5 minute read
The SECRET Formula to Success
by Ranchelle Van Bryce
Most of my adult life I have been chasing after this illusive “secret” to success. In fact, I spent seven figures and 12 years hunting for this elusive success. Courses, coaches, workshops, strategies and more. YET, the secret remained a secret.
This journey was filled with frustration, anger, resentment, fear and finally; surrender. Want to know the crazy thing about this secret? Once I surrendered, I found it.
It was right there in front of me! In ALL of the books that I read: Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich, Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich, Robert Collier, The Secret of the Ages, Joseph Murray, The Power of The Subconscious Mind, Raymond Holliwell, Working with The Law and of course anything by Earl Nightingale. My coaches were sharing the same DAMN secret with me as well and YET, I could not see it. I was in my own way. Perhaps you can relate? Do you have this feeling that your life is meant to be something MORE? That for some reason you are not living to your full potential? That’s how I felt too. That was my story. I felt like no matter what I did, I just could NOT get it together to live the life that I was supposed to live. It wasn’t just about ‘the money’, although that was how it showed up for me. It was like every day proved to me that I wasn’t enough. I was on this “trek”, a “journey” and the joke was on me… that there was destination, no arrival.
One day I was speaking to my mentor and he shared a vision with me. He said, Ranchelle, you’re on a boat and you are using the oars, trying to go upstream to what you think is the destination. Turn the boat around, put up the sail and go WITH the flow. Why are you going against the flow? I laughed out loud because that is exactly how I was feeling. Everything felt like a struggle. His next words were
life changing, “what are you resisting? Why won’t you surrender?” It was like I was hit over the head with a frying pan. You see, to me surrender meant giving up; quitting, you know - wave the white flag and surrender to the ‘enemy’. But then, exactly WHO was my enemy? I felt like my enemies were fear, frustration, confusion, limiting beliefs and that by surrendering I was accepting those to be my TRUTH and I so didn’t want that to be my TRUTH. Here is the funny thing about what we focus on and about what I was creating: What we resist, persists. Read that again, what we resist, persists. So, by focusing and resisting my fears, frustrations, anger and confusion I was creating MORE of that. In order to create a different outcome, I had to first surrender to the idea that I was feeling that way. Then I had to ask myself, if I didn’t WANT that, what did I want (focus on the outcome, not the problem). I reframed surrender so that it means, for me: I surrender to my Higher Power, I surrender to my faith, I surrender to peace, serenity and love. Most importantly for me, surrender means I surrender INTO something. Even deeper, I give up something of a lower vibration (anger, resentment and fear) to something of a higher vibration (faith, love and peace). Once I reframed surrender, I was able to BEHAVE in a way that showed me the secret that I was chasing after, that is, surrender. First, I want to share with you that there is NO secret formula. Every book that I listed above gives the exact formula for success and I will be happy to share it here with you. I can tell you though the KEY to success, for me, has been “application”. You see, I was reading the books, going to the seminars, taking the masterclasses, writing copious amounts of notes and YET, still success escaped me to that day of surrender. Can you relate? I asked myself the following question. What IF the secret was applying the formula? What if it was about moving it from information, to knowledge, and to how do I apply it? That day, I dove back into working with the law and every highlighted juicy part I asked myself, HOW can I apply this? HOW can I LIVE this? Who do I need to BE in order to live this? And finally, what do I need to do? What changes in behaviour must happen so that I live this way? This was when things started to change for me. So, I said I would share the formula. Here it is.
1. Be clear and concise with your desires. 2. Ensure that the desire is coming from a place of abundance and prosperity vs. lack (for example: my business is open for new clients vs. I NEED clients so I can pay my bills). 3. Visualize AS IF you have exactly what you desire. Add some emotion to it. Use your imagination as the tool it was meant for. 4. Be grateful for what you have; spend time IN GRATITUDE. The words, “I am so happy and grateful now that..” are essential here. 5. Only focus on what you want; stop using words like: I don’t have time, I can’t afford, the economy is preventing me from, the pandemic is, etc. 6. Have faith that what you desire is already here. 7. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Napoleon Hill talks about the mastermind, my coach says, find a coach that resonates with you and has what you want to create. 8. Don’t worry about ‘the how’ you will manifest the ‘thing’ you want. The how comes once you decide that you desire it.