3 minute read
TACK LAST was known to us all in Norfolk
J u, a local character, for his good humour and his outspoken Norfolk turn of phrase. He was a first-class all-weather flyer and hardly ever missed a Sunday's flying summer and winter. He would visit his farming friends on a Sunday morning, land on their flelds, have a " noggin " and then take off on the next visit.
His flying career began in the early years of the last war. He was trained in Canada and later became a flying instructor on Beauforts. He was one of the original members of the Snoring Group, one of the first groups to re-commence flying in Norfolk after the last war. Jack was a keen continental flyer and made several trips with friends to France and Germany during the summer months. Apart from being a good all-
Popular Flying, March-April, 196l weather pilot Jack was an exceptional navigator; he would fly for miles, rarely looking at a map yet having thoroughly memorised his route and always 100% on course.
Among his other interests was his support for Norwich City Football Club of which he was a member. During the club's Cup run of the year before last he was at every game until they were defeated and generally flew his aircralt to the away fixtures. Fle was also chairman of the Aylsham pistol and rifle club in which he took a very keen interest.
Jack Last did a great deal to promote private flying and he will be remembered by many, many people as a grand type and a very good friend.
Members of the Populctr Flying Association may have the use of-this column.for'advertising articies ionted, exchanged or disposal ./br ONE INSERIION up to 24 words FREE. IJ more than one insertion it must be pald cash ii advance at the rate oj'4d. pe, word (min. 12 w-o-rds). aoi No. 1s. 6d. exta. Non-Memberi chargeable at lhe rate oJ 6d. per word (min. 12 words). Bo.r No. 1s. 6d. extra. Cheques and Postal Orders should be crossed and sent to P.F,A.

NEED USED JAP. J99. engine, must have log book and propellor. Patrick Packard, 3615 Brotherton Road, Cincinnatti, Ohio, U.S.A.
SW,A,LLOW GROUP have Vacancies for new members must have P.P.L. Sec. D. Bernard, 156 Eastcote Roao, Pinner, Middx.
M.P.M. FLYING GROUP have room for two new members with PPL (Elstree). Sec. R. W. Mills, 68 Kennedy Road, Hanwell. W.7.
PERCML PRENTICE. 4 seats, fitted l0 channel STR9X, recent respray, 3 years C. of A., half run and ready for immediate delivery. Offers considered around II.650 Box. 112 P.F.A.. 19 Park Lane, W.1.
WOULD LIKE TO TRADE, 35 m.m. colour slides of present day flying, antique aircraft. for similar with anyone interested.
R. Bud Jameson, 1665 N. 4th Street, Columbus l, Ohio.
TAYLORCRAFT 'D'. Cirrus Minor 1,619 hrs. (179 to So) ; two seats : 4*-5 galls per hr. ; 10 gallon tank
C. of A., March, 1962 (3 years) : blue and red, green interior lying at Yeadon. f,600 or offer. P" E. Blyth, Yorkshire Territorial Flying Group, Stone Mill, Maltby, Nr. Rotherham
" MOTOR TUTOR " FUSELAGE. Set of new instruments for J.A.P.-Powered Ultra-Light, " Luton Minor " Drawings, P.F.A., BIazer Badge. Roberts, 28 Mumbles Road, Blackpill, Swansea.
FOR SALE, Unused " Motor Tutor " Fuselage with Drawings and Instruments, f,30 the lot. Roberts, 28 Mumbles Road, Blackpill. Swansea.
JAP 99 ENGINE/PROP. WANTED. J. Connor, 3 Hog Lane, Elstree, Herts.
LUTON MINOR OR SIMILAR ULTRA LIGHT WANTED must have permit to fiy Blyth, Stone Mill, Maltby, Nr. Rotherham.
TIGER MOTH for Sale, f250. C. of A. expired February, 1960. Engine hours only 350 since complete overhaul. Airframe 2350 approx. Recently fittecl new lower main planes, new rear fuselage, new prop, electric intercom, rebuilt undercarriage. Or will break, for spares. For prices of parts please enquire to 23 Norwood Avenue, Southport, Lancs. Delivery : buyer collects from Kidlington.
MILES MESSENGER G-AGPX for Sale. Engine hours
358 (S.C.O.) Cirrus Major Engine supplied by Blackburns, Air Frame hours 1840 (II7 since C of A). Three years C of A-falls due, March, 196?.. The aircraft is painted two toned Blue and is beautifully equipped with special leather upholstery by Reeve & I(enning. A full blind flying panel with M.R. 80 (23 channels) V.H.F. and a special Lear A.D.F.
12 D. radio compass installed by Whittimores of Croydon and endorsed on the C. of A. The aircraft is equipped with a 500 watt generator which gives ample output lor V.H.F. and radio compass to be used at the same time and gives sufficient power for the self-starter. The aircraft is equipped with dual control, and has a metal propeller. Maintained on quarterly R.Ae.C. schedules. Can be inspected at Stapleford Aerodrome. Price L2,4OO. P. J. Butterfield, Fairwinds, Park Lane, Broxbourne.
PUSS MOTH for sale. Full details, colour photograph and demonstration on application to Dr. G. W. Hall, Roberts Hall, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Nr. SwinCon. Wilts. All offers carefully considered.
TAYLORCRAFT for sale. Apply G. R. Heneage, Humber Flying Group, Royal Dock. Grimsby.