS, or coma.
negative effects of family head injury on
When the relative discharged home Children may require assistance with:
children; however, this is likely to be only one part of the picture. Research is beginning to show that coping with
Preparing for the relative’s return home. It is not uncommon for children to resent the parent returning home, especially if the separation has been prolonged and new routines have been established
difficult situations can bring out the best in children and can have a positive effect on their overall development. When they are well supported through stressful experiences, some children say that it
Support so that they do not to take on the
made them more emotionally mature,
role of a carer.
taught them important coping skills that they might not have otherwise learnt, and
Long term Children
helped them see themselves as strong emotional
people. They also said that their relative’s
support to cope with the effects of living with
injury provided them with a different
someone with head injury and to make normal
perspective on what was important in life
transitions, such as going to university and
and that they appreciated their family more.
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Children’s Corner “Supporting Siblings” It can be really tough when a brother or sister gets a brain injury. The sibling might be feeling….
making things better for him or her. Below is an account from a mother in this situation;
“I went into practical mode at hospital. I
told my daughter she should stay at home
and we would find someone to be with her.
Fobbed her off, that’s what I think now. I
Left out
shoved her to one side so I didn’t have to worry about her. I hope it didn’t feel like
It might be hard to know what to feel and
that for her. It was never meant to be that
whether it is even right to feel anything at all
because this did not happen to you. It is
precious girl to let her know that I loved her
important to remember a brain injury does not
even though it seemed that I didn't. I wanted
only affect the person who got hurt/who is
to hold my daughter, but I wanted to know
unwell; it affects the whole family so it would
what was wrong with my son, and that took
be unlikely for siblings to not be affected.
priority then.”
I couldn’t reach out to hold my
Brothers and sisters are often forgotten when
This not unusual, and it can be difficult for a
a brain injury occurs since parents naturally
sibling to deal with. Brothers and sisters may
focus on the child that has been hurt and
devote most, if not all, of their time, to
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Mum and Dad have forgotten about
Siblings in these situations highlight the
following areas when discussing how life has changed
Everything has changed, and not in a Schoolwork
good way
do not understand what is happening
Missed experiences
Enormous guilt that they were not there
New rules
on that day, or for thinking of
It can sometimes be much harder for a
themselves at such an awful time
young person to express how they feel.
themselves, their sibling and/or the
How children react will largely depend on their age and understanding of the situation, as well as the kind of support
family as a whole
that is available to them. When a child with a brain injury returns home from hospital it can be difficult for siblings to make sense of why their brother or sister is getting more attention or is acting
Having the
chance to talk to a parent, relative, family friend or another person that they feel comfortable with can make a huge difference and ease the burden for them.
differently, particularly if they look much the same as they did before. It does not help that we all tend to think that leaving hospital means that the person is better, when in fact leaving hospital can be the starting point for a whole host of new concerns and problems.
Everyone deals with things in different ways, and it is normal to have mixed feelings. There are lots of brothers and sisters who have been through these situations. Here are some useful tips they
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People are not explaining things so they
have used, and you should encourage
able to identify ways in which the school or
friends can provide support.
If you want to know more about what is
The Child Brain Injury Trust provides a one-
happening, ask
off grant of up to £100 to children with an
Try talking to Mum and Dad and
acquired brain injury and/or their brothers and
explaining how you feel
sisters to use towards something they might
If this is too difficult, think of someone
enjoy – Give a Child a Chance Grant; ask for
else that you get on well with and try
our Grants and Funding Leaflet for more
talking to them about how you are
information or speak to your Regional Child
feeling. It might be a friend, relative,
and Family Support Coordinator. The charity
teacher or even a neighbor
is able to provide a list of useful publications
If you cannot work out exactly what
and information about events that brothers and
you want to say, try writing it down. It
sisters might be interested in.
might be a letter, poem, song or a diary.
The Child Brain Injury Trust also produces a
You don’t even have to show anyone
booklet called “You’re not the only one”. This
what you have written, but it might help
can be obtained from the Trust on 0303 303
you to figure out how you are feeling
2248 or downloaded from our website
Spend some time with friends just having fun
Things that parents can do to help It is useful for school to be aware of what has happened. Your son or daughter will be dealing with a lot of emotions, and if teaching staff are aware of this they might be
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balance had returned the facial paralysis
“A Parents Uncertainty”
had gone and little by little he managed to improve his vision and hand and eye coordination. Surviving in the outside world would mean coming to terms with ourselves each other but not forgetting what we had both gone through. Meningitis was Kyle’s original diagnosis, now Kyle had forgotten the young man in the next bed, downy fuzz growing on his face voice breaking but his mind burned
toddlers mind. This lad was a victim of the,’ take some Calpol and we shall see in the
morning,’ approach
management. ‘’Why didn’t I have something as simple as Meningitis?’’ Asked my son.’’ I wouldn’t have a head full of ironmongery.’’ Kyle was recovering from encephalitis the pressure within his skull regulated by a tube draining fluid into his tummy. We had faced death and disability together, within the safe confines of the hospital Kyle’s
About a week later we sat down to watch a documentary about meningitis. We saw a baby with black necrotic dead tissue on his cheek, his fingers and toes destroyed. The
meningitis organisms did not only affect the brain the way Kyle’s encephalitis had, but attacked tissues particularly fingers, toes, the nose and part of the face, it often
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out by meningitis, a teenager with a
started at the periphery the parts of the body
well. I cannot claim the credit, I think he
furthest away from the heart.
recovered in spite of me, I can be proud as a
The case from the programme that I
Dad that I didn’t hinder this new life too much.
remember best, was a young lady with both her legs amputated as a result of Meningitis,
The ‘why’ child never went away. He grew and
she was going to use her prosthetics for the
asked more questions. When you are twelve
first time. She holds the parallel bars, jokes
realising that the best medical minds are
stumped by your case, it’s a wake up call. Other
purposefully forward into the future. In the
children asked the questions that were solvable,
back-round, Mum hovers nervously, out of
the answers found in the text books, Kyle asked
her daughter’s eye line.
the questions that weren’t on the page or the
internet. He was such a pain his teachers I knew the anguished face the look of
provoked him to ask better questions, now he
desperate concern, hidden as soon as her little
searches for answers. Once he wanted to be
girl fast becoming a woman, could notice. I
able to help a child with encephalitis be
knew that face, I had seen it in my own mirror
diagnosed quickly and be spared the pain,
too often, the girl was so brave, so was Kyle, I
doubt and uncertainty he faced, we faced
was not.
together. His illness made him a scientist a seeker after
I could not show how frightened I was how
truth, his illness made me a single parent,
angry that my golden child had been struck
fighting or not fighting for my child. The
down. I wanted the tireless runner the why
hardest act was to learn to let go. Hold a bird in
child who wanted everything explained I
your hand too tightly and the bird suffocates,
wanted him back. In some ways he never left.
too loosely and the bird flies free. The time to
I don’t know why Kyle recovered and stays
spread my hands and let him fly free came, the
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alternative a suffocated caged in child or just
cause swelling of the brain. The effects
as bad a parent chained to his child was too
depend on how much pressure where it is
horrible to contemplate.
The football player, the video game player
complication was that the normal flow of
who wanted join the RAF was gone. The old
CSF (the fluid surrounding the brain) was
Kyle was gone but the new Kyle was just as
blocked, resulting in a build -up which
exciting interesting and ultimately accepted
created pressure on his brain. The medical
and loved.
staff are armed with more Intel now and
Teenage is a period of challenges and angst
advancements in technology have eased
for parents too. Sometimes the illness pressed
diagnosis meaning earlier treatment.
the pause button or at least slow motion, was Alan Morris
fate allowing me to catch up with the new person emerging? A chrysalis cannot return to being a caterpillar, we only have to wait for the butterfly to emerge, is that what parenthood is all about? I often say I held my sons hand for several
Is this magazine in your doctors waiting room yet?
weeks. The truth is he held mine.
Foot note Encephalitis is fortunately a rare disease, it can be caused by a virus or bacteria. Since Kyle’s illness another form that is auto immune has been recognised. All varieties
and click on subscriptions.
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During a seizure there is a sudden abnormal
“Living With a Brain Injury”
electrical disturbance in the brain that results in one or more of the following symptoms:
Involuntary movement of your head, body, arms, legs, or eyes, such as stiffening or shaking.
One of the problems that can occur after a
Unresponsiveness and staring.
traumatic brain injury (TBI) are seizures.
Chewing, lip smacking, or fumbling
Although most people who have a brain injury will never have a seizure, it is good to understand what a seizure is and what to do if
visual images.
you have one. Most seizures happen in the first several days or weeks after a brain injury. Some may occur months or years after the injury. The majority of people who have
Strange smell, sound, feeling, taste, or
Sudden tiredness or dizziness.
Not being able to speak or understand others.
seizures are helped by medications. Rarely,
Symptoms of a seizure happen suddenly, and
seizures can make you much worse or even
you are uncontrollable without medicine.
cause death.
Seizures usually last only a few seconds or minutes, but sometimes continue for 5 to 10
What are Seizures? Seizures happen in 10% of people who have a TBI. The seizure usually happens where there is a scar in the brain as a consequence of the injury.
minutes. You may have a bladder or bowel accident or bite your tongue or the inside of your mouth during a seizure. When the seizure is over, you may be drowsy, weak, confused or have a hard time talking to or understanding
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others. After a severe seizure, one that lasts
people with epilepsy will have this
longer than several minutes, it may be harder
problem for their whole lives.
for you to stand, walk or take care of yourself
The cause of your brain injury can help
for a few days or even longer.
doctors figure out how likely you are to
Conditions that could increase the risk of
have seizures.
having a seizure include:
High fever.
brain injuries caused by bullet wounds
Loss of sleep and extreme fatigue.
have seizures.
Drug and alcohol use.
Chemical changes in the body such as low
sodium or magnesium, or high calcium.
Around one fifth of people with
closed head injuries that cause bleeding between
Approximately quarter of people who have an
not penetrated in the injury. •
About two fifths of people who
early post-traumatic seizure will have another seizure months or years later. Late post-traumatic seizures: A seizure
more than seven days after a brain injury is a
Approximately four fifths of people who have a late post-traumatic seizure will have another seizure (epilepsy). Having more than one seizure is called epilepsy. More than half the
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A seizure in the first week after a brain
means the skull and brain contents were
injury is called an early post-traumatic seizure.
experience seizures. A closed head injury
Seizures and TBI •
Almost three fifths of people with
need 2 or more brain surgeries after a brain injury experience late post-traumatic seizures.
Medications to control seizures Medications that are used to control seizures are called antiepileptic drugs. These drugs may be used for other conditions, such as chronic pain, restlessness, or mood instability. Side effects of AEDs usually improve after you've been taking the medication for 3-5 days. Some common side effects of are: •
Sleepiness or fatigue.
Worsening of balance.
Lightheadedness or dizziness.
Double vision.
Blood tests may be needed to make sure you are getting enough of the medication and to make sure the drug isn't causing other problems. Sometimes your doctor will prescribe two or more of these medications to stop your seizures.
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Statistics and Awareness The following information was compiled
There are 100,000 people in the UK who have
Sclerosis (MS)
recently by leading charity organisations. The numbers presented here are approximate and
1 in 500 people in the UK have
may have increased.
Parkinson's with 127,000 people are currently diagnosed
There are 3.3 million people claiming disability living allowance in the UK and
Approximately 25,000 people in the UK
according to the department of health 15
million people are diagnosed with a long term
Approximately 5,000 or 7 in every There are5.4 million people suffer from
100,000 in the UK are diagnosed with
asthma in the UK and Someone dies every
Motor Neuron Disease
seven hours from asthma 1 in 3 people who have a traumatic Every 8 hours in the UK someone is told they
experience suffer from post traumatic
are paralysed through spinal cord injury
stress (PTSD)
In the UK 354,000 people are admitted to hospital each year with brain injury
800,000 people in the UK suffer from Alzheimer's. This disease is expected to
50,000 people each year are in recovery in the
near 1 million very shortly
UK from a Stroke Cancer affects 2 million people in the UK
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Improving Awareness
diagnosed, through your treatment and beyond, we’re a constant source of support to help you feel more in control of your life. We are millions of When you have cancer, you don’t just
worry about what will happen to your
campaigners and people affected by
body, you worry about what will happen
cancer. Together we make sure there’s
to your life. How to talk to those close
always someone here for you, to give
to you. What to do about work. How
you the support, energy and inspiration
you’ll cope with the extra costs.
you need to help you feel more like you.
At Macmillan, we know how a cancer
We are all Macmillan.
diagnosis can affect everything. So
For support, information or if you just
when you need someone to turn to,
want to chat, call us free on
we’re here, because no one should face cancer alone.
0808 808 00 00 (Monday to Friday, 9am–8pm)
We can help you find answers to questions about your treatment and its
or visit
effects. We can advise on work and benefits, and we’re always here for emotional support when things get tough. Right from the moment you’re
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Some examples of elements you may
Mental Health
wish to include in your care plan are: • Emergency contacts - who to call in an emergency or crisis, and other details
Coping Post Hospitalisation
such as what time they might be at work etc.
Being admitted into hospital can be difficult to process, and you may feel nervous or unsure as you approach your discharge date. Whilst at first a hospital may seem overwhelming, it may soon begin to feel safe, meaning that the
psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health nurses, and other professionals. If your NHS trust has a crisis line it is a good idea to include that also. • The details and address of your local
“A departure plan is vital!”
hospital and A&E department • Medication - you may have had your medication changed in hospital, or you may have started some for the first time.
It is important to have a plan when you leave
Keep a record of what you are taking, the
hospital, and it is a good idea to begin getting
dose you are taking, and any effects it
this into place before you have left the ward.
might have on you and ensure you leave
That way you know you are making steps
hospital with the right quantity to last you
towards coping better, and recovering, outside
through to the renewal date. Setup an
of an in-patient environment.
automatic renewal with a your doctor and
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Mental Health
idea of leaving brings with it feelings of
• Details of your care team - this includes
most pharmacy’s also now deliver to your
better than anyone else. It may be hard for you
to talk to those closest to you about what has
• Warning signs - many mental illnesses have warning signs that they are worsening, or that an episode is on the horizon. It is important
happened, but you could also help in contributing towards their education regarding mental health.
that you keep a log of how your personal
“Don’t rush back!”
warning signs might appear, so that if you were to become ill again, they would be
One of the most important things you should
flagged up for early intervention.
bear in mind once you have left the hospital, is
Your mental health care team are vital in helping you on the road to recovery, and it is important that you trust them with your care. Building long lasting relationships with your team will help you to understand your illness better, and will help prevent relapses in the
to take life slowly. Do not rush back into work, school, or university. If you need to have a day in bed then do so, don’t put pressure on yourself to go back to how you were before hospital, as this may result in you becoming ill again.
future. Work with them during appointments,
It may be an idea for you to research social
and with any challenges they might set you,
groups or support groups in your area.
and you may notice an improvement in your
Attending these can help you to feel less
quality of life.
Whilst having a medical team is vital to a quick recovery, it is also important to have a
relationships with people who understand the same situations you have been in.
solid emotional support system around you.
The idea of returning to a work or school
Friends and family can provide us with help
environment may be difficult, but most
in the darkest of times, and can understand us
institutions and employers are understanding
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of these situations. Try approaching your
these and cope with them in the best way
boss, or the head of your school/university
that you can.
and explaining what has happened to them. If you are hesitant about doing so, there are mental health advocates available through some charities, or a relative or friend may be to help you.
Other healthy choices will also help you, such as choosing to eat a balanced diet, ensuring you get a small amount of exercise and fresh air daily, and avoiding stimulants such as caffeine or street
If you have been put on medication, or have had your medication changed, then you should find out what you can about it. It is a good idea to ask for patient leaflets, or discuss
misleading at times, so it is best to ask for it from a healthcare provider.
Sleep is essential to ongoing mental health, and this is especially important following a hospital stay. Make sure you get the minimum amount required each night, but also try to not oversleep as this will also impact on your wellbeing.
“Avoid Stress!” Making healthy life choices can also help you on the road to recovery following a hospital stay. For example, avoiding things in life that
“Learn which coping mechanisms work for
may stress you out will certainly help you,
whether that be a certain person, a situation, or anything. Other stressors are sometimes unavoidable, but you can work with your care team in order to ensure that you can overcome
Self soothing activities can also play a vital role in helping to keep you mentally
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Mental Health
it with your doctor. Information online can be
stable, and whilst you may feel as though some are ‘too basic’, they have been shown in therapy time and time again to work. Some examples of self soothing activities are: • Colouring in • Drawing or painting
Rebecca Wicks
• Writing
Twitter @thebibli0phile • Reading • Watching TV • Yoga • Going for a walk • Playing an instrument Leaving hospital can be a scary prospect, especially if you have been in there long term, however it is completely possible to rebuild and lead a fulfilling life. The advice mentioned above is only a small amount of what you could do in order to help yourself cope following discharge, and it will be a case of finding out what works for you.
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tells you something bad will happen if
anxiety ....
you do, something awful. In response you
If depression is the black dog in the corner
interaction with people, which ultimately
then anxiety is the gnawing monster on your
only feeds the original fear.
squirrel yourself away indoors and avoid
back. It will cling to you, drain you of energy and leave you shaking like a steam train on
Acute episodes are those moments where
rusty rail tracks.
you are pushed right to the edge and suddenly the world around you is distorted. Everything speeds up and you
would be such a significant problem for me I
can't reach out or steady yourself. There
might not have believed you. Mental health
are usually identifiable catalysts, small
issues have been familiar since my early teens,
errors that your mind can run with and
mostly that looming shadow of catatonic
blow up to extreme proportions.
depression, but I'd never really experienced anxiety beyond what is considered the norm. It
“small things can set your mind
was only in my mid to late twenties that it
started to creep up on me, and now at the age of 28 it is a constant, stalking presence.
Perhaps a smashed plate, a late bus, a spilt drink, or the anticipation of a particular
There are two types of anxiety. Generalised
event or occasion that you are facing.
anxiety disorder can develop as a nauseating
Your head will play tricks, add two and
terror that sits in your stomach. In can come in
two together to make five, and obsess to
waves, rising and falling, churning like a
an extent where you feel tied in knots.
washing machine. It stops you going out and
I am currently in London, dog sitting for a
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Mental Health
If you'd told me a few years ago that anxiety
friend while she is on holiday. My aim has
smart and has her head held high, she is on the
been to use the opportunity to meet up with
way to work or an important interview or
friends who live nearby and be as social as
appointment. Transform yourself into her
possible while I am here. This is proving to be
shoes and detach yourself from the mental
quite challenging and I am having to draw on
processes that are holding you back.
various coping mechanisms to get by. Busy train stations and fast moving crowds are very
It is also crucial to try to understand that a
much a trigger for anxiety, as well as the
situation may be less that ideal and bad
pressure of interaction with others. It is a
experiences do happen, but it does not mean
wearing but worthwhile struggle to stay
the end of the world. Ask yourself
present instead of avoiding and retreating into a safe but ultimately smothering shell. But I
'what's the worst that can happen?'
refuse to give up and let anxiety win. then keep questioning and pushing, "and so
“detach yourself from the mental
what if it does....what would that mean?' 'So
processes that are holding you back�
what if I do make a fool out of myself, so what if someone doesn't like me, so what if I get
There can be some real strength to be gleaned from the familiar lesson "fake it till you make it". Although putting on a pretence long term is not a solution as recognising your own self worth is important, courage taken in small bursts of role playing can be beneficial. Take on the character of the woman stood next to you waiting for the underground train. She is
into a what? Why does it matter?' We all mess up and make mistakes, it is part of being human. You may come up against
prejudice, but that has more to do with the instigator than it does about you. Not caring about the insignificant things is far more difficult than it should be, but it is a goal that
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
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can be achieved with practice. In turn, be
second. I have to try and remind myself
patient with yourself and recognise baby steps
that I cannot rely on those thoughts, I
that will eventually add up to a mile. It is easy
cannot trust myself. It is common for me
to throw in the towel and label yourself a
to want to seek a lot of reassurance from
failure if you do not manage to do something
other people but I also have to resist this
you intend to, but on the days that you just
doing too much, as it can create
make it as far as the end of the road when the
annoyance and unease where there was
day before you only made it to the front door,
not even an issue to originally address.
that is still a success! Being able to identify and separate the physical elements of anxiety from the
deluge of thoughts that run through my head
mental is also really important. The
at marathon speed. I am usually able to
racing heart and quickened breathing that
distinguish irrational from rational but when
may come on either in a fight or flight
my anxiety is particularly raging it can be
nervous episode, or as a result of mental
harder to do so. Paranoia sets in and I find
distress, is simply the body's reaction to
myself interrogating myself and harshly
panic. It does not mean that you are in
assessing my every move, how I look, how I
any actual danger.
act, the words that come out of my mouth. Distraction is a key element in addressing Even
from social
anxiety. If available to you, talking
situations I will pick apart my actions with a
therapy can be of great benefit, but
fine tooth comb and find imaginary evidence
to support flaws and wrongdoing. Regret.
Guilt. Self hatred. I have to step away for a
difference. and there is an array of
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
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exercises make
or real
Mental Health
My own anxiety manifests very much in a
literature and information available in relation
crowds. Reach out if you feel yourself slipping
to practicing both. Adult colouring books or
and let others support you. Good friends will
games that sharpen your brain into a focus
be there to hold you up when you are lagging.
beyond the anxious feelings can also be of great use, as well as knitting, drawing or
writing. It is okay and entirely healthy to need
overwhelming but it can be controlled and
time out and space to yourself. Make a list of
contained. Although it is unlikely to ever be a
activities you can read through and try out
complete after-thought, it can be put into a box
during those moments when everything starts
that sits in the background of your thoughts,
to feel too much and your mind becomes too
which slowly through experience and the
distorted to think straight. In doing so your
testing out of different situations will become
anxiety should gradually begin to lessen until
smaller. Try to enjoy spending time with other
it is at a more stable level.
people and letting them spend time with you. Those moments can be treasured and put into
Most of all remember you are not alone.
a new box of positive memories.
Mental illness can feel personal and isolating but it is far from uncommon. According to
Claire Kearns More than 1 in 10 people are
likely to have a ‘disabling anxiety disorder’ at some stage in their life and an estimated 13% of the adult population will develop a specific form of anxiety known as a phobia at some point. That woman next to you on the tube platform could have just repainted her face after an emotional break down among the
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
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informed choices. The Infoline gives
Mental Health help and support services If you are experiencing mental health problems or need urgent support, there are lots of places you can go to for help.
information on types of mental distress, where to get help, drug treatments, alternative therapies and advocacy. Mind also has a network of nearly 200 local Mind associations providing local services.
Saneline Telephone: 0845 767 8000 (6pm-11pm) Website: support/helpline
Saneline is a national mental health
emotional support for people experiencing
helpline providing information and support
feelings of distress or despair, including those
to people with mental health problems and
that could lead to suicide. You can phone,
those who support them.
email, write a letter or in most cases talk to someone face to face.
Mind Infoline Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday) Email: Web site: advice_lines Mind provides confidential mental health information services. With support and understanding, Mind enables people to make
ChildLine Telephone: 0800 1111 Email: Pages/Email.aspx Website: ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine
anything - no problem is too big or too small.
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
Page 29
Mental Health
Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call) Email: Website:
realistic with your goals” politely ask whether
“How to KEEP
all therapeutic options have been explored? If you have reached the end of your journey with
them thank them for their time and effort and
People making promises they
ask for a maintenance exercise plan. Once this
can't keep
has been received validate that you have understood it correctly, that you are executing
This happens to us all however it’s even worse
the plan correctly and arrange a follow-up
when it is concerning your health prognosis.
appointment to ensure you are consistently doing everything in the right way. This
Generally the medical teams do not promise
appointment is also useful to assess if any
anything at all. Phrases like "we will make
decoration or progress has been made with
you the best you can be" are often used which
your condition and to fine tune your plan.
really doesn't commit them to any. However
Make Good Use Of Your Time!
every now and again someone promises to deliver something that really they can't are made. Not often but a slip of the tongue or
opportunities. Certainly it allows you to spend
misinterpretation and false expectations. When
more time doing things you enjoy but also it
reality does not meet expectation this can
allows you to explore alternative therapies
cause stress and upset which leads to a feeling
such as hydrotherapy or Yoga plus forms of
of being let down or that you are not trying
meditation like Mindfulness which may benefit
hard enough.
you! For some ideas take a look at the
Alternative therapies article on Page 39 As soon as anyone says “You have to be
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
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Exercise, “Maintenance for your body !” As the day’s are darker in winter and temperatures decrease, you may be tempted to
independent. However you must double
hang up your exercise gear until spring.
check with your therapist and / or clinical physician that they are appropriate before
Don't! Stay active throughout winter so you do
starting any exercise program.
not have to start again in spring and rush to get the “beach body”.
Don't worry if you've not done much for a while, these exercises are easy, gentle to follow and can also be done indoors.
our the NHS “ Couch to 5K running plan and Strength and Flex exercise plan”, which are
More energy
ideal for beginners. Regular exercise will make you feel more And if you're not keen on exercising outdoors, check out the NHS 10-minute home exercise routine.
energetic, which should make it a little easier to get out of your warm bed on cold, dark mornings.
If you're looking for something less energetic, these strength, balance, flexibility and sitting exercises are ideal if you want to improve your health, lift your mood and remain
Your body’s immune system may also benefit. If the shorter days are affecting your mood, being active can improve your sense of wellbeing.
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If you're short on ideas for getting active, try
You may be tempted to eat more during the
so consider wearing a hat as well and don't
colder months. Exercising will help you
forget a decent pair of gloves.
manage your weight better and keep your body in shape. Especially during Christmas
Stay safe
and new year it is common to eat, drink too much plus not get enough sleep.
If you're exercising after dark, keep to well-lit areas and wear bright and reflective clothing.
Some great tips on eating a healthy balanced
Ideally, exercise with a friend, but always tell
diet and taking regular exercise to maintain a
someone where you’re going and what time
healthy body weight are:
you intend to return. Avoid listening to music
Warm up
while running outdoors. Not hearing what’s going
If you’re starting a new exercise regime,
vulnerable, especially when crossing the road.
don’t overdo it. Slowly build the amount of
If rain or ice is making exercise dangerous, do
exercise you do. If you can't manage 30
it another day. The weather might be better
minutes in one go, break it up into 10-minute
tomorrow, an injury could take weeks to heal !
If you have a cold Always warm-up for up to 10 minutes before you start. Walk at a brisk pace, or jog in order
Colds are more common in winter, but you
to warm your muscles.
don’t necessarily have to stop exercising if you’re feeling under the weather. Use your
Make sure you’re warm if you’re going
common sense “If your symptoms are not
outside. Wear several layers to keep the heat
severe and you generally feel OK, then you
in. A lot of heat escapes through your head,
can exercise. If you feel absolutely rotten, then
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
Page 32
it’s best not to go.” However, it’s important
warm and be careful if it’s wet or icy.
not to exercise if you have a fever. A fever is when your body’s temperature is 38°C
If being outside when it's windy, raining
(100.4°F) or above and is rarely a symptom of
or snowing doesn’t appeal, rent a fitness
a cold.
video and try doing some exercise at home
Do something you enjoy
Choose an activity that you enjoy. Now might be the time to try something new that you can do indoors, such as: •archery •badminton •bowls
•fencing •fitness classes •five-a-side football
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•judo •pilates •squash
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•swimming •table tennis •tai chi
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If you enjoy running, don't let cold weather
put you off. Get tips on running outdoors in winter. You could take a long walk at the weekend or go for a bike ride. Just wrap up
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
Page 33
•cycling •dancing •curling
Speech Matters “What is Dysarthria?”
As a result of these problems, a person with dysarthria may be difficult to understand. In
Dysarthria is difficulty speaking caused by problems controlling the muscles used in speech.
produce short phrases, single words, or no useful speech at all.
A child or adult with dysarthria may have:
some cases, they may only be able to
Dysarthria does not affect intelligence or
slurred, nasal-sounding or breathy
understanding, but a person with the
condition may also have problems in these
strained and hoarse voice
areas. Speech problems can also affect
excessively loud or quiet speech
The muscles used for speech are controlled
by the brain and nervous system. Dysarthria can develop if either of these is damaged in
"gurgly" - sounding or monotone speech
What causes dysarthria?
rhythm, with frequent hesitations
some way.
• difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), which may lead to constant drooling
Dysarthria can either be:
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Developmental – when it occurs as a
How can a speech and language
result of brain changes before or
therapist help?
during birth, such as cerebral palsy
Acquired –
when it occurs as the
Speech and language therapists (SLTs)
result of brain changes later in life,
play an important role in identifying
such as damage caused by a stroke, a
and assessing children and adults with
head injury, a brain tumor, or a
guarantee that speech and language
Parkinson's disease or motor neurone
therapy can improve the speech of
everyone with dysarthria.
Treatment success depends on the Dysarthria
extent and location of the brain damage
developmental while dysarthria in adults is
or brain dysfunction, or the stage of the
often acquired, although both types can
progressive condition that's causing it.
affect people of any age.
Treating dysarthria Whether dysarthria will improve with speech and language therapy depends on what has caused the condition and the extent of the brain damage or dysfunction. Some cases may remain stable while others may worsen over time.
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An SLT will try to improve and maximize
your ability to talk, help you find different
ways of communicating, and help you and
your family adapt to your new situation.
professionals that includes people from the health, social and voluntary sector.
strategies to improve speech, such as slowing speech down
a programme of exercises to improve the volume or clarity of speech
assistive devices, such as a simple alphabet board, an amplifier, or a computerised voice output system
speak slowly, saying one word at a
time if necessary
leave a clear space between each word
make sure you are in the same room when talking and face your listener
An SLT may recommend:
put extra effort into stressing key
They will work as part of a team of health
take a good breath before you start
engage the listener's attention (for
example, by touch or calling their name) before you begin talking to them
keep sentences short and avoid long
conversations if you are feeling tired
example, switch off the TV or radio
repeat yourself if needed
Communication tips Tips for family, friends and carers Tips for people with dysarthria If you are speaking to a person with If you have dysarthria, you may find it helpful to:
dysarthria, you may find the following advice helpful:
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reduce distractions and background
noise when you have a conversation
diagnosed with dysarthria maybe a
look at the person as they talk
little frustrating at times as you may
after speaking, allow them plenty of time to respond – if they feel rushed or pressured to speak, they may become anxious, which can affect their ability
avoid finishing their sentences or correcting any errors in their language as this may cause resentment and
feel like your having to constantly question
themselves so it is clear as to what they are saying. However remember it is
overtime they are misunderstood.
Over time you will get used to your new voice and so will your friends and family. Soon it will just become part of
if you do not understand what they are trying to communicate, do not pretend you understand as they may find this
who you are and you won’t even remember what you sounded like before dysarthria!
patronising and upsetting – it's always best to be honest about your lack of understanding
if necessary, you could ask for clarification
yes/no –
example, say: "Did you ask me if I'd done the shopping?"
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
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just as frustrating for the speaker as
to communicate
Alternative Therapy What complementary and alternative therapies are out there and how do
illness. For example, acupuncture is used to
you access them?
treat back pain. Complementary and alternative
The term 'complementary and alternative
therapies sit outside of what is known as
therapies' refers to a wide range of treatments
conventional medicine. Drugs approved for use
used to treat or prevent illness and promote
wellbeing. They are not the same as
thoroughly tested by experts through well-
mainstream conventional medicines.
designed and carefully controlled clinical
trials. These trials can be repeated to show the There are some widely used treatments with
no good research evidence of effectiveness,
therapies are used in addition to conventional
for example homeopathy however we will not
medicine. Alternative therapies are used
includes ‘remedy type medicines’. Anyone
instead of conventional medicine.
using a complementary and alternative therapy should continue to see their GP and keep them
Generally for complementary and alternative
informed of the treatments they are having.
therapies, there is a need for more research into the effectiveness of the treatments. Nobody
What are complementary and alternative therapies? Both kinds of therapy aim to treat or prevent
should replace their conventional medicine with
complementary therapy, without speaking to a
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
Page 38
medical professional (eg a GP) for advice and
Can complementary and alternative
therapies be used to treat dementia?
Therapies that are considered alternative at
research into the treatment of conditions
first may become more mainstream over time
as research studies find robust evidence for
complementary and alternative therapy.
their effectiveness. These can then become
However, there is still a need for more
specific research into the effectiveness of
conventional point
complementary and alternative therapies (eg
evidence for the treatment of symptoms
acupuncture) are now available on the
closely linked with dementia (such as
National Health Service.
memory loss) with complementary and and
alternative therapies.
therapies are non-invasive and rarely cause unpleasant
Accessing complementary and
Although most complementary and alternative
alternative therapies
treatments are generally safe, there can still be
risks. There are serious safety concerns about
complementary and alternative therapy,
some therapies. For example, some herbal
the first person to speak to is the GP. They
preparations (eg St John's wort) may interact
may be able to give information about the
harmfully with conventional drugs. It is
evidence or provide details of local
therefore very important that you inform your
doctor about what you are taking. Some
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
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these therapies. There is no strong
alternative therapy may be available on the NHS for some conditions (where there is evidence of benefit and cost-effectiveness), but it can depend on where the person lives. For example, acupuncture may be available on the NHS in some areas for the treatment of low back pain and chronic headaches. Currently none of the complementary and alternative therapies for the treatment of dementia are available on the NHS because there is a lack of evidence for them. However, for other conditions a person with dementia may experience (such as back pain), NHSfunded treatment may be available in some areas.
When speaking to a practitioner about the cost of treatment, it is important to ask what the cost covers. For example, there may be a fee for a consultation, as well as a fee for any treatment given, and possibly a fee for any medicines or remedies that need to be bought.
When all other medical avenues have already been explored then it may be worth looking into
Is this magazine in your doctors waiting room yet?
and click on subscriptions. Health is Your Wealth Magazine
Page 40
infecting your own hands.
“Golden Nuggets, Strategies to increase Independence� Keep well this winter
Sore throat
Sore throats are common in winter. Changes in temperature, such as going
Some health problems, such as asthma, sore throat and cold sores, are triggered or worsened by cold weather. Here's how to help
icy outdoors, can also affect the throat. You maybe vulnerable when the season changes from autumn to winter or back to spring.
Top tip: One quick and easy remedy for a sore throat is to gargle with warm salty
You can help prevent colds by washing your hands regularly. This destroys bugs that you may have picked up from touching surfaces used by other people, such as light switches and door handles. It's also important to keep
water. It won't heal the infection, but it has anti-inflammatory properties and can have a soothing effect. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of part-cooled boiled water.
the house and any household items such as cups, glasses and towels clean, especially if someone in your house is ill.
Top tip: Use disposable tissues instead of cloth handkerchiefs to avoid constantly re-
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Managing Your Condition
your body deal with cold weather ailments.
from a warm, centrally heated room to the
drinking rehydration fluids (available from pharmacies), you can reduce the risk of
Cold air is a major trigger of asthma
symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of
Painful joints
breath. People with asthma should be especially careful in winter. Remember to keep your inhaler with you and ensure that it
Many people with arthritis say their joints
is not empty of out of date!
become more painful in winter, though it's not clear why this is the case. Only joint symptoms
Top tip: Stay indoors on very cold, windy
such as pain and stiffness are affected by the
days. If you do go out, wear a scarf over your
nose and mouth. Top tip: Many people get a little depressed
during the winter months, and this can make them perceive pain more acutely. Everything
Also known as the winter vomiting bug,
feels worse, including medical conditions.
norovirus is an extremely infectious stomach
Daily exercise can boost a person's mental and
bug. It can strike all year round, but is more
physical state.
common in winter and in places such as hotels
Cold sores
and schools.
Top tip: When people are ill with vomiting
Most of us recognise that cold sores are a sign
and diarrhoea, it's important to drink plenty of
that we're run down or under stress. While
fluids to prevent dehydration. Young children
there's no cure for cold sores, you can reduce
and the elderly are especially at risk. By
the chances of getting one by looking after
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yourself through winter.
humidity is low. Moisturising is essential during winter. The best time to apply
Top tip: Every day, do things that make you
moisturiser is after a bath or shower while
feel less stressed, such as having a hot bath,
your skin is still moist, and again at
going for a walk in the park, or watching one
of your favourite films. Top tip: Have warm, rather than hot,
Heart attacks
showers. Water that is too hot makes skin feel more dry and itchy.
Heart attacks are more common in winter.
blood pressure and put more strain on the heart. Your heart also has to work harder to
Flu is a major killer of vulnerable people.
maintain body heat when it's cold.
The best way to prevent getting flu is to have the flu jab (or flu nasal spray for
Top tip: Stay warm in your home. Keep the
children aged 2 to 18). The flu vaccine
main rooms you use at 21C (70F) and use a
gives good protection against flu and lasts
hot water bottle or electric blanket to keep
for one year.
warm in bed. Wrap up warm when you go out and wear a hat, scarf and gloves.
Top tip: Find out if you're at risk of getting flu by asking your GP. If you're in
Dry skin
a high-risk group, see your GP to get the vaccination.
Dry skin is a common condition and is often worse during the winter, when environmental
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Managing Your Condition
This may be because cold snaps increase
exposure to certain medications, a previous
“Golden Nuggets, Strategies to increase Independence” Tinnitus is the hearing of sound when no external sound is present. While often described as a ringing, it may also sound like a clicking, hiss or roaring. Rarely, unclear voices or music are heard and the volume may be soft or loud, low pitched or high
head injury and earwax. It is more common in those with depression.
Occasionally, the sound may be heard by someone else using a stethoscope: in which case, it is known as objective tinnitus. Those who have tinnitus that occurs with the same rhythm as their heartbeat also need further testing.
pitched and appear to be coming from one ear or both. Most of the time, it comes on gradually however in some people, the sound causes depression, anxiety or interferes with
Prevention involves avoiding loud noise. Typically,
generators, such as listening to headphones or hearing aids may help some people. As of
2013, there are no effective medications. It is
“Tinnitus is common in brain injury patients”
common, affecting about 10-15% of people but people with brain injury are more susceptible. However most people tolerate it well with its being a significant problem in only 1-2% of
Tinnitus is not a disease but a symptom that
can result from a number of underlying causes. One of the most common causes is noise-induced hearing loss. Other causes include: ear infections, disease of the heart or
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Try to cut down on foods known to cause
“Wind and Bloating” Remedies for wind and bloating
“Get rid of bloating by cutting out fizzy drinks and foods that cause wind. Sit down to eat and take regular exercise.”
wind and bloating, such as:
being bloated, when your tummy is stretched, puffy and uncomfortable. It often happens after a big weekend or over a festive season.
However ensure that you still eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. If you get constipation, take steps to prevent it with a fibre-rich diet, drinking lots of
If your stomach or tummy often feels bloated,
fluids and taking regular exercise. Even a 20-30 minute brisk walk four times a
it could be due to:
week can improve your bowel function!
Excess wind
Swallowing air (from talking while
Try not to talk and eat at the same time,
eating etc)
sit down to eat (sitting upright and not slumped over), reduce the amount of fizzy
Coeliac disease
drinks you consume, stop chewing gum
Food intolerance
and chew with your mouth closed so that
Irritable bowel syndrome
you’re not taking in excess air.
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Managing Your Condition
Most of us have experienced the feeling of
Coeliac disease and bloating Coeliac disease
noting everything that you eat and drink and
is a common digestive condition where your
when bloating troubles you most. But don't get
intestine can't absorb gluten found in wheat,
rid of food groups long-term without advice
barley and rye. Pure oats do not contain
from your GP.
gluten, but people with coeliac disease may need to also avoid oats as they are often
Irritable bowel syndrome and bloating
processed in factories that also process wheat and there is a risk of cross-contamination.
People with irritable bowel syndrome often
Apart from bloating, if you have Coeliac
complain of bloating, especially in the evening.
disease, eating foods containing gluten can
The bloating of IBS doesn’t seem to be linked
also trigger diarrhoea, abdominal pain and
with excess wind. It can help to cut down on
fatty or high-fibre foods. Peppermint tea or capsules and probiotics have also been
reported to help ease IBS symptoms.
intolerance can lead to bloating when: If your bloating symptoms persist, consult your
Your bowel doesn’t empty properly.
The food causes gas to be trapped.
Increase gas is produced due to the food.
GP to rule out a more serious condition.
The main offenders are wheat or gluten and dairy products. The best approach if you have a food intolerance is to eat less of the culprit food or cut it out completely. To establish this keep a food diary for a couple of weeks,
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Managing Your Condition
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condition, although it's more common in
“Learn To Pace Yourself”
women than men and usually develops when people are in their early 20s to mid-
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) causes
40s. Children can also be affected,
usually between the ages of 13 and 15.
affects everyday life and doesn't go away with sleep or rest.
How it affects quality of life
CFS is also known as ME, which stands
Most cases of CFS are mild or moderate,
for myalgic encephalomyelitis. There's
but up to one in four people with CFS
some debate over the correct term to use
have severe symptoms.
for the condition, however we will refer to the condition as CFS.
Why it happens
CFS is a serious condition but many
It's not known exactly what causes CFS.
people, particularly children and young
Various theories have been suggested,
people, improve over time.
Who is affected?
It's estimated around 250,000 people in
Viral or bacterial infection
Immune system problems
Hormones imbalance
Stress and emotional trauma
the UK have CFS. Anyone can get the Health is Your Wealth Magazine
Page 48
How CFS is diagnosed There are specific guidelines about the diagnosis and management of CFS. CFS
should be considered if you meet
Medicine to control pain, nausea and sleeping problems
specific criteria regarding your fatigue – Most people with CFS improve over
other conditions – and if you also have
time, although some people don't
other symptoms, such as sleeping
make a full recovery. It's also likely
problems or problems thinking and
concentrating. A diagnosis can then be
symptoms get better or worse.
confirmed if these symptoms are
Children and young people with
experienced for several months.
CFS are more likely to recover fully.
How CFS can be treated
Everyone with CFS responds to
Different terms for the condition
treatment differently, so your treatment plan will be tailored to you.
(ME) Some of the main treatments include:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID)
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Managing Your Condition
for example, it can't be explained by
Brain Training “Each issue will include exercises to strengthen your brain!” The rules of brain training: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Try and do a minimum and maximum of thirty minutes each day. Try and commit to doing for ten weeks. This duration requires that you set time to one side to complete this. It has to be challenging to work. If it’s to easy there are no benefits. To keep motivated set yourself rewards. If you complete an exercise give yourself a reward, something to look forward to! As well as doing exercises on your own work with others to increase your social skills.
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Brain Training Applications “A selection of applications that are fun but will also improve cognition� This maze is much more complex than usual. You start in the middle and have to escape to exit in the left hand side. However there are multiple dead ends and only one
solution! Perhaps time yourself to see how long it takes you, take a note of the time and try it again a few weeks later. Have fun!
Improve Cognition
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“MyBrainTraining - the Online-Fitness-Center for your brain!”
MyBrainTraining Professional
schizophrenia commit suicide.
(proven effective in study with Depressed schizophrenia patients are
Schizophrenia Patients conducted by University of Hamburg, Germany, Prof. Steffen
at particularly high risk for suicide the first few months after diagnosis and after hospital discharge. The University of
Professional in a study with a total of 90 Approximately
patients experience course-related
subjects diagnosed with schizophrenia and
depression. Depression in patients with
controlled study executed via the Internet.
schizophrenia is linked to reduced social
increased likelihood of psychotic relapse and
problems. Depression in patients with schizophrenia also has been linked to undesirable life events, especially “exit events” such as losing people in their lives, as well as suicidal ideation, suicide attempts,
All subjects were either former patients or have
pertaining to psychotic disorders. Various control
employed with
to high
probability, e.g. checks for plausibility. After a
randomly assigned to three treatment
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confidence in own judgment in the meta-cognition treatment arm at time
(1) MyBrainTraining
(standard version). (2) MyBrainTraining
of follow-up. This indicates that patients
h a ve
b e c o me
mo r e
conscious about their problematic
including a meta-cognitive extension
cognitive strategies leading to altering
(now part of the standard version)
of decision making patterns.
(3) Control Group. The frequent use of MyBrainTraining
Notably, subjects showing reluctance to make decisions could, per current readings, be an important indicator for
of depression; the correlation between
using MyBrainTraining Professional and
symptoms of psychotic disorders and
the reduction of feeling depressed was
harmful behavioral consequences.
significant. To The frequent use of MyBrainTraining
Professional with metacognitive extension (assessment
judgment; feedback on mistakes when being overly confident or responding too hastily) led to a significant reduction in premature/hasty decision making (i.e. reluctant decision making – measured by the so-called “Fish Test”) and high
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Improve Cognition
Professional led to improving symptoms
Turn on Show When Locked to make your
iPhone Medical Feature
Medical ID available from the Lock screen. In an emergency, this gives people who want to
Use Health on either your iPhone or iPod touch. The Health app shows you data from
help some important information, like the emergency contacts you've entered.
your health and fitness apps all in one place.
Here's how to access Medical ID on a locked
You can also save your important health in-
formation in Medical ID for easy retrieval in case of emergency. To get started you will need the Health app works with iOS 8 and later plus an iPhone 5s or later
Swipe to unlock. Tap
Medical ID feature. To make your important
health information accessible in case of emergencies, you can personalize your Medical ID on your iPhone.. To add emergency contacts and health information like your birth date, height, and blood
Tap Medical ID on the
type, tap Medical ID >
emergency call screen.
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• Children aged 4-6 years shouldn’t have
Sugar Smart
more than 19 grams of added sugar per day – that’s 5 cubes* • Children aged 7-10 years shouldn’t have more than 24 grams of added sugar per day – that’s 6 cubes* • From 11 years and up, we shouldn’t have
Download the Sugar Smart app now to see
more than 30 grams of added sugar per
how much total sugar is in your everyday food
day – that’s 7 cubes*
and drink. The Change4Life Sugar Smart app
much total sugar is in the things you’re buying, eating and drinking, to help you spot it
So start scanning! Just scan the barcode and see how much total sugar it contains**
more easily so you can make healthier choices and cut your sugar intake. The app includes over 75,000 popular food
For hints and tips to cut down on sugar, search Sugar Smart.
and drink products and is based on the most extensive data available. The NHS are continuously working to improve this app. and
*Based on 4 gram sugar cubes
are adding more and more products all the
**The number of sugar cubes shown is
based on total sugar in grams per
Without us realising it, we’re all eating and drinking too much sugar:
pack/100g or ml/portion divided by 4 grams (the weight of one 4 gram sugar cube).
Health is Your Wealth Magazine
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Improve Cognition
is designed to show quickly and easily how
the right order. Think carefully for each swipe.
This is actually the real challenge with WordBrain. ALL LEVELS ARE SOLVABLE! This application is very good for keeping your mind sharp and is worth a look! What will it do? May improve focus and concentration. Good for co-ordination and processing speed
It starts very easy but gets challenging quickly. Find the hidden words, slide your finger over
How friendly is it?
them, see the puzzle collapse. Do it all in the
Easy for all ages to pick up and play but does
correct way and order and you will be able to
require a higher level of cognitive processing
clear the grid.
as the game increases in difficulty
The game features 15 languages and there are
What phone/system is it compatible with?
580 levels per language! Even the smartest
Available on Google Play and iTunes
word game enthusiasts will have a real challenge to complete this game. If you are not carefully solving the puzzle in
Review of application and rating We give this a ★★★ rating.
the right order, including the right letters for
each swipe it might end up being insolvable
plus it’s free and highly addictive
when only one or a few words remains. In that case, just restart that level and try to solve it in
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Book Review Where is the Mango Princess? “A Journey Back from Brain Injury�
that explores the very nature of personality-and the complexities of the heart.
Humorist Cathy Crimmins has written a deeply
hilarious account of the effects of traumatic brain injury, not only on the victim, in this case her husband, but on the family.
When her husband Alan is injured in a speedboat
reluctantly assumes the role of caregiver and learns to cope with the person he has become. No longer the man who loved obscure Japanese cinema and wry humor, Crimmins' husband has emerged from the accident a childlike and unpredictable replica of his former self with a short attention span and a penchant for inane cartoons. Where Is the Mango Princess? is a breathtaking account
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Movie Review The Crash Reel one explosive issue, traumatic brain injury (TBI). Through 20 years of sports and footage, the Crash Reel chronicles the epic rivalry between Kevin and Shaun White which culminates in Kevin's life-changing crash and a comeback story with a difference. The film also showcases the Pearce family, including Kevin's father, glass-blower Simon Pearce and Kevin's brother David C. Pearce who describes The Crash Reel is a documentary film directed by Lucy Walker. Lucy first met Kevin Pearce she was immediately struck by Kevin and wanted to make a documentary film about him, and the result is The Crash Reel, which premiered at Sundance in January 2013 as the Opening Night Gala film in the Documentary Premieres section. The film is described as a jaw-dropping story of one unforgettable athlete, Kevin Pearce; one eye-popping sport, snowboarding; and
his struggle to accept his Down Syndrome. An emotional film which captivates the viewer and shows how devastating a traumatic brain injury is on the survivor, friends and family. Additionally
importance of wearing a helmet which has certainly become more common place within the snowboarder and skiing community. We give this film a ★★★★ rating of “must see” as it will appeal not only to sports enthusiasts but also to also people in with head injury.
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