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by Shannon Adams


Like many of you, I began working as soon as I could. You know, that exciting first job as we enter the workforce at 14 or even before that if we cut the neighborhood grass or babysit for our parents’ friends. Remember those jobs…those days? The ones where we magically managed to balance out school, homework, friends, sports teams and a part time job? Maybe we could find the balance because it was only part time? Now as we are older and wiser with only perhaps one full time job, we find it increasingly difficult to strike that balance. When did it all change?

For me it changed when I got my first real job, the one where there was a dress code and punch cards to be monitored, the standard 9-5. My desire to be good at my job, to impress, to get noticed and get that promotion, the need to make more and more money. Before I knew it, I was caught up in an 84-hour workweek when I only ever signed up for 40! How did I become disillusioned to the reality of life passing by? Since when did being busy become a badge of honor worn with pride – like a shiny gold star for doing a good job?

Being ‘busy’ becomes our default answer when someone asks us how we are, it’s the fallback excuse when we forgot a menial task or perhaps do not want to do something. It’s the reason we all strive to find that magical work-life balance. Well let me let you in on a secret, there is no such thing as work-life balance. You may be thinking No! I have it! That’s great! Chances are that you have days though where life is a little more weighted than work and vice versa? There Is nothing wrong with that. We need to be able to accept where we are on our journey for equilibrium and move forward without striving for the perfect 9-5, 5-9 balance from outdated advertisements.

Here are the three steps you need to take to achieve that balance for yourself.

Do everything with

1. Intention 2. Prioritization 3. Boundaries

By everything, I mean EVERYTHING, even something as simple as folding laundry or listening to your office voicemail. Tasks go by faster and are more enjoyable (as much as they can be) when we focus on them.

Intention: Put your all into the task at hand. It’s been scientifically proven we cannot multi-task. Do one thing well instead of 20 things poorly. Try to genuinely enjoy the moment no matter how much you wish you were elsewhere.

Prioritize: What is the ONE thing you need to complete on this day, the one thing that will make all other things a bit easier- do that first. Create yourself a “to complete” list and cross them off once you achieve it- it will feel SO good! What is important to you to not neglect. Write your list!

Boundaries: Are you accessible all the time on social media, chat platforms, email or your phone? All of the different platforms we are available on can be overwhelming and frankly exhausting. Set time limits for yourself on social media platforms. Close your email when completing your one task. I recently deleted my company team chat app from my computer and I could not be happier. Train your clients, family, friends on your work hours. If you respect those hours yourself then others will too.

In your search for balance, remember it is only what we define for ourselves. Set your expectations high, practice and don’t give up-balance is yours for the taking!

Shannon Adams is a 14-year veteran in the promotional products industry, having worked with all aspects of the business she is a senior account manager working with a trusted team to bring branding solutions to corporate companies. Shannon resides in Sherwood Park with her family.

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