6 minute read
When you sit down to read this, we will most likely very
Struts 4Usoon have, or have already had the opportunity to meet up again at Sywell in the Struts’ Area at the LAA 75 Rally. Not only that but we will also be able to share news of Strut fly-ins that have taken place in the last few weeks and get back to talking about the normal problems of British summertime weather!
Yorkshire has been the centre of attention for several fly-ins already this year, with the White Rose of Yorkshire on display at Rufforth East for the Vale of York Strut celebration of Yorkshire Day. The two-day event, organised by Alan Kilbride and Chris Holliday, was a relaxed and enjoyable occasion with plenty of good Yorkshire food in the café, along with live music. The very impressive LAA-75 display trailer, with thanks to Nick Kelly and LX avionics, stood outside and provided a focal point for visitors, as did the new CH 750 Cruzer, featured on the LA magazine cover last month, parked alongside.
However, Yorkshire had also attracted members from the Highland Strut earlier in July for ‘Le Tour de Yorkshire’. Aircraft from the Scottish Highlands included a Hornet Moth, Jodel and Aeronca in a tour of 11 airfields – Saltersgate near Fylingdales, Bagby, Breighton, Newton on Rawcliffe and Fadmoor were included in the trip – and David Lockett from the Highland Strut reported very favourably on the lovely people, weather and scenery. by Anne Hughes
75th Anniversary Strut fly-ins and events…
Above Beautiful Various permit types attended along with the usual weather at club and training aircraft. Among the air park were Branscombe ensured very good attendance two Chilton DW.1As and a Hornet Moth. Catering was for the Devon Strut supplied by Strut members, and all enjoyed a well fly-in. Photo: Nigel organised social occasion.” Hitchman. Devon Strut was invited to Branscombe Airfield in Right The Vale of South Devon for a Strut fly-in during July and, as the York’s Yorkshire Day airfield is only permitted three unlimited fly-ins a year, saw one of the first it was an event anticipated with much finger-crossing outings for the new weatherwise. However, such wishful thinking was not LX Aviation / LAA display unit. Photo:
Anne Hughes.
Below right Suffolk Coastal Strut’s Boxted event was held at Monewden and was another event that was well attended despite rather indifferent weather. Photo:
Cheryl Prax
Intrepid arrival
A stunning line-up of aircraft also flew into Monewden in July, as Andrew Butterworth writes, “The Suffolk Coastal Strut held it’s ‘Boxted Revival Fly-in’ on Sunday 10 July. This year it was held at Monewden Airstrip courtesy of the owner, Steve Eustace, owing to the unserviceability of the Boxted site. Although the weather was unseasonable, overcast and drizzle at times, the event was well attended, with one intrepid arrival en route to their home base in Scotland.
required as the event coincided with dry, hot, sunny conditions and was a total success both for aviators and campers, with nearly eighty aircraft arrivals. Refreshments, including pizza, were provided and the line of members’ aircraft proved an irresistible attraction for photographers. Devon Strut is planning to return for an Autumn fly-in and, after the difficulties of planning events in the last eighteen months, will be another date to put in the diary! The weather took a dip when it was time for Pete White, Jay Gates and the Cornwall Strut to host the Vintage Aircraft Club fly-in at Bodmin. The local weather improved as the weekend went on but spirits were lifted on the first evening when we had the pleasure of listening to the saxophone quartet, Fourthought, and local poets and actors who entertained us with a mixture of poetry, prose and aeroplane bingo in the hangar! There was excitement too as the airfield had very recently been identified as an area of botanical interest by the local university ecological department. A full account of the importance of this discovery and its relevance for other airfields where there are likely to be undiscovered areas of significance, is published elsewhere in this issue. However, all at Bodmin are keen to impress on all Strut members the importance of having a close look at the outlying areas around their airfield and to report back.
It has been good to hear how all of us are returning to meeting up around aircraft again and we look forward to hearing more about Strut adventures, gatherings and suchlike for the autumn columns!
Strut calendar
Many Struts are still relying on Zoom for their monthly meetings so please do check the status before turning up to an advertised meeting. Struts of course welcome new members, if you haven’t been in touch with your local Strut then why not contact them and get involved?
Andover Strut: Spitfire Club, Popham Airfield, SO21 3BD. 1930. Contact keith. picton@ntlworld.com
Bristol Strut: BAWA Club, Filton, 1930. Contact: chairman@bristolstrut.uk www. bristolstrut.uk
Cornwall Strut: The Clubhouse, Bodmin Airfield. Contact: Pete White pete@aeronca. co.uk 01752 406660 11 September – Strut Fly-In. 15 September 1900 – The Real Battle of Britain by Peter Channon.
Devon Strut: The Exeter Court Hotel, Kennford, Exeter. 1930. Strut contact: david. millin@sea-sea.com
East of Scotland Strut: Harrow Hotel, Dalkeith. 2000. Contact: inrgibson001@ btinternet.com 0131 339 2351.
East Midlands Strut: The Plough, Normanton on Soar. Contact: tonyrazzell2@ gmail.com 13 Sept – A History of Gliding from George Cayley to Perlan by Roger Alton. Zoom contact available. We also have a Facebook group and upload recordings of some meetings where we have speakers.
Gloster Strut: The Victory Club, Lypiatt Road, Cheltenham, GL50 2SY. Contact: harry.hopkins@talktalk.net 14 September and 12 October – meetings 1930pm at the Victory Club. Highlands & Islands: Highland Aviation, Inverness Airport. Contact: b.w.spence@ btinternet.com 01381 620535.
Kent Strut: Cobtree Manor Golf Club, Maidstone, Kent. 2000. Contact: Steve Hoskins hoskinsltd@outlook.com 07768 984507. 18 September – Meet the LAA Day at Headcorn.
LiNSY Trent Valley Strut: Trent Valley Gliding Club, Kirton Lindsey. pilotbarry1951@ gmail. com http://linsystrut.wixsite.com/ website
North East Strut: Fishburn Airfield. Brunch on the third Sunday of each month. 11301330 at Fishburn Aviator Cafe. Contact: alannixon297@btinternet.com
North Western Strut: Veterans Lounge, Barton, Manchester, 1930 for 2000. Contact: cliffmort@btinternet.com 07813 497427.
North Wales Strut: Caernarfon Airport, Dinas Dinlle. First Sunday of the month – HEMS Bistro Café. 1300. Contact: Gareth Roberts gtrwales@gmail.com 07876 483414.
Oxford Group: New Venue from 11 August. Sturdy’s Castle Country Inn, Banbury Road, Kidlington, OX5 3EP. Second Wednesday each month. Contact LAAOxford@gmail.com www.oxfordlaa.co.uk
Redhill Strut: The Dog and Duck, Outwood, Surrey, RH1 5QU. 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1930. Contact: david@milstead.me.uk
Shobdon Strut: Hotspur Café, Shobdon Airfield, Hereford HR6 9NR. 1930. Meetings on the second Thursday of the month. 9 September – Major Arial Theatres of WWII and their Axis Impact by Robert Apsley. Contact: Keith Taylor bushebiggles@sky.com Southern Strut: The Swiss Cottage, Shoreham-by-Sea. 2000. Normal meetings will resume on the first Wednesday of the month when permitted. Contact palmersfarm@sky.com Strathtay Strut: Scottish Aero Club, Perth Airport, Scone. Scone Clubhouse. Contact: keith.boardman@peopleserve.co.uk 07785 244146.
Suffolk Coastal Strut: Crowfield Airfield Clubhouse. 1930. Contact: Martyn Steggalls events@suffolkcoastalstrut.org.uk 07790 925142. 26 Sept – 11am-4pm, BBQ at Monewden. 20 Oct – Guest speaker, TBA
Vale of York Strut: Chocks Away Café, Rufforth East Airfield. Contact: Chris Holliday 07860 787801 valeofyorkstrutlaa@gmail.com www.valeofyorkstrutlaa.wordpress.com
Wessex Strut: Henstridge Airfield Clubhouse. Fortnightly Strut walks organised by Wessex Aviators Leisure Club. Contact neil.wilson@laa.uk.com
West Midlands Strut: Navigator Café, Halfpenny Green Aerodrome 1930. Contact: Graham Wiley westmidlandslaastrut@ googlegroups.com Stuart Darby stuartdarby134@hotmail.com. or visit our website wmstrut.co.uk
West of Scotland Strut: Bowfield Country Club, Howwood, PA9 1DZ. 1900. Contact: Neil Geddes barnbethnkg@gmail.com 01505 612493.
Youth & Education Support (YES)
– Contact: Graham Wiley gw20home@outlook.com
Thank you to all Struts and clubs for getting in touch. If you have any stories, items you wish to share or updates for the calendar, please contact me at struts@laa.uk.com