Intergenerational Center

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INTERGENERATIONAL CENTER The Connection between Elderly and Youth Issue E l derl y P opul at ion Increasi ng

Expensi ve Mortgage

Unst able Financial St at us

Programming Q ualif icat ion The aim of Intergenerational center is to allow more affordable accomodation for retired elderly and in the meantime promote preservation of heritage in Penang through social inclusion and bridge the generational gap between the elderly and the youth which enable both of these age group of people to achieve their life satisfaction, moral, happiness and phycological well-being. State of Penang is particularly rich in various types and genres of intangible cultural heritage that require protection and preservation. Awareness should be created and appreciation to the elderly who have maintained, promoted and developed hte cultural heritage of Penang should be given greater appreciation. Young people sometimes have difficulty navigating the path of early life and adolescence. The challenges they face are often exacerbated by factors outside of their control such as difficult family situations, poverty, and troubled communities. Older adults are sometimes challenged by loneliness and isolation from their families and communities. Both young and old seek meaningful relationships and positive interactions to address challenges and improve feelings of self-worth. Together young and old are assets to the community and can offer support to one another through meaningful interaction. Mentoring is one forum for such interaction.

Target User

Ideal Youth

Elderly Age Group

60 years and above

Characteristic 1. Generous to share their values, knowledge and life experience 2. Active in community affairs 3. Participation in center to give back 4. Traditional craftsmen, living heritage Role 1. To support healthy development of youth 2. To provide educational and emotional support for youth 3. To understand youth issues better

Age Group

16 - 25 years

Characteristic 1. Willing to learn any traditional craft and skills Role 1. To be able to commit and spend time with the elderly 2. To better understand issues of aging 3. Documentation of the process as well as publicity for artisan skills and crafts Need 1. Guidance in life development stages 2. Seek for advice regarding to emotional and educational support

El derl y havi ng a sense of m ent or ing and f eel appreci ated w here youth b enef it s f r om dif f er ent aspect for thei r grow t h developm ent .

Characteristic 1. Generous to share their values, knowledge and life experience 2. Active in community affairs 3. Participation in center to give back

Accom odat ion Free Accomodation 1.

Volunteer 20 hours per week to run the intergenerational center for free accomdation

Owned A Unit of Room 1. 2.

Low rental is provided based on the service given Accomodation period unlimited

Resident s Mentor-Mentee Programme

Site Analysis S t at is t i c o f P e n a n g Po p u l a ti o n 1 .7 6 7 mi l lion

A ge Di s tri b u ti o n 2 0 -29 ye ar s 6 0 a n d a bove

287,407 155,780

1. Each individual is paired with an elderly as mentor throughout the staying period

S i te A ddress :


32, J al an Sul tan Ahm ad Shah, Geor ge Tow n, 10050 Geor ge Tow n, Pul au Pi nang,M al ay s i a.

Craft and Skills Workshop

Locati on : 5° 25'25.2" N 100° 19'57.9" E

1. Craft and skill learning will be carry out daily in order to transmit to the future generation



Leisure Traditional board games Congkak Table Tennis Chess Gardening


COLLABORATION Collaboration Area - Study Area - Music Area - Discussion Area Digital Hub Media Recording Room


GENERATION GAP Library Break Zone - Juice Bar Exercise Area


LIFESTYLE Dining Area Pantry/Kitchen Laundry Area


ACCOMODATION Youth - Private Room - Twin Sharing Room Elderly - Private Single Room - Private Couple Room

Skills and Craft Rattan weaing Shoe Beading Wood Carving Daily Activities Dining Studying Workout/Exercise Laundry Cleaning

Leisur e

Wor kshop

M ent or ing Session Discussion

B oost B ar - N utri ti on boo st bar

Br eakout Zone - Encour age Socializat ion

Wor king Space

Accom odat ion wit h seaview

G aller y - Her it age Pr eser vat ion

Design Solution Seating Different type of seating provide different type of possibility for communication, engagement and interaction. Type of Seating Formal -Studying Area -Collaboration Area Semi-Formal - Dining Area - Workshop Non-formal -Breakout Zone -Leisure Activities -Laundry Area

G a lle r y

Colour Scheme & Materiality

Special Studies

Manual mechanism Incorporate manual functioning mechanism in the furniture allows both the elderly and youth to exercise unconditionally.

Pulley To lift the storage above the seating and table.

Table Top The table top is foldable and can be locked on the side of the roller rack.

Metal Bridging To hold the pulley and also support the rack.

Type of Mechanism

Storage A small compartment to store personal belongings and books temporarily.

Pulley System - Gardening above allows the people to interact when watering plants. Space Saving R attan

Paddle The paddle is connected to the ceiling fan where user can paddle to rotate the fan on top.

Paddle The paddle is connected to the ceiling fan where user can paddle to rotate the fan on top.

N atural W o od Fl oori ng Ti l es

Paddle Fan -Manual paddle fan is installed on the multipurpose table to encourage people to exercise while doing their work.

Sit e Det ails

S it e S el e c ti o n C ri te ri a

To t a l a re a : 1 0 , 9 3 0 . 4 1 f t ² S i t e P a ra me t e r : 4 1 9 . 7 8 f t

Cost Of Living

The low cost of living index at that area, the better for the elderly to retire. The more elderly could afford to Seed Intergenerational Center after retirement. Public Transport Level of convinience for the elderly to come and leave.

Space Planning


60% Site

Collaboration Room 1500 sq ft - Study Area - Music Area - Discussion Area Digital Hub 1500 sq ft Skype Pods 100 sq ft Media Recording Pods 100 sq ft

Sun Path

Proximity to healthcare Shorter duration for the elderly to seek for medical help during emergency. Safety Personal and environment safety is important because elderly might travel alone to site. Environment More greens around the area is good for the environment and people. The higher the mark, the lesser pollution of air around that area based on air quality index.




3200 sq ft

Education Center/ School Medical Center

N oi s e Z one

Within 1km radius from site

Qui et Z one

Within 2km radius from site


r loo F d

Site Analysis


S it e S e l e c ti o n C ri te ri a

B ui l di ng D etai l s :

Tran sp o rtation A cce ss to M edical Suppor t E d u ca ti on Center / School

Total ar ea : 10,930.41 ft² Si te Par am eter : 419.78 ft


Library Voice Tunnel Break Zone - Juice Bar - Karaoke Exercise Area

1000 sq ft 600 sq ft 1000 sq ft


3100 sq ft

500 sq ft

oor l F st

E x is t ing S i te P l a n :


B uilding D e ta i l s : un o r G


Site Building

ISE O N Second Floor



Dining Area Pantry/Kitchen Laundry Area

700 sq ft 300 sq ft 300 sq ft


1300 sq ft





Youth - Private Room x4 - Twin Sharing Room x4 - Dormitory Room x2 Elderly - Private Single Room x10 - Private Couple Room x5


First Floor

Ground Floor

lo dF




520 sq ft 800 sq ft 600 sq ft 2500 sq ft 2000 sq ft 6420 sq ft

Layout Plan

Br eak Z one

C ol l abor ati on A re a

S ec t ion Y- Y

S haron Tan S ai Q in 0320605 B achelor in I nt erior A rchit ect ure A ug-Dec 2018

S ecti on X -X

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