SIDA November 2017 Newsletter

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 November 2017

Staten Island Democratic Association est. 1961 as Staten Island’s reform Democratic Club

At our Next Meeting:

 Candidates for the 11th Congressional District:

Michael DeVito

Max Rose

 Nominating Committee Report  S.I.D.A. Constitution Amendment Vote Tuesday, November 21, 2017, 8:00 P.M. ATU 726 Union Hall, 3948 Amboy Road (enter from Hillside Terrace) ** NOTE NEW MEETING LOCATION*

 S.I.D.A. November 2017

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Editorial Policy Items for publication should be submitted to the newsletter no later than the last Friday of the month before the meeting. Please send items to: Unless explicitly stated, the views herein are those of the authors and not of S.I.D.A. Chris Bauer, Editor (917) 576-9248

Table of Contents            

S.I.D.A. President’s Statement ................................................................. 3 Michael DeVito........................................................................................ 4 Max Rose ................................................................................................. 6 By-laws on Electing Executive Committee ............................................... 7 Nominating Committee Report................................................................. 8 October 2017 Minutes .............................................................................. 9 S.I.D.A Proposed Constitution Amendment ........................................... 12 Congressional Candidate Schedule ......................................................... 13 All Dems Holiday Dinner ....................................................................... 14 Bulletin Board ........................................................................................ 15 Upcoming Meetings .............................................................................. 16 Renewal Form........................................................................................ 16

“I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms are in the physical.” - Thomas Jefferson 1787

Submission Deadlines for the newsletter are: December................................................................... December 4 January .......................................................................... January 2 February ...................................................................... February 5 S.I.D.A. Executive Committee President ................................. Bobby Digi Member at-Large ............................. Clara Ogburn Vice President ................. Radhakrishna Mohan Member at-Large .................................... Liz Price Executive Secretary............. Dennis Brown Member at-Large ....................................... Vacant Corresponding & Ex Officio ........................... Michelle Akyempong Recording Secretary ............. Marie Dwyer Ex Officio ...................................... Belinda Dixon Treasurer .......................... Bonita Rothman Ex Officio ....................................... Joann Olbrich Social Secretary ................ Sharon Santana Ex Officio ............................. Rosemarie Mangano Member at-Large ................. Pearl Minsky Ex Officio ................................... John Mastellone Member at-Large ............. Roy Moskowitz Ex Officio ................................ Tom Shcherbenko

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S.I.D.A. President’s Statement November 2017 want to use this opportunity to commend and congratulate all of our S.I.D.A. endorsed candidates, those who ran and won, and those who have built a foundation for future victories; we are extremely proud of you all. I want to congratulate Mayor Bill de Blasio for winning the mayoral race , we know we have work to do on Staten Island, and we are going to get right to it . Congratulations to Public Advocate Letitia "Tish” James who attended a candidates forum and is well loved by the club, to Comptroller Scott Stringer, and to our very own Debi Rose, who won a hard-fought race. Teresa Nuccio ran a great race for Civil Court Judge, Tom Shcherbenko for Borough President, Richard Florentino for the mid-island City Council seat, and Dylan Schwartz for the south shore seat. We successfully defeated the constitutional convention proposal, which would have been a win for special interest. S.I.D.A. members at our general meeting voted unanimously against #ConCon, which proves that people are not only paying attention but are getting tired of the tricks and dirty tactics; S.I.D.A. will continue to engage its membership and remain vigilant! We are living in revolutionary times. I want to thank the Nominating Committee under the chairmanship of Tom Shcherbenko for organizing and hosting an efficient and productive meeting that produced a great slate of new and old members truly ready and dedicated to moving the organization forward. On this note a notable mention: our Vice President Bryan Ellicott has resigned his position, and we thank Bryan for his service to the organization. Per the S.I.D.A Constitution, the Executive Committee had the duty to fill the vacancy and elected Radhakrishna Mohan to serve the remainder of Bryan’s term. The Democratic Party had some historic wins in states and pockets around the nation that we can all celebrate and be inspired by, such as two openly transgender candidates, the first Sikh mayor in New Jersey, and the first African American mayors in major cities. The Blue wave that swept Virginia and New Jersey will eventually hit Staten Island , as Tuesday’s elections prove voters care about diversity and will support progressive candidates no matter their race , color creed, sexual orientation, or gender identity. So, Staten Island, let’s get it together. Bobby Digi President 


** NOTE NEW MEETING LOCATION** ATU 726 Union Hall 3948 Amboy Road (enter from Hillside Terrace) ** NOTE NEW MEETING LOCATION** S.I.D.A. November 2017

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Michael DeVito

Michael DeVito is a candidate for the 11th Congressional District and will be one of the guest speakers at our November 21 General Membership Meeting. His campaign provided the following statement. Background ichael is a US Marine Corps Veteran and dedicated Community Leader who is also an inductee in the NYS Veterans’ Hall of Fame. He has been a Staten Islander since the age of six (and with the exception of his time overseas in service and presence during his daughter’s formative years). He is a proud educator, union member, family man, elite Masters runner for Staten Island, coach, and published writer.


In His Own Words I wake up every day with the mission of helping people. This is why I dedicate myself to my community, to advocacy, and to finding solutions for everyday people with everyday troubles. It’s what I’ve done for over a decade in my agency, and from the day I enlisted in the Marine Corps at 17 years old. I never expected to look at a run for Congress. Like so many Americans, I thought others would take care of keeping our protections in effect; others would make sure that things would be fair as long as we worked hard; others would do right by those who have been forgotten or have never been helped in the first place. The change in leadership was a reality check that made me realize that there is no “others.” It’s us, or it’s not happening. There are two things I know about our neighborhood’s economy. 1.You – and many people around you – aren’t making as much money as you should be. 2.For any well-paying job, outside civil service and healthcare, you have to commute. Far and long. And if you’re in one of those careers, you probably STILL have to commute. Our district suffers with some of the longest commutes in the country. We deserve the opportunity to have good-paying jobs with career paths closer to our homes. More importantly, our future generations deserve to be proud of our hometown. We have a chance to ride the wave of New York’s tech boom - to make it work for us. We also have a chance to take advantage of global advancements in green technology. If we do this

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right, we can create immense long-term job growth and entrepreneurial opportunities which can bolster our economy in the short-term, and create long term sustainability for generations. We can achieve this in Staten Island by utilizing our free space and waterfront access to their fullest potential; and in Brooklyn, by focusing our efforts on helping small businesses thrive by improving transportation in and out of our neighborhoods, and creating local talent pipelines for businesses to recruit workers. Our district has hundreds of small businesses that need a straightforward set of tax regulations that allow them to maximize their performance and invest in their workforce - which in turn will strengthen our community. So many families and even young individuals live paycheck to paycheck, and are one bad break away from financial ruin. For some, losing a job or falling ill could lead to bankruptcy and even homelessness. For others, a critical repair or a dental emergency can wipe out a nest egg. Wages stuck in the last century and lack of investment in new industries have kept us in a cycle of bandaid solutions - which barely take us to the next survival step. We need to know our taxes go towards stimulating growth in the economy, and investments in the 21st Century’s workforce will reap returns that make for prosperity, and not just survival. I believe:  We MUST defend labor unions to ensure our workers have fair pay, safe work environments, and good benefits that include retirement programs.  We MUST come together to reduce income inequality.  We MUST demand equal pay for equal work, and protect the rights of every American to earn a living wage.  We MUST put the work in to begin moving toward a universal health care system.  We MUST pursue comprehensive immigration reform and the immediate protection of our DREAMers.  We MUST ensure that women have complete sovereignty over their own bodies.  We MUST immediately put the brakes on the privatization of our education system.  We MUST work to ensure that our veterans are given all the support services they need to be successful after service.  We MUST work to ensure that women in uniform have confidence that their service will be free of sexual assault and accompanying threats, and that violators will be held accountable.  We MUST protect all peoples from sanctioned discrimination.  We MUST have the will to examine gun violence at its roots, and to take action to mitigate it.  We CAN be safe while maintaining our rights, and we can combat violence with opportunity.  We MUST be willing to pursue restorative justice, and to stem the pipelines that keep people in marginalized communities from being able to progress and succeed. I will stand in Congress with a forward-looking attitude focused on long term sustainability for our district, and America. I will work to collaborate on economic policy that helps our district's small business and start-up companies, while maintaining fair contracts and fair pay for our workers, and equal pay for equal work. Michael’s campaign website is:

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Max Rose

Max Rose is a candidate for the 11th Congressional District and will be one of the guest speakers at our November 21 General Membership Meeting. His campaign provided the following statement. In His Own Words y name is Max Rose, and I am a Democratic candidate for New York’s 11th Congressional District. I’m a Staten Islander, living on the North Shore with my fiancée Leigh, and I’m proud to say that I am the first post-9/11 combat veteran to seek office in New York City history. I’m running for Congress because our leaders in D.C. have failed us. Staten Islanders face one of the longest commutes in the nation, an opioid and heroin epidemic has devastated the 11th Congressional District, and we have an economic system that isn’t prepared for automation, rewards companies for stifling unions, and lets a hedge fund manager pay a lower tax rate than a teacher or a firefighter. These are serious issues yet, under the Trump Administration, no progress has been made on solving them. Instead, all we have gotten is a foolish ban on transgender soldiers in the military, multiple attempts to take away healthcare access for millions of people, and a potential tax hike on us simply because we live in New York – never mind all the scandals and violations of democratic norms. The problems we face are not new, and they will not be solved overnight, but I know we can do better. In the U.S. Army I saw the true potential of this nation. The troops I served with in Afghanistan did the impossible every day because that’s what their country asked of them. That tells me a whole lot more about what we are capable of than a bunch of politicians in D.C. So, I’m asking you to join me and fight for the America we know is possible – one where hard work is rewarded, the next generation can get ahead, and our politicians have the courage to lead.


About Max Max is the former Chief-of-Staff for Bright Point Health which, through its network of healthcare clinics throughout New York City, has effectively responded to the evolving health needs of underserved New Yorkers for over 25 years. With Community Health Action of Staten Island (CHASI), a fully owned subsidiary, Brightpoint operates a health clinic, multiple food pantries, and several substance abuse programs on Staten Island, including a 24-hour recovery center which helps Staten Islanders tackle their addiction Max is a proud veteran of the U.S. Army. From 2012-2013, he deployed to Afghanistan, where he served as an active duty officer, earning a Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Combat Infantryman Badge. Max continues his service today in the National Guard as a Captain. He is also Ranger qualified. After his military service, Max worked as Director of Public Engagement and Special Assistant to the late Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson. At the District Attorney’s office, Max played a leadership role in the development of several nationally recognized programs to

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restore trust between the criminal justice system and the community it serves, including Begin Again. Max received a B.A. in History from Wesleyan University and M.S.C. in Philosophy and Public Policy from the London School of Economics. He has also studied at Oxford University. Max’s campaign website is:


By-laws on Executive Committee Election


elow are excerpts from the S.I.D.A. by-laws pertaining to the election of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE VII Elections Section 1: Time Officers and members-at-large of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the ieannual meeting. (Article IV, Section 1: Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the club shall be in January, on a date to be fixed by the Executive Committee.) Section 2: Nominations a) Nominating Committee At the October meeting there shall be elected by ballot a Nomination Committee of nine members of the club. Balloting for members of the Nominating Committee shall conform, as nearly as may be, to the procedure for election of members-at-large of the Executive Committee as set forth in Section 4b of this Article. The Nominating Committee shall select nominees for each of the offices and for members-at-large of the Executive Committee, which selection shall be made by majority vote of the Nominating Committee. At the November meeting, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the members of the club a written report setting forth the nominees for various positions. If requested by two members of the Nominating Committee, the report shall include a minority report in which additional nominations may be made for any position or positions and such nominees shall be deemed to have been nominated in addition to the nominees of the majority. The report shall also set forth the procedure for nomination by petition. b) Nomination by Petition Additional nomination may be made by petition signed by 15% of those members in good standing or 15 members, whichever is fewer, as of the final date for the submission of such petitions namely the December meeting at which all candidates shall be presented to the membership as an order of business. Nominating petitions shall be submitted to the Corresponding and Recording Secretary, or in his or her absence to an officer designated by the President or Acting President. c) Nomination from the Floor Nominations from the floor may be made only in the event that no eligible candidate has been otherwise nominated for an office. d) Notice All names of persons nominated will be included in the mailed notice of the annual meeting. Traditionally the way the above by-laws have been implemented is that at the October meeting members in good standing in attendance are given a ballot listing all the club's members in good standing. (One must have been a member for at least 45 days in order to vote.) Members then mark up to nine people on the ballot, and the top nine vote-getters form the Nominating Committee, with

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the person getting the most votes being the chair. If there is a tie for the ninth place, all those in the tie get on. ďƒż

Nominating Committee Report


he S.I.D.A. Nominating Committee met on October 25 at 7:00 p.m. at Canvas. Members present were Tom Shcherbenko (Chair), Liz Price, Radhakrishna Mohan, Phil Marius, Sharon Santana, Dennis Brown, Bobby Digi, Marie Dwyer, and Joann Olbrich. Clara Ogburn asked to be excused since she was unable to attend the meeting. The Nominating Committee proposes the following candidates for the officers for 2018: President Bobby Digi Vice President Radhakrishna Mohan Executive Secretary Dennis Brown Social Secretary Sharon Santana Corresponding & Recording Secretary Marie Dwyer Treasurer Bonnie Rothman The Nominating Committee proposes the following twelve candidates (listed alphabetically by last name) for Member at-Large: Victoria Apostol-Marius, Ruben Adeshuko Patricia Kane Michelle Karlsberg Phil Marius Pearl Minsky Roy Moskowitz Clara Ogburn Dami Ojo-Patterson Liz Price Jasmine Robinson Maria Vella The Nominating Committee members spoke about the possibility of increasing the number of Members at-Large from five (5) to seven (7). By-laws Chair Joann Olbrich said she would work

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on re-writing by provision in the S.I.D.A. Constitution regarding number of Members at-Large to present to the general membership for adoption. All Candidates running for Officer and Member at-Large were informed that they need to prepare a brief presentation for the December 19 General Membership meeting as well as sending a written statement to newsletter editor Chris Bauer for the January newsletter. As required by the S.I.D.A. Constitution, this report also sets forth the procedure for nomination by petition which is as follows: Additional nomination may be made by petition signed by 15% of those members in good standing or 15 members, whichever is fewer, as of the final date for the submission of such petitions namely the December meeting at which all candidates shall be presented to the membership as an order of business. Nominating petitions shall be submitted to the Corresponding and Recording Secretary, or in his or her absence to an officer designated by the President or Acting President. Nominations from the floor may be made only in the event that no eligible candidate has been otherwise nominated for an office. Joann Olbrich will present the Nominating Committee report at the November General Membership Meeting since Chair Tom Shcherbenko will not be able to attend the meeting.

October 2017 Minutes General Meeting October 17, 2017 Daddy Os


resident Digi called the meeting to order at 8:09 p.m. at Daddy O’s BBQ and Sports Bar. He introduced Steve Lawton of CWA 1102.Mr. Lawton distributed leaflets “Bank Workers are Standing Together for a Union”. He mentioned that CWA and other community groups are trying to unionize Santander Bank workers. He said that only Santander workers in the U.S. don’t have a union. He urged SIDA members to sign a petition that he was sending around the room. Guest Speaker Paul Scublinsky introduced Barbara Kent of Swing Left. Ms. Kent told members that Swing Left started after President Trump won. There are approximately 300,000 members nationwide. Swing left helps you find and commit to supporting progressives in the closest swing district so that you can help ensure we take back the house in 2018. Ms. Kent explained that Swing Left relies strictly on volunteers to do canvassing and voter registration. Volunteers are given a prepared script and they go to different areas and events. She explained that the organization needs more volunteers. Ms. Kent told members she would be sending around a sign-up sheet and urged members to sign up to volunteer with Swing Left. After the presentation Ms. Kent took questions from the members in attendance.

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Vice President’s Report In absence of Vice President Bryan Ellicott, President Digi provided members with highlights from the Executive Committee meeting held on October 12. Nominating Committee Joann Olbrich spoke about the evenings’ Nominating Committee election, explaining that only members in good standing would be eligible to vote and also get elected to the committee. She also mentioned that members can vote for up to 9 people and that voting for more than 9 invalidates the ballots. Joann made a motion to close the ballots at 9:15 pm. The motion carried. Sally Jones, Adam Baumel, and Jasmine Robinson volunteered to count the ballots. Congressional Candidates Executive Secretary Dennis Brown mentioned that Richard Reichard made a proposal at the September meeting to schedule two congressional candidates to speak before the club each month so that everyone running would be given the opportunity before the March petitions season starts. Dennis mentioned that he brought this up to the Executive Committee and suggested a candidate’s forum be held separate from the regular meeting night and venue. Richard still wants the club to consider his original idea. Dennis mentioned that we could still consider having a Candidates forum. Richard made the following motion: The petition period for the 2018 congressional election begins next March. There are up to eight candidates who announced or plan to announce their intention to run on the Democratic line. In order to give members a chance to hear from the candidates before the petition period begins, beginning with the November 21 meeting the club will invite two announced candidates or more each month to address the club. Victoria Apostol Marius seconded the motion. After some discussion the club voted 18 yea, 1 nay, and 0 abstentions, and the the motion carried. Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Bonnie Rothman presented Treasurer’s Report and included information about banquet expenses. Announcements President Digi urged members to see Joann Olbrich or Liz Price to pick up their nominating committee ballots. While members waited for results from the volunteers counting ballots several announcements were made. Paul Scublinsky announced that he is promoting Swing Left to bring people out of swing districts into Swing Districts. Michelle Akeympong announced on October 30 there will be two forums held to discuss the Constitutional Convention. The South Shore Democratic Club is sponsoring one at Union Hall, 3948 Amboy Road, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Council Member Debi Rose is sponsoring the North Shore forum at Staten Island Museum, Building A in Snug Harbor, 6:00 p.m. Paul Sperling, Democratic candidate for Congress, reported that Spectrum workers Local 3 have been on strike for the past three months. He said money is being raised to help these union workers while they are out of work.

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Peace Action of Staten Island’s Make Food Not War Awards Dinner is October 28, 5:00 p.m. at Olivet Presbyterian Church. Stephanie Woodard spoke about the fact that she has been doing voter registration. She said that bus ramps have been fantastic and she has also been getting good results at apartments and condos because they are multiple dwellings which change over more often than homes. President Digi made a motion to accept the September minutes as published in the newsletter. Sharon Santana seconded the motion. The motion carried. Nominating Committee Election Results The top 10 vote getters were: Tom Shcherbenko ............. 28 Liz Price ........................... 26 Dennis Brown ................... 18 Phil Marius ....................... 17 Radhakrishna Mohan ........ 17 Sharon Santana ................. 15 Joann Olbrich .................... 13 Marie Dwyer ..................... 13 Bobby Digi ....................... 12 Clara Sue Ogburn .............. 12 Tom Shcherbenko received highest number of votes and will chair committee. Since there was a tie for ninth place, both persons were elected to the committee. President Digi thanked the volunteers who counted the ballots for their efforts. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 pm

Respectfully submitted by Marie Dwyer Corresponding & Recording Secretary

Congratulations to all the Democratic candidate who won, Bill de Blasio Scott Stringer Letitia “Tish” James Debi Rose Thank you, thank you, to all the Democratic candidates who supported the democratic process and gave the voters a real choice: Tom Shcherbenko Richard Florentino Dylan Schwartz Teresa Nuccio

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S.I.D.A. Proposed Constitution Amendment Background t its October meeting the S.I.D.A. Executive Committee discussed the size of the Executive Committee. Since the membership of S.I.D.A has grown in number, it was deemed additional Members at-Large on the Executive Committee would better represent the membership of the club. Joann Olbrich, Chair of the By-laws Committee, was tasked with drafting a proposed amendment to increase the number of Members at-Large from five (5) to seven (7).


Amending the S.I.D.A. Constitution Amendments to the S.I.D.A. Constitution are made according to the following procedure spelled out in our Constitution: Article XIV Amendments Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by written petition signed by 15 members or 15% of the membership, whichever is the greater, and submitted to the Executive or Corresponding and Recording Secretary. To become effective, any amendment so proposed must be approved and adopted thereafter by two-thirds of the members present and voting at a single meeting of the club. The substance of the change(s) to be effected by such proposed amendment(s) must be included in the notice of the meeting. Proposed Amendment (The changes are in italics in the Proposed Language Colum CURRENT WORDING PROPOSED AMENDMENT Article VII Executive Committee Article VII Executive Committee Section 1: Section 1: Numbers: The Executive Committee shall Numbers: The Executive Committee shall consist of five members atconsist of seven members at-large elected by large elected by the membership of the club, the membership of the club, all officers of the all officers of the club, club, former presidents for the three terms former presidents for the three terms following following the end of their term of office, and the end of their term of office, and all all Executive Members of the Democratic Executive Members of the Democratic County County Committee of Richmond County Committee of Richmond County endorsed and endorsed and holding membership pursuant to holding membership pursuant to Article VI, Article VI, Section 1. The number of members Section 1. The number of members of the of the Executive Committee may be increased Executive Committee may be increased in in accordance with the provisions of Article accordance with the provisions of Article VIII, VIII, Section 4B. Section 4B. Article VIII Section 4B: Executive Committee: After the officers have been elected, there shall be a single ballot for members-at-large of the

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Article VIII Section 4B: Executive Committee: After the officers have been elected, there shall be a single ballot for members-at-large of the Executive Committee.

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CURRENT WORDING Executive Committee. Added to this ballot shall be the name of any person nominated for an office who shall have failed of election.

PROPOSED AMENDMENT Added to this ballot shall be the name of any person nominated for an office who shall have failed of election.

Each member entitled to vote shall have one vote for each position of member-at-large of the Executive Committee, and the five nominees who receive the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the event of any tie which makes it impossible to determine which five nominees are elected, all those nominees tied for 5th place shall be deemed elected.

Each member entitled to vote shall have one vote for each position of member-at-large of the Executive Committee, and the seven nominees who receive the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the event of any tie which makes it impossible to determine which seven nominees are elected, all those nominees tied for 7th place shall be deemed elected.

To recap, the above serves as the inclusion of the proposed amendment in the notice of the November meeting. At the November meeting if 2/3 of the members present and voting approve the amendment, it will pass.


Congressional Candidate Schedule ere is the schedule for club appearances by Democratic candidates for the 11th Congressional District:


November 21, 2017 Michael DeVito and Max Rose December 19, 2017 Michael DeCillis and Zack Emig January 16, 2018 Boyd Melson and Paul Sperling February 20, 2018 Omar Vaid ďƒż

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All Dems Holiday Dinner


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Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board Policy Items posted on the Bulletin Board are done so at the request of an S.I.D.A. member and are for informational purposes only. A posting on the Bulletin Board does not imply endorsement by S.I.D.A. 

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November 21, 2017

December 19, 2017

General Meeting 8:00p.m. ATU 726 Union Hall, 3948 Amboy Road (enter from Hillside Terrace)  Candidates for 11th Congressional District: o Michael Devito o Max Rose  Nominating Committee Report  S.I.D.A. Constitution Amendment Vote

General Meeting 8:00p.m. Meeting Site TBD  Candidates for 11th Congressional District: o Michael DeCillis o Zach Emig  Presentation of Executive Committee Candidates

It’s Time to Join or Renew Your S.I.D.A. Membership! To become a member, renew membership, or make a donation, call Bonita Rothman at (917) 596-3724, or complete and return the coupon. Voting privileges begin 45 days after joining. ------------

 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2018 DUES $25 - Family $20 - Individual - Senior, Student, or $15 Unemployed

DONATION $5 $50 $100 Other

Check (payable to: S.I.D.A.)


I understand SIDA is a Democratic Party club. I (or we, if this is a Family Membership) am (are) at least 17 years of age and an enrolled Democrat, or intend to enroll as a Democrat upon becoming eligible. Signature Name(s) Address City

Apt # State


Phone E-mail Make checks payable to S.I.D.A. and send to: For internal use only: Comp: Received $:

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S.I.D.A. P.O. Box 140371 Staten Island, NY 10314-0371 Deposited $:

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