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The f ean Lennox Bird TroPhY Directory of Stockists

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The Monsoon

The Monsoon

Jean Bird, a well-known woman pilot and P'F'A' memberwhohadconsiderableexperience.in -""V spheres of flying, including ferrying with A.T.A., instructin!, club and. photographic Ortrr*, was killed in-April, lg57 ' in a flying accidlnt while engaged on air survey duties'

In her memory the British Women Pilots' Association has established the Jean Lennox SirA ftophy, which will be awarded each year to a British woman pilot who has achieved a noteworthY Performance in aviation'

Currdiaut., for the award must be British women pilots holding at least a. Student Pilot's Licence or a '( B " iertificate in gliding' T1' " noteworthy performance' may be one single event o, u i.ri.s of achievements-for example: ,rrr.rrutty rapid training progress' completion of , furti",rtu.ty lengthy or -difficult flight' the guinirrg of a number of qualifications' or successful handling in an emergency'

The Trophy is a Chinese antique carvlng rn jade (chosen to commemorate the fact that Jean Birdf,rstlearnttoflyinHongKong).Thewinner t."p the Trophy for a year and will also receive a certificate to keep permanently'

The flrst award will be made in April' 1959' and anyone with an interest in aviation may nominate candidates. If you know of any ,"t i.u.-ents in aviation by women pilots durin-g the year lst January to 31st December' 1958' we should be glad to receive details' These should include the pilot,s name,licence category, nyirg experience, and a full description of the ,"rriJr.r*nt (inciuding dates where applicable), and should be sent not later than 31st January' 1959, to:-

Miss M' Woodall' SecretaryoftheJeanLennoxBirdTrophy Selection Committee' 71, Vale Road, Worcester Park, SurreY'

Al1 nominations witl be treated in strict confidence, and candidates will not be told the names of their nominators'

New Aircraft

G,lnrnNo Btl'Ncnt LrNNnr' 90 b'h'p' Continenta1. Garland Bianchi Aircraft Co' Ltd'' Boyne Hill Works, Boyne Hill' Maidenhead' Cunnrs Wor. 36 b.h.p' J'A'P' J99' V' Bellamy' Hampshire Aeroplane Club' Eastleigh' Hants' DnutNB TunnurnNr' 32 b'h'p' Ardem'

JopBr D.lll- 90 b'h'p' Continental' Rollason Aircraft and Engines Ltd'' Croydon

AirPort, CroYdon, SurreY'


CoNrtNBNrer AND Sussex Aviation mouth, Hants.

J.A.P. Jg9. (Overhauled)' Popular FlYing Association.

AnPstvt 4C02. Rollason

DnutNn Tunsul-nNt, DRutxn

TuRnl, PtBt- EtrlrR'tuoE,

LYcotvttNc. Hants and Ltd., The AirPort, PortsCoNoon, DnutNe Popular FlYing

Plans Aircraft & Engines Ltd'


CunntB Wor. Popular Flying Association orV. Bellamy, Hampshire Aeroplane Club'

LuroN Mtuon, Luiou Mlron' Popular Flying Association or Phoenix Aircraft Ltd'' Cranleigh Common, Cranleign' !'ltt''

Srtrs Ptnvnov, Srtrs Frur-R-Buc' Srtrs Srv - -Cor"u. Stits Aircraft' West Riverside Airport, Box 3084 B' Riverside' California' U.S.A.

Mnvnn Lrrrt.s Toor' Meyer Aircraft' 1846 Hawthorne, CorPus Christi' Texas'

WtrrtreN TurwrNp' S' J' Wittman' Winnebago County Airport, Oshkosh' Wisconsin' U'S'A' ConsBN Besv Acn' Ace Aircraft Manufacturing' Inc., P.O. Box 124, West Bend' Wisconsin' U.S.A.

Slrv.q.v-STARK Srvnoppen' Salvay-Stark Aircraft Co., s}g6 PoPPY WuY' Burbank' California, U'S'A' Juncl Tnupnrn' Marcel Jurca' 2' Rue des - -Champs Phillipe, La Garenne-Colombes' Seine, France'

Jopsr D112. Avions Jodel' Beaune' Cote d'Or' France or Popular Flying Association'


Popttlar Fl:tins,

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