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The P.F.A. has been conscious for a long time that a need exists for a pilot's badge and a blazer or flying overall badge. Many have been the designs and many have been the hours put into this task, mostly without success, until at last there came a deflnite pattern arising from two suggestions, one by John Blake the Committee Vice Chairman, and the other by Neville Birch and his wife. The two have been combined into the results published on the back cover. The basis of both badges is a blue shield depicting the front view of an ultra light aeroplane, and a flaming torch denoting the training interest of many groups. The idea seemed a happy one, and it is now too late to alter it, the badges are made and available from H.Q. so we hope that the day is not far off when a repeat order can be placed with the manufacturers.
We think that the wings badge, shown actual size on the cover, is the best we have seen for private pilots. Only if you hold, or have "held, a private licence can you be supplied with these wings which are made in a superior quality gilded wire and metallic braid. We feel that many groups will wish to use these wings for presentation to prize pupils and other worthy of a memorable gift from fellow members. Order now and be among the first to wear this high class product of the badge makers art, but, when ordering, quote your PPL number, and confirm that you are a paid up P.F.A. members. Thirty shillings is the price.
The blazer, or flying overall badge, shown full size, is produced in similar material to the wings badge and makes even the shabbiest flying suit look worth stealing. Wear it on your breast pocket or as a shoulder flash, in either case show your friends that you are a member of the only truly amateur aeroplane body. Price is two pounds. Cash with order.
Metallic lapel badges and aircraft transfers are being investigated and news of these will be published in Popular Flying.