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AN APPEAL from the CHAIRMAN of the P.F.A.

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the many affiliat:d or similar organisations which have since been formed overssas.

We differ in one important respect to most other aeronautical associations in this country in that we have two paid staff and over 40 who give administrative and technical services on a voluntarY basisand You may be interested to hear how this is achieved.

The Association was formed in 1946-as the Ultra Light Aircraft Association-to encourage the re-emergence of post-war ultra light flying and for the first few years the Association had no paid staff, the organisation being administered by a committee which devoted much of its spare-time to this work.

In lg54 the MinistrY and the Air Registration Board permitted the responsibility for supervision of design and amateur construction of ultra light aircraft and the recommendations for the issue of permits-to-fly to be delegated to the Association. While it then became necessary for a permanent office to be set up and staffed the bulk of the work continued to be carried out by an increasing number of enthusiasts who were willing to donate their skills as a contribution towards the goal of cheaper flying. The present strength of the Association is reflected in human resources rather than in its financial reserves.

The exciting prospect before us is that our future expansion is not limited by the size of our bank balance but is stimulated by the demand put on our services. For example, over 20 skilled engineers, designers and inspectors, centred at technical offices at Luton and Coventry, are available to coyer all stages of Ultra Light Aircraft construction from the drawing board to final test flight. Our Engineering Executive has to keep a close watch on the rising graph of construction to ensure that sufficient voluntary staff is available to meet your need when it arises.

I invite you, now, to help us to extend the scope of the Association's activities by becoming an individual member of the P.F.A. or persuading one of your friends to join-a letter or phone call (GRO 1376) to Londonderry House will bring an application form by return of post. Membership costs f2 a year. Many firms find it an attractive proposition to nominate one of their staff (usually from the Publicity Department) for individual membership in order that they may enjoy our services when needed.

Like the London store that " never knowingly undersold " we feel that we can claim to give the best services at lowest cost and my invitation to you to join us is covered by our undertaking to maintain this claim in the future. The greater the membership, the greater service we can give-so join us now and have a voice in the future development of Ultra Light and Light Aviation.


To Popuun FrvrNc AssocrATroN

Londonderry House, Park Lane, W.l.

De'ar Sirs,

Please enrol me os a member of P.F.A. and send me PoPULAR FLYING comm:encing with the current issue'to the' a:ddress below. I e'nclose remitta:nce tor

Cheques to be made PaYable to POPULAR FLYING ASSOCIATION

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