1 minute read
Glues for wood
Specified exclusively during the last twenry to wooden aircraft.
by the R.A.F. years for repairs
I A E R O L t T E 3 0 0 a hquidresin, used with one of the GB hardeners, as a gap_filling asserubly glue. unaffected by heat, damp or crimctic condidons, and not attacked by mouldsrfungi or micro_organisms.
AER OLITE gOG ThepowderJormof Aerotite 300, haaing the same performance zoith a longer shelf life. Recommended J,or att utood_to_wood repairs. Aaailable in 6l_ packs inclttding hardener through ironmongers, arso ii 2 rb, 4 ib and 7 rb tins.
Literature, including copies of CIBA Technical Notes, will gtadly d, sent on request. Aerolite is a registered trade name.
Duxford, Cambridge. Telephone: Sawsron 2 r 2 r