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The Dipper Chihsingtan Beach
晚上六點半左右,突然很想走路,穿鞋的時候想著走去哪, 丟垃圾的時候繼續想目的地, 走到那條有大吳郭魚的排水溝,走進 7-11 雷射影印,往 地下室書局走進去又走出來,衝過錯綜複雜的十字路口, 經過火腿起士土司很好吃的麵包店,左轉彎進國小旁的人 行道,繞過一個小朋友的奔跑,然後我就忘了。
接著我只記得我一直走路,想轉彎就轉彎,想直走就直走, 可是我再也沒有注意一閃而逝的風景,身體憑著以往走過 的路的記憶直線前進,然而我什麼都沒有想,腦袋是一個 空白片段接續著下一個空白片段,像曝光過度的底片,明 明應該印著什麼東西的,卻什麼也洗不出來。
有點熱、有點渴,心卻很放鬆,享受在無意義重複性的感 覺中,我走的很慢,我注意著自己的步伐,我注意自己跨 步走路的雙腿,肩膀有點酸,我想我流汗了。接著我想到 一部電影,阿甘有天也是突然想跑步就去跑了,後來一堆 人追隨他,以為他有崇高的理念,結果他跑到一半不想跑 就回家了。因為想而去做一件事,我喜歡這種感覺,大概 是這樣吧,就算只是走路。
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Headline Don’t abandon the baby Mission Statement Tell mothers should not abandoned baby Daily life
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n i l l a F d n a v o l f o Daily life
n i g n t u o . e v Some things we don't talk about better do without just hold a smile we're falling in and out of love the same damn problem
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艋舺戀花恰恰恰為描述早期台灣艋舺地區的風華,書中大量出現關於宗教信仰、白色恐怖、公娼與私娼以及黑道情義的主 題,是相當具有本土文化的台灣文學。描寫台灣本土風情的電影,每年都在台灣電影界佔了很重要的位子,因此在電影海 報的設計上,因考慮台灣已出現過關於「艋舺」風俗的電影海報,因此本研究排除了肖像與攝影的表現手法,以電腦繪圖 的插畫式風格營造早期具有日治時期風味的艋舺。本系列作以三種主題為主,一為花魁、藝妓,二為宗教信仰,三為艋舺 風情,在色調的選擇上盡量以大膽鮮豔的暖色系為主,並且輔以日本文字,加強日治時期的氛圍,以書法字型為海報的重 點標題,吸引觀者的目光。在技術層面上,本研究參考早期台灣受到日治時期統治的影響,所描繪的各式廣告海報 ( 表 2-9, PP.33,本研究整理 ),使用帶有早期台灣味的筆觸風格以及濃郁色彩,希望讓觀者能感受到純正的台灣味道,卻又不失被 統治過所殘存的痕跡。
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艋舺獨特的聲音與氣味,飄揚在空氣中,這是我所知最複雜的街道,而那女人如一朵遲遲未開的查某人花,出現在街上, 蕩漾著不安的美,卻炫麗奪目。電影文案 - 艋舺囝仔大目坤仔在除夕夜被刺之後,化為魂魄四處飄蕩,飄忽穿梭百年時空, 不僅回到刻意遺忘的童年事故現場,還看見艋舺最神秘的、最嬌豔的女人,也因此發掘了艋舺三個家族百年流轉中的秘 密……那個女人美麗聰明,在人生的三次機會裡,為三個男人生下三胎男嬰。但是,她日復一日的等待,卻依然孤苦。 只是她的祕密,被艋舺這條大街吞噬、掩埋了起來。世代都在艋舺的三家族,流傳著一個禁忌:蔡姓、陳姓、張姓,這三 家族必不得聯姻,否則必遭凶煞、家毀人亡。艋舺繁華不再,三大家族也一步步走向沒落,有人說,這必與詛咒有關。
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This referred to as "next door", Xiamen is known as "Sea Garden" reputation, is located in the southeast coastal areas of Fujian, Jiulong River Estuary, and the island of Taiwan, Kinmen islands across the sea, a beautiful coastal city, because the city building, such as buildings, Also named as a gateway to the sea, ancient legend has egret resting, aka "Heron City." Xiamen, mainly by Xiamen, Gulangyu Island
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and the north shore of the coastal part of the Jiulong River and some of the surrounding islands. Has developed Sea Garden "Gulangyu" Millennium Temple Putuo Temple, lake WanshiMountains, famous hometown Jimei Seashore "Tongan five tourist areas and a sea sightseeing lines, Gulangyu, WanshiMountains National Scenic Area key scenic spots, in 1997 assessed the Gulangyu Wanshi Botanical Garden, Jimei Turtle Garden, Shu Zhuang Garden, Wan cloud concept day, Huli Hill Fort, five old Peak, Jinshan Song Shi, Hogye rock, David Hill weaving rain, bright moon Park, Longtan Kitayama, green Reef Chi Gong and other famous scene, the most attractive.
Xiamen weather is subtropical monsoon climate, moderate rainfall, the annual average temperature is around 21, summer heat and winter cold. The average annual rainfall of 1,200 millimeters, each year up to August rainfall, wind generally 3-4, often to the dominant wind is northeast. As air temperature difference between the Pacific annually by 4-5 times the average impact of the typhoon, and more concentrated in the 7-9 month.
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Day micro-light in the morning, sunshine mixed with fog penetrated my skin ,I smell the leaves last night, covered patio light water vapor,Seemed to have heard the cat jump to another roof footprints,Door locks because the switch has left traces of rust ,I smell a night of Qinliang , once .
I hope for a long queue can become a tree , at least I have a little courage practice ,Let the root depth of soil , every one knows where dust floated ,Bark and wind dialogue , bringing the city 's story,Buds toward the sun , listening to the clouds will rain today muttered ,Flowers, fall in my truck swallowing words of love ,Throughput in a tree in the world .
And now I live in a night trip,Because I seem to breathe the end of the trees lost hearing,Suffering from hearing loss disorder day I get lost in the city ,Inaudible friction skin and textile fabrics , more people hear the commotion and unrest ,I can not hear the sound of the rolling eyes wander when the world was lying.
Maybe I went to the desert ,I feel that they are exposed to dust and hot under the sun ,But since no sense but at least I survived,Mirage appeared in utter darkness , as the sun travels hindered fantasy ,I knew I was in a dream ,Even begin to analyze scenes, characters , time, event , I feel tired , then wake up ,Start tinnitus.
I wish twenty- four hours of black,Just listen to see anything friction sound ,Sparse weak to sustain life in the ear like the others ,Quiet infected my cup , my headphones , my original sentiment medical certificate , I wilted flower leaves got into the soil ,Everything has not yet perished in the front , under the wise about the " lost " in this decision
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Legislation can be altered with white out typo after Traces doubled as long as it is clearly visible to the rear,Small to large memories kept stacking coverage, that was replaced and even discarded,But in the notepaper readily fling looming, Even if damaged, erased the corners, Every word was printed on both light shines so obvious,Revealing sad ink mark. Said ten million, I know, diary dense I know,Even then clear again sensible, and will never know,Does not belong to me goes notepaper,Record how much I do not know something,Ten million mark ballpoint pen to write the number has been altered, And I'll never know.
After dinner the day before yesterday from Taipei to go home , it began to afternoon thundershowers ,In fact, had already started brewing at noon the atmosphere of the rain , Unsatisfactory meal finally rained .Large raindrops , sandwiched fog feeling,Perhaps not the fog should be dirty stuffy air in Taipei now ! The color is usually gray rainy day , the skyscrapers are dyed thick dark gray,Although the rain wash away the hot summer , but Taiwan still gives the feeling of pressure . But the day before the rain is very different , I think I saw a dim ,Nearly six o'clock is five o'clock in the evening , Nimbus conventionally blot out the sun
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