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Sharp Women | October 2020
Ranchelle in the Raw
The first time I was asked that was by my coach, I had hit a wall. Some people call it a glass ceiling, but for me, it was a wall - A HUGE BRICK WALL. I had come as far as I could in my business and I could NOT, for the life of me, figure out why things were not going the way I wanted them to.
I was frustrated, angry, sad, hurt, and felt like I was failing over and over again. I couldn’t see over the obstacle of ‘I don’t have enough clients’’ B.S. that I was telling myself.
Can you relate?
I looked around my office day in and day out and thought to myself, why can’t I figure this sh*t out? What’s happening?
I felt hopeless. I hadn’t felt this way since Curves had done their re-brand in the early 2000’s and then I felt like I was at the whim of the Franchise and there was nothing I could do.
As I was staring into space, I was asked again… Ranchelle, what are you resisting doing, being, or having? It is THAT belief that is keeping you stuck. It is the THING you are resisting that is preventing you from living your purpose.
In silence, I pondered. Then a flood of answers came to me.
I am resisting being judged.
I am resisting being heard.
I am resisting standing up for what I believe in.
I am resisting being called too woo-hoo.
I am resisting being seen.
I am resisting doing what’s necessary to make this work.
I am resisting love.
I am resisting being the woman I know I can be - because what if I fail?
I am resisting boundaries.
I am resisting so much
You see, what we resist persists. PERIOD. For example, if I am resisting being heard, I will create more of ‘not being heard’. Why is that?
There are simple answers, and they have to do with the following Universal Laws.
1. Universal Law of Cause and Effect.
In the simplest forms, The Universal Law of Cause and Effect states that your thoughts, behaviours, and actions create specific effects that manifest and create your life as you know it. In my coaching practice, I teach that the first cause is thought. It is not instantaneous results but rather a Desire, a thought, an emotion tied to it, inspired action AND THEN results (manifestation).
The Law of Vibration
A lot of people have heard about The Law of Attraction (thanks to a book and movie called The Secret) but most people don’t know that the Law of Attraction is a subsidiary law to The Law of Vibration which states that everything has energy to it and everything moves; nothing rests. Our thoughts move toward something and if our thoughts are fear based or resistance based, we AT- TRACT more of what we fear and resist. We are always in creative energy.
Staring at my coach, I realized that all the things I am resisting are utter BS. At the core of it all is my fear of not being good enough and fear of judgment. I decided then and there that enough is enough. I have a purpose (just like all of us) and it is time for me to STOP resisting and surrender.
The Power of Choice
I am reminded again that one of the greatest gifts we have been given is our intellect (it is also one of the reasons why we create resistance). Our intellect gives us the power of choice.
I can choose love or fear.I can choose faith or fear.
I can choose to be a victim of my circumstances or victorious.
I can choose resistance or surrender.
I can choose to be in resistance, or I can ask myself, what else is possible?
Over and over again, I hear in our community that our lives and businesses are being affected by ‘the economy’, ‘the pandemic’, or ‘the government’. But what if you didn’t buy into this BS? What IF something else was possible? Remember the Universal Laws above? What are you ‘vibrating’ to? A higher resonance energy or a lower energy of fear? What are the thoughts that you are thinking? Do you believe that someone is doing something TO you, or do you accept responsibility for all of your thoughts, actions, and outcomes?
Our beliefs are a funny thing. Insidious as hell and meant to keep us safe. But, you see, all of that is a lie you are telling yourself SO THAT you can stay safe and secure in your beliefs. You are in resistance.
On the other side of the ‘reasons’ that we give as to why we aren’t making the money we want, attracting the clients we want, or manifesting we want, is resistance.
So, my question to you is, what are you resisting doing? Being? Or having? The question is simple, the answer might be complex.
Stay sharp! Ranchelle