Gripit catalogue

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TensCare Gripit KTAPE 9 Blenheim Rd, Epsom Surry, KT19 9BE +44 (0)1372 723 434


X 5M

X 5M


X 5M X 5M

X 5M






X 5M


X 5M

X 5M


X 5M



X 5M

X 5M



X 5M


X 5M

X 5M

X 5M

Strapit Medical Strapit Medical Strapit Medical Strapit Medical Strapit Medical Strapit Medical Gripit ACTIVET Gripit ACTIVET Gripit ACTIVET and Sports Supplies and Sports Supplies and Sports Supplies and Sports Supplies and Sports Supplies and Sports Supplies 2, 36 Latitude 2, 36 Latitude 2, 36 Latitude 2/36 Latitude 2/36 Latitude 2/36 Latitude tested by leading APE is developed, tried and tested by leading APE is developed, tried and tested by leading APE is developed, tried and M M Boulevard, Bouleva Bouleva Boulevard, Boulevard, Boulevard, Australian health SINGLE Australian health SINGLE Australian health SINGLE ROLL 5CM ROLL 5CM ROLL 3074 X5 X5 Thomas Thomastown 3074 rd, Thomastown 3074 rd, Thomastown VIC so that when it’s so that when it’s so that when it’s Gripit KTape is Gripit KTape is professiThomas professi professiThomas X 5M X 5M X 5M VIC 3074 VIC 3074 onals town onals town5CM onals town 3074 developed, tried developed, tried on on on 5CM 5CM Australia leading Australi leading Australi best in ACTIVET it really Grips! For the best in ACTIVET it really Grips! For theAustralia and and best in ACTIVET it really Grips! For theAustralia very very very .com .com LL LL an health professi tested by an health professi tested by APE the choice APE the choice APE the choice Strapit Medical Strapit Medical when Strapit Medical Strapit Medical Strapit Medical Strapit Medical www.gri Gripit Gripit ACTIVET Gripit RO R RO when it’s on it is Gripit. is is Gripit. ipitktape onals so that pitktape is ACTIVET ACTIVET and Sports Supplies and Sports and Sports Supplies it’sSupplies and Sports Supplies and Sports Supplies and Sports Supplies on it really Grips! really Grips! For onals so that LE SINGLE LE SINGLE LE SINGLE is develop develop 2, 36 Latitude 2, 36 Latitude 2, 36ROLL 2/36 Latitude 2/36 2/36 tested by leading tested by leading tested by leading APE is develop For Latitude Latitude Latitude ROLL ROLL NG ed, tried NG ed, tried NG ed, tried Boulevard, Boulevard, Bouleva and and and SINGLE SINGLE ROLLWhy SINGLE ROLLWhy Boulevard, Bouleva Bouleva 5CM 5CM 5CM KTape the choice the very best in KTape the choice the very best in AustraliWhy Australi AustraliWhy rd, rd, rd, X 5M X 5M X 5M ROLL Why Why Gripit – Gripit anSIhealth anSIhealth anSIhealth ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE 5CM 5CMGripit 5CMGripit Thomastown VIC so that when it’s so that when it’s so that when it’s Xprofessi X 5M– Thomas X 5M– Thomas TAPEThomas TAPEThomas TAPEThomas is Gripit. Gripit KTape is is Gripit. Gripit KTape is Gripit KTape is 5M town 3074 town 3074 town 3074 professi professi town VIC 3074 town VIC 3074 Gripit KTape Gripit KTape – Gripit – Gripit – Gripit onals onals onals KTape has been 3074 developed,Leading developed,Leading developed,Leading on it really on it really on it really ACTIVETAPE is ACTIVETAPE is ACTIVETAPE is has been develop has been develop www.gripitktape designe designe designe Grips!dFor Grips!dFor Grips!dFor Australia Australia Australia tried and tried and tried and develop leading Australi leading leading best best best ipitktape ipitktape Strapit Strapit Strapit specific specific specific Austral Austral Austral for for for the the the tested tested tested in in in ed ed ed Medical Medical Medical Australi Australi ACTIVET ACTIVET ACTIVET workin workin workin .au .au very very very by by by .com .com .com ally ally ally ian ian ian byPhysiot by Physiot by Physiotherapis Strapit Medical an health professi an health professi and Sports Supplies and Sports Supplies and Sports Supplies an health professi 2, 36 herapis 2, 36 herapis g 2/36 g 2/36 gThomast APE decreas APE decreas APE decreas 36 Latitude toStrapit toStrapit to2,deload Medical Medical Latitudets. Latitudets. the choice is deload deload the choice is Gripit. the choice is www.gr2/36 and and Sports and Bouleva Bouleva Bouleva joints joints when it’s on it when it’s on it when it’s on it Thomast Thomast designe to assist designe to assist designe to assist ts. Gripit KTape Latitude Boulevar Latitude Latitude ipitktape ipitktape ipitktape Gripitrd,KTape Gripitrd,KTape andSports andSports and rd, ing pain and improv ing pain and improv ing pain and www.gri Supplies Supplies Supplies own 3074 ownjoints own 3074 so thatwww.gri so that Boulevar Boulevar so thatwww.gri Thomast Thomast Thomast muscle muscle muscles, h: .com .com .com 3074 Gripit ACTIVET Gripit ACTIVET Gripit ACTIVET really Grips! For donals really Grips! For donals really Grips! For donals d, d, d, own own s, ith: s, ith: is is is Why Why Why Why Why VIC VIC VIC Australia Australia Australia own pitktape pitktape ACTIVET ACTIVET tested tested tested 3074 APE 3074 3074 APE painpitktape pain and injury. Gripit – Gripit Gripit APE is develop www.gri APE is develop www.gri APE is develop improv d s ing d s ing d s ing Gripit Gripit Gripit au au .com .com .com Gripit – Gripit the very bestwith the very bestwith and injury. the very bestwith andLeading leading Australia leading Australia leading Australia functio functio functio – Gripit designe designe www.gripitktape injury. KTape KTape KTape wit KTape has w KTape has w so that by so that by so that by Leading Leading –stGripit – Gripit ACTIVET antried antried antried n. ed, ed, ed, KTapeAustrali KTapeAustrali KTapeAustrali Suitable for all Suitable for all Suitabl pitktape is develop pitktape is develop is develop dn.for d for develophealth develophealth develophealth Design Design Design in in in when it’s on when it’s on when it’s on leading leading leading ages, ages, ages, Why Why ACTIVETAPE Austral Austral Austral the choice the choice the choice working working Why Why stPhysiot stPhysiot has been develop and eian .com .com n. ed ed ed ACTIVE ACTIVE Gripit Gripit Gripit for ed by ed by ed by ed, tried ed, tried ed, tried been develop been develop best in best in best in Gripit Gripit Gripit APE is specific ian– ian– designedWhy all KTape ing ing it reallynGrips! it reallynGrips! it reallynGrips! to deload Austral Austral Austral iedprofessi iedprofessi iedprofessi TAPEto deload TAPE is Gripit. is Gripit. is Gripit. onal decreas onal and onal and is specific when it’s on when it’sed when it’sed pain pain an health an health an health ACTIVETAPE ACTIVETAPE – Physiot andKTape andKTape andKTape Gripit KTape Gripit KTape d to assist d to assist onals onals onals to assist and improvi and improvi testedworks testedworks testedworks ian Physiot iandesigne iandesigne herapis herapis herapis sithe joints joints – Gripit –ceGripit edACTIVET APE the assiand assiand assiand onby onby KTape professionals professionals professionals by develop where it hurts. where it hurts. where it really Grips! it it really Grips! the choice d, trFor the choice d, trFor by by by and and ts. been ts. been ts. been withGripit ACTIVE ACTIVE choice d,istrFor has has has Gripitdevelop Gripitdevelop Gripitdevelop very develop very Physiot very Physiot ng ng essithe essithe musclesally musclesally herapis herapis herapis itGripit ed by Australi ed by Australi pain and Grips! ages, ages, ages, function function hurts.Austral is Gripit. is Gripit. KTape is KTape KTape TAPE TAPE so so so ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE aywithes pain aywithes pain ay clworkin designe designe and injury. and injury. Gripit. bythat bythat bythat Leading Leading KTapereally KTape KTape For the very For the very For the very , , Gripitts, Gripitts, es anan ofese is . Designe . Designe injury. Suitable isand is specific 180–2 180–2 180–2 ACTIVET is the Gripit is the Gripit verysuitable verysuitable ACTIVET verysuitable the choice specific pe TAPE pe TAPE pe TAPE Gripit ACTIVE KTape works KTape KTape d for dts, an Physiotherapis ancePhysiot ancePhysiot mAustral mAustral mfor Physiot Suitable Suitable 00%TAPE 00%TAPE 00% Elastic APE is APE is best best best workin d prof is prof is 180–2 180–2 allLeading 180–200% ally ally ed atin ed in ed atin ian Physiot is Gripit. is Gripit. is Gripit. herapists, d and Elastic Elastic mian mian suitable for alled by choice ACTIVE for alled by for alled by choice ACTIVE g all g all where where where to deload to deload fordecreas for00% PE Muscl orworks PE Muscl orworks PE suitable ts, all ages. all th pr r thmay for herapis herapis herapis it hurts. it hurts. it hurts. velo alth r the velo alTAPE velo alth r the Elastic Elastic Elastic ages. ages. – Just designe – Just assist for00% assist assist Mus orm for decreas ages. joints ages. joints testmay test thatity – Just testmay th ity th ity designe designe ts. ts. ts.




5CM X 5M


5CM X 5M


5CM X 5M

muscles, APE isand specifically gned s, nts and muscles, ion. Designed and otherapists, WARNING recommen : If severe injury all ages. d you seek is present we applicatio medical allergenic n. This product advice



s specifically

Kinesiology Tape Catalogue

Gripit KTape is developed, tried leading Australi and an health professi tested by when it’s on it really Grips! For onals so that KTape the choice the very best in is Gripit.

ity with: with: like Skin! with: like Skin! TA d &to ity like Skin! – Just d so d to ity assist like Skin! Gripit KTape is • Deload like Skin! Gripit KTape is • Deloading Joints heJoints like Skin! Gripit KTape is • Deloading Joints ing is de Perf – Just Perf – Just VETA d s! Fo it. with pain with pain with pain in in and s so stMuscle and s so stMuscle ts &to& assist TIVE ts & assist and injury. Suitabl and injury. Suitabl d an als st in lian Grip is Grip& Muscles CTI inages, s s ied sional & ied sional & AC Joinages, TAPE raing ages, Gripit KTape and injury. Suitable for all• ImprovingtrFunctio be trie sion ry be e for all• Improv e for all• Improving tion Gripit KTape works tion Gripit KTape works it A ing Jo nc ry be d, trofFunctio es ry n & Performance n & Performance oice works where it Gripit TIVEg Aust reallychFunctio ripit dingACTIVET whereSINGLE whereSINGLE ped, ofes e ve ped,profes e ve n & Performance Grip d180–2 •ACAssistin • Assistin • Assistin it hurts.ROLLit5CM it hurts.ROLL 5CM Func Joints APE may assist • GDeloadi hurts. it ge Recove lope pr r the ve ry oa 180–2 gth Recove in on 180–200% Elastic th velo th pr r th it. velo gth Recove elGripit • Improvi very 00% ngngng th ry 00% Elasticity ACTIVE X 5M Xve5M &Elastic Muscles with: TAPE ForGripit. ry Fo Gripit. • Assistin • D progvi Recover Grip •lead ity –with: ity – Just like Skin! Develope • Reducin Develope Develope • Reducin it’s TAPE Reducin – Just like Skin! assist is de heal s! Fo Grip is den heal gs!Pain is den heal gs!Pain Just like Skin! Perform RecoFunction & may • Reducin WARNING d by Australia WARNING dbyby Australia WARNING d by Australia Pain • Deload is is ng Physiothe hen TIVEinjury Painin ing y recomme : If severe recomme : If severe recommend:edIf severe ape ralia ape lian Grip is ape ralia Joints & Muscle Joints & Muscleance GnripPhysiothe GnripPhysiothe rapists. rapists. rapists. injury injury wseek • Im isgting ce ce st you present present application.te application.nd youKT application.nd youKT seek seek isti g Pain we we medicalis present we Pa s s atproduct st medical st medical it KT stra ally oice This This it This it ally chisoiadvice ally chisoiadvice allergenic acrylic allergenic acrylic allergenic acrylic product product ss• Improv prior to thglue ing Functio ing Functio in AC containsadvice Au it recontains Au it recontains Ass• Improv and zinc and zinc oxide and in glue glue e whicha lowprior to e whicha lowprior to a low Develope Developed by Developed by • A ucing Grip Grip Griping Au it re the ch oxide free. free. unlikely, WARNING unlikely, d byzinc While While ing sadhesive ing sadhesive Australian Physioth Australia Australian Physioth is latex is latex please remove please remove ance : If severe a skin onerapists. onerapists. ona ap •d Assisting Recove n & Perform e e threaction e threaction skin an itchy an itchy or n Physioth s ad ad ad injury WARNING WARNING WARNING: If immediat immediat or is is burning burning erapists. ap ap is Re present le n it’ .KTwe ely if you have le n it’ .KT ely if you have recomme : If severe injury le n it’ KT : If severe injury sensation sensation ry • severe injury is nd you Instru Instru seek medicalheadvice is present QR code for recommend you recomme recommend you ction ction • Reducing Pain code for video we we Gripit Use Gripit Use Gripit for video advice prior to demons applicatio applicatio demons s w s wishepresent nd you Gripit KTape Gripit KTape video g Pain whepresent prior to for use for seek medical seek medical seek medical advice we tration tration or visit n. This n. This or ation or use mayfor: mayfor: product contains product • MuscleKTape may assist with: • MuscleKTape • MuscleKTape www.gripitktape www.gripitktape inside inside assist with: assist with: ith: ith: ith: visit contains visit advice prior to advice prior to application. This applicatio application. This contains a low prior to allergenic allergenic acrylic allergenic n. This Scan Scan Scan a low a low Joint Joint Joint s forglue adhesive product contains product contains QR code QR code QR code • Sprains & and • Sprains & and • Sprains & and acrylic glue pit-tutorial-video st w st w st w glue adhesive forproduct lies .com/gripit-tutorial-videos lies .com/gri lieacrylic torial-videos adhesive which allergenic allergenic allergenic acrylic Strains Pain Strains Pain Strains Pain video video video contains a low demonstration demons demons a low a low liesacrylic lies for liesacrylic glue adhesive • Sports Injury • Develope which is latexs which is latex Develope and zincppoxide and tration Sports Injury Sports Injury tration zinc zincppoxide is latex • Develope assi glue adhesive glue adhesive orfree. or visit foasr:si foasr:si www.gri www.griand www.grand visit visit ppoxideorfree. free. While a skin and and and Supp While a skin reaction While a skin reaction WARNING: If WARNING: If WARNING: If •Gripit • Post operati • Post d by Australia d by Australia d by Australia whichUse which is latex whichUse Post and zinc and zinc oxide Gripit Gripit pitktape pitktape pitktape zinc Gripit operati operati is latex is latex Supp oxide Supp oxide free. While KTape KTape unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, reaction is ts Su please remove ts Su please .com/gri .com/gri .com/gri .au/how .au/how ion severe injury is severe injury is severe injury is n Physiotherapists. n Physiothion n Physiothion KTape free. pit-tutor free. While a skin ve care Prevent ve care Prevent ve care Prevent ARTG - 220733 is ARTG - 220733 is mayfor: mayfor: maye Pain may Pain maye Pain ap ap pit-tutor pit-tutor ts Su please WhileARTG • Enhanc toapply toapply WARNING: If WARNING WARNING orts -reaction assist assist with: erapists. erapists. 220733 • Enhanc remove remove and rehab and and a skin reaction• EnhancKTape a skin present we present we present we ial-video ial-video ial-video recommend you recommend you :Perform :Perform rehab rehab with: ing ing ing unlikely, unlikely, orts orts unlikely, please reaction is immediat immediat immediat If severe injury If severe injury Perform Sporitchy or burning Sporitchy Used Usedsevere Used Strapit Strapit s have sand sand nd you please remove please remove is Recove is Recove an ely if you ely if you ely if you haverecomme Gripit Gripit and it KTe Joint it KTe Joint ap ape int ap • Muscle • Muscle for injury SUITA SUITA SUITA applicatio seekDevelope seekDevelope seekDevelope Medical Medical ance ance Sp Sporitchy Sp remove immediat d Sp d, dan dan is present is present or burning or burning Recove present Pain-I Pain-I Pain-I medical medical medical ACTIVET ACTIVET have recomme recomme recomme immediat • Assistin d in Australia d in Australia immediat • Assistin d in Australia andis Sports andtape BLE BLE and ry we Suppo we we d, rynd youfor rynd youfor advice advice advice njurynjurynjurysensation sensation sensationCHILDRE KT KT Sports application. This applicatio APE isCHILDRE APE is. develop ndALL CHILDREN, BLE Nylon tape Nylon Nylon tape • Assistin Joint Painance an itchy or burning FOR FOR FOR you seek medical ely if you have and Joint Pain tion tion prior prior prior if you haveg lympha if you haveg lympha Supplies seek medical advice seek medical advice ard, Suppo . develop . Suppo d s rt d s rt n. This n. This N, ATHLETE N, to and Made in Chinaical an evar to and Made in Chinaical an evar to and Made in Chinaical an evtested and an and tested and an ALL ALL it KT and Jo s entionb Git rip Git rip with with with ATHLETE ATHLETE g 2/36 2/36 lympha product contains product product ard,itchy or burning sensation. ely ard, ard,itchy or burning sensation. ely spandex spandex spandex ed, ed, tried AGES AGES AGES rt Latitude Latitude en en advice Supplies sensation. S, ADULTS S, S, tried b applicatio b applicatio applicatio al al al by by ADULTS ADULTS contains contains M M composite composit composit tic tic tic an and an and and prior prior prior leading leading and and • • Sprains & Strains drainag drainag drainag se se rip rip rip in in in Bouleva Bouleva ev ev ev allergenic acrylic allergenic allergenic swelling Sprains swelling swelling n. n. n. ul ul ul to to to ic ic ic a low a a & & & 5 5 This This This e e low SENIORS rd, Australian health allergenic Australian health allergenic ed product product e product contains e G cle ra Prev reha rd, low e UG cle ra Prev reha UG a low acrylic glueSENIORS acrylic glueSENIORS & Strains cle Stra d Prev d reha Med Boul Instru ed ul ed ul so that when glue adhesive X X Med Bo 74 Med Bo 74 Thomas Developecontains adhesive which allergenic acrylicDevelopecontains St d d a low a t M e Bo 3074so that when it’s professiThomas town town adhesive d in Australia d3074 d in Australia which is latex which is latex Instructions and zinc oxide and zinc oxide and zinc us s & St and and in Australia acrylic acrylicDevelope t M e Bo Instructions t M e Bo Instru t e VIC VIC pit ude 30 pit ude 30Instruction is latex CM &and &and an onals onals glue glue glue Cotton Cotton Cotton oxide free. ctions • Sports Injury • Sports Injury and Made in on it really Grips! professi adhesive adhesive adhesive MusUse Muslow ctions on it really Grips! For ctionit’s free. While a skin free. While a skin an KTapewhich KTapewhich KTapewhich Madean Madean While a3074 • with • with • M Gripit and zinc and zinc oxide in China in China with 3-5% and zinc oxide Gripit Use Gripit 5 5CM StrapiLatitudn VIC Instru s s China Australia Australia rapi titud 3074 rapi titud 3074 rapi titud 3074 skin reaction is 3-5% Stra Latit n VIC Stra Latit n VIC 3-5% in in in Gripit Gripit is latexSpandex iss latex iss latex and and Prevention KTape KTape KTape oxide unlikely, please unlikely, unlikely, reaction is reaction ry ry ry best best Spandex Spandex For re re re KTape KTape Preven free. free. free. St St St the the in in may may may please please is ra ra ra While While While ACTIVET ACTIVET very very om om om LL LL n n n w w w La w for tion Sp Inju e ca ce assist assist assist with: remove immediat remove immediat remove immediat u for use a skin reaction a skin reaction a skin reaction for use inside for use inside unlikely, unlikely, please unlikely, please w .a.cwith: w pe.cwith: for for use online APE the choice is Gripit. • Post operative • Post operative Injuis ive ca ance 2, 36 Lafor: Injuis ive ca ance 36 Lafor: Strapit Strapit use online use online APE the choice is Gripit. pleaseipitktape is an itchy or burning an itchy an itchy ely if youROhave ely if you have ely if youRO inside 2/36 astoMedical 2/36 astoMedical 2/36 asto Gripit Gripit an • Sp •tsMuscle • Sp •tsMuscle remove immediat remove immediat remove immediat om om or burning or burning ipitktape ACTIVET ACTIVET have 2, 36 asto cotampe 2, asto cotampe care and rehab• or•tsMuscle care and rehab and astoPain .comand Sports Supplies sensation. sensation sensation .com ely if you have at have at have ativ rformand Joint an itchy or burning an itchy or burning an itchy or burning elyorif you elyorif you omLatitude om lia pe.c is. develop Pain Pain Scan ormand Joint ormand Joint it.itk itkta pe.c Scan Sports Supplies 2/36 2/36 om om ripit.itk om SINGLE er SINGLE er er GLEed, tried GLEed, tried tested by leading APE is .develop tested by leading e e e • • lia tape Bouleva lia ta5CM ThROLL ThROLL ThomraLatitude rf rf Sp Sp Sp Enhanc Enhanc sensation sensation sensation ta M M M Scan Scan Scan Scan rip rip N N and and • • • Th Th Th • • • ing ing Bouleva ra ra . . . Sprains Sprains Sprains QR QR QR QR QR QR Performance Performance code for video code for video code for video code for video code for video AustraliWhy AustraliWhy rd, rd, st itk st ripitk st ripitk 5CM X 5Mcode for video X 5M inagww.g inagww.g inag w.g X5 anSIhealth anSIhealth st opXin5g Pe & raStrains st opXin5g Pe & raStrains st oping Pe & raStrains ACTIVE ACTIVE Thomas so that when it’s so that when it’s Au .griptown VIC 3074 Au– .gGripit Au –.gGripit TAPE Thomas TAPE onals professi professi Instructions Instructions Instructions and Recovery and Recovery demons demonstration demonstration ww Instructions Instru Instru VIC 3074tration onals demonstration demonstration demons w w w townACTIVE • Po5CM • Po5CM • Po • ncSports • ncSports • ncSports ry c d w ry tiInjury ry tiInjury ctions on it really ctions on it really ACTIVE c d wand cd 5CM or visit or visit TAPE is specific TAPE is or visit designe designe Grips!dFor Grips!dFor Australia Australia or or and Prevention tration or visit ww ww wSw forthe forthe ACTIVETAPE the ACTIVETAPE the LL ha cove phatiInjury and workin workin very very ally cove pha • Assistin • Assistin tion visit tion visit Enha covempha www.gripitktapespecifically www.gripitktape Strapit Medical Strapit for use inside ROLL for for use inside ROLL• Enhad•RePost g to deload to for use online for best for best Medical ipitktape ES deload ESRS gThomast useinonlin useinonlin choice choice www.gr2/36 RO • En d•RePost 2/36 and Sports and .com/gripit-tuto .com/gr joints and .com/gr joints decreas decreas ARTG - 220733 use inside ARTG - 220733 g lymphatic ARTG - 220733 g lymphatic Latitude Boulevar Latitude .com/gr .com/gr .au/how .au/how ipitktape ipitktape GEIORSimprov drainage • and•RePost drainage Gripit. Gripit. lym operative care and rehab ipitktape lym operative care and rehab ipitktape ly operative care and rehab andSports ipit-tuto ingispain ingispain Supplies Supplies e ACTIVET e ACTIVET Boulevar ipit-tuto ipit-tuto Thomast muscleipit-tuto muscle toapply toapply .com Used .com Used for Used LE LE LE Pain-I Gripit Gripit rial-videos AG IORS rial-videos rial-vide rial-vide an •tiEnhanc an •tiEnhanc own s, ith: rial-videos s, ith: rial-videos Why for Pain-Injuryfor Pain-I and swellin and swellin IO improv VIC 3074 d, VIC ng g ing ngnjuryngnjuryAustralia own Australia ACTIVET tested tested CTIVETAPE os os 3074 d, •tiEnhanc L Aand L&Aand d s ing N and s ing function. g ing g ing by leading APE is develop by leading APE is develop APE g g Scan QR code SING Scan QR code SING Scan QR code SING Scan QR code Scan QR code Scan QR code functio designe www.gripitktape www.gri Lhealth Lhealth w so that so that – Gripit ACTIVET – Gripit ACTIVET Support Suppo Suppo SENed, antried Performance Perform Perform Australia Australia ed for pitktape d for develop develop Designed siand tried Why Why for video for video Assis ellin for video Assis ellin for video forinwhen forinwhen rt ance rt ance ssis ellin ALL& SEN working working & SE ed, st wSUITA .com n. Designed st it’s on it’s on video video ACTIVE ACTIVE ed best best APE is specific APE is specific SUITABLE SUITABLE ing it really it really Sed by g pain Austral Austral iedprofessi iedprofessi TAPEto deload TAPEto deload onal and onal and pain ACTIVET ACTIVET R nAUGrips! R nAGrips! • d swand Recovery • d swand Recovery • A d swand onals onals BLE and improvi and improvi ian ian Physiotherapis assiand ce demons demonstration demons LTS d,by sithe trFor joints joints – Gripit – Gripit APE the APE the demons demons demons Recovery develop FORtration FOR ALLorAGES FOR ALLorAGES and and ULT d,istrFor tration tration ORADULTS ACTIVE ACTIVE choice choice oped very Physiotherapists,ay as es CHILDRE ng essithe muscles muscles ALLorAGES ed by Australi function function orally or visit or ally by d is Gripit. TAPE TAPE designe designe Gripit. FOACTIVE FOACTIVE Australianng ts, ,visit ,visit CHILDREN, ATHLETE tration CHILDREN, ATHLETE tration visit visit visit ofes very very . Designe . Designe isand isand ACTIVET verysuitable an an an • Assistin specific specific GripitFACTIVE Gripit d for an Physiotherapis ance N, ATHLETE IVETAPE may es an Physiot APE is d workin workin d ACTIVE profthe is S, ally ally LE TES, ADvelopethTAPE is for www.gripitktape herapis suitable suitable g all g all www.grS,ipitktape www.grS,ipitktape www.grS,ipitktape TAPE may assist TAPE may LELETES, ADdevelopealthTAPE ADULTS & SENIORS • Assisting lymphatic ADULTS & SENIORS • Assistin ADULTS & SENIORS BLE TE to deload to deload for all ages. PE mMuscl orm ipitktape ipitktape g lympha g lymphatic drainag PE Muscl orm ts, ts, for for r it. assist B HLE is de heal Fopr r suitable for all ages. .com/gripit-tuto decreasing pain ages. joints ages. joints tic ecreasing pain ARTG - 220733 LEd- 220733 .com/gripit-tuto .com/gr .com/gr .au/how .au/how with: with: drainag drainage Develope Develope Develope •AARTG • ARTG Develope Developed in Developed in Deload Deload H d inis Australia AB, ATrial-vide ipit-tuto ipit-tuto muscleipit-tuto muscleipit-tuto toapply toapply Used for Used Used e Pain-I e rial-videos he s! Foand d- 220733 in swellin d swellin in Australia ingosJoints ingosJoints and improving and improving rial-vide rial-vide in Australia s, s,ITA , ATrial-vide Australia VETAints & & Perf VETAints & & Perf for for Australia and Australia and and and and s! ATHrial-vide os os IT IT rip rip Pain-I Pain-I n n swellin os , and and and & & TI TI Made Made Made Muscle Muscle G G Made Made Made in China njurynjurynjuryg g g PE PE N N N functio functio USUITA in China in China in China Nylon Nylon tape with lia Gripspandex in China in China s s Cotton KTape Cotton KTape Cotton KTape Support Support Support tape with spandex n. Designed and n. 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Developed in Australia and Made in China t we r to Nylon tape with spandex composite esen prio is pr vice jury l ad a low ex re in edica ains is lat seve ek m nt ich n is ve : If u se uct cosive whactio u ha NING d yo prod adhe in re if yo ina Ch WARmmen This glue le a sk iately n. e in e ed hi recoicatio acrylic e. W imm Mad posit e and m applgenic ide fremov ation. lia x co re ns ox er c all zin ease g se stra ande in in Auith sp and ely, pl burn ped pe w unlik hy or velo ta itc De lon an Ny


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BLHLEdTEin Australia Develope ITANylon and Made in China N, AT tape with SUILSUITA spandex composit DRE e CH CHILDRE BLE FOR ALL AGES N, ATHLETES,

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Developed in Australia and Made in China Nylon tape with spandex composit e


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Joints & Muscle isti g Pain s ing Functio Ass• Improv in

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acrylic glue contains a lowprior to and zinc oxide adhesive which unlikely, free. While a skin reactionis latex an itchy orplease remove immediate burning sensation. ly if you is have

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and muscle ing pain and improv is de he Fo it. ing function. Design s, PE lian rips! Grip developed by ed and VETA stra ally Goice is Australian Physiot TI herapists, AC g Au it re e ch ACTIVETAPE is WARNING: it adin on th suitable for all Iflesevere s injury recommen rip ages. you applicatio Gd by present we seek n it’ medical TAPE isadvice allergenic n. This product


acrylic glue contains a lowprior to and zinc oxide adhesive which unlikely, free. While a skin reactionis latex an itchy orplease remove immediate burning sensation. ly if you is have

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De Co

Gripit KTape may assist with: • Muscle and Joint Pain • Sprains & Strains • Sports Injury and Prevention • Post operative care • Enhancing Perform and rehab ance and Recovery • Assisting lympha tic drainage and swelling

Gripit Clinical Single Roll 5cm / 10cm x 5 Metres Features: T +44 0 1372 723 434 • Easy application E sa es@ ensca e co uk • 90-95% cotton www ensca e co uk • 5-10% spandex • 80-100% stretch properties • Waterproof technology – one can swim with it! • Latex and Zinc Oxide free - low allergenic • Low allergy adhesive • Lasts for days • Also available in 5cm x 31.5M

Gripit Clinical

Gripit KTAPE Single Roll 5cm / 10cm x 5 Metres Regular Kinesiology Tape (Single roll) Can assist with:

Features: • Improving blood flow • Easy application Can assist with: • Increasing lymphatic drainage • 90-95% cotton • Elevated nervous system activity • Improving Blood Flow • 5-10% spandex • Enhances joint positioning • stretch Increasing Lymphatic Drainage • 80-100% properties • Decreases pain and swelling • Waterproof technology – one can swim with • Elevated Nervous System Activity • it!Quic ker recovery times • Latex and Zinc Oxide free - low allergenic • Enhances Joint Positioning • Low allergy adhesive Decreases Pain and Swelling • Lasts for• days • Also available in 5cmRecovery x 31.5M Times • Quicker

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X 5M

Thomastown 3074 Thomastown 3074 Thomastown 3074 Gripit KTape is Gripit KTape is Gripit KTape is deve deve X 5Mwww. deve www.and www.and leading Australian loped, tried leading Australian loped, tried leading Australian loped, tried and ktapeau ktapeau ktapeby ktapeby .com .com .com .com by health profession tested au health profession testedStrap health profession tested au Strapit Medical Strapit Medical Strap it Medical and when it’s on it when it’s on it when it’s on it als so that als so that it Medical and Sports Suppl als so that and Sports Suppl and Sports Suppl Sports Supplies really Grips! For really Grips! For really Grips! For 2, 36 Latitude 2, 36 Latitude 2, 36 Latitude 2, 36 Latitude ies ies ies the very best the very best in the very best Boule Boulevard, Boulevard, Boulevard, SINGLE ROLL SINGLE ROLL SINGLE ROLL SINGthe KTape the choic KTape the choic KTape LEchoic in ROLL Why 5CM X 5M Thomastown 3074 vard, 5CM Thom Thom Thom Gripi Gripi Gripi Gripit – Gripit e is Gripit. Whyin e is Gripit. e is X astow astow astow Gripit KTape is 5CM X 5MWhy Gripit KTape is 5CM X 5MWhy Gripit KTape Gripit t t t 5M Gripit – – – Gripi Gripi Gripi n n n KTape 3074 3074 3074 . t t t KTap KTap KTap KTap is deve is deve deve deve e has been deve e has been deve e has been deve e has been deve www. www. www. , tried , tried , tried , trieding gripit gripit gripit leading Australian lopedLead ing ing ing and and and and Strapi Strapi Strapi Strapi loped by leading Australian lopedLead loped by leading Australian lopedLead loped by leading Australian lopedLead loped by ktape ktape .com. ktape .com. ktape .com. 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Suitable ages, Gripit KTap ages, Gripit KTap ble for all ble for all for all for all , triefessio ery bages, Gripit KTape work , triefessio ery bages, Gripit KTape work , triefessio ery b , triefessio ery b d d d d e works where e works where e e e e v v s where it hurts s where it hurts p p it hurts. it hurts. lop pro e v . –200 lop pro e v . . elo h pro the180 elo h pro the . 180–200% Elas 180–200% Elas it eve lth or th 180 eve lth or th it. % Elasticity – Just dev ealt For pit. –200% Elasticity – Just dev ealt For pit ticity – Just like WARN ticity – Just like WARN D e v e lo p e d D e v e lo p e d Developed Develo ped is d n hea ps! F Grip is d hea s! F rip by A u s tr a lia by A u s tr a lia like recom like recom Australian Physio Australian Physio WARNING: WARNING: e is lian h rips! is Gri e is lian h rips! is Gri Skin Skin Skin Skin pe an rip is G n P hy s io the n P hpyes ioliath ! If by !ING: If severe !ING: If severe ! 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5CM X 5M


X 5M

Gripit KTape is de leading Australian when it’s on it rea KTape


5CM X 5M


X 5M

X 5MThomastown 3074



X 5M

Can assist with: • Improving blood flow • Increasing lymphatic drainage • Elevated nervous system activity • Enhances joint positioning • Decreases pain and swelling • Quic ker recovery times


Features: • Easy Application • 90-95% Cotton • 5-10% Spandex • 180% Stretch • Water Resistant Tape • Latex and Zinc Oxide Free • Low Allergy Adhesive • Sticks extremely well • 5–7 day use • Available in 5cm/10cm x 5M and 31.5M 5CM X 5M


5CM X 5M

Colours available:

5CM × 5M


e Scan QR code for videoes demonstration or visituppli Developed by www.gripi www. Australian Physio .au/hgripit s S -tutor owto ARTG - 22073 WARNING: If therapists. apply ial-videos 3 Usedsevere Painis presen port recommend youfor injury we dS , -Injutry-S seek medical ort l an vard advice prior upp application. This a to produ contai dic ule ns a low allergenic acrylicDeveloct ped in Austra Me e Bo glue Cotton lia and Made adhesi KTape ve which apit tud 074 and zinc oxide with 3-5% China is latexSpandin free. While a skin ex Str Lati n 3 uom .c unlikely, please reaction is w 6 .a e o 3 remove immed 2, mast k.ctaomp iately if you have an itchy or burnin it g sensation. Tho .grip 5M












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X 5M

Strapit Medical and Sports Suppl 2/36 Latitude ies Boule Thomastown VIC vard, 3074 Australia www.gripitktape .com



X 5M Gripit KTap e Strapit Medical Australian healtis developed, tried and and Sport tested by leadi h professionals Latitude Bouleng s Supplies so 2/36 Grips! For the when vard, it’s on it really very best in KTap that Thomastow e the choic n VIC 3074 Australia e is Gripit.


X 5M






s Olike wwSkin Au ! wOG itinfo@ p

es gripitktape

N ticit

O yN – Just OG www.gripitktape .com m/GripitAUS @GripitAus @Gripitktapes

X 5M





Ins n ontructions o u uonfor n use onlin







www.gripitktape .com


X 5M

O OG t por

h in C ade ex d M and a an Sp rali -5% ust ith 3 in A w ed KTape p velo on De Cott



n Q tio oum/h/g Sca onstra opme.c.a k.cta dem .g.gririppitit w ww


All prices quoted e xclude G ST

Gripit KTape Australian healtis developed, tried and teste d by leading h professionals so Grips! For the very best in KTap that when it’s on it really e the choice is Gripit.







Gripit KTape may assist with: • Muscle and Joint Pain, Sprains and • Sports Injury Strains and Prevention • Post operative care • Enhancing Perfo and rehab rmance and Reco • Assisting lymp very hatic drainage and swelling







Developed in Australia and Made in China Cotton KTape with 3-5% Spand ex

Colour options:









Developed in Australia and Made in China Cotton KTape with 3-5% Spand ex



n u on o u on n m




n u on o u on n




Gripit KTape may assist with: • Muscle and Joint Pain, Sprains and • Sports Injury Strains and Prevention • Post operative care • Enhancing Perfo and rehab rmance and Reco • Assisting lymp very hatic drainage and swelling


SUITABLE FOR Developed in Australia and Made in China Cotton KTape with 3-5% Spand ex

O OG info@gripitktape .com www.gripitktape .com m/GripitAUS @GripitAus @Gripitktapes

n u on o u on n



info@gripitktape .com www.gripitktape .com m/GripitAUS @GripitAus @Gripitktapes

Developed by Australian Physio WARNING: If therapists. severe injury is present we recom medical advice mend you seek prior to applica tion. This produc allergenic acrylic t contains a low glue While a skin reactio adhesive which is latex and zinc oxide free. n is unlikely, please have an itchy remove immed or burning sensat iately if you ion.




Ins n ontructions o u uonfor n use onlin

n u on o u on n



Gripit KTape may assist with: • Muscle and Joint m Pain, Sprains and • Sports Injury Strain s QR cod Scan and Prevention e for video • Post operative care demonstration • Enhancing Perfo and rehab or visit rmance and Reco • Assisting lymp hatic drainage gripit-tutorial-vide and swelling os




Used for Pain-Inju

Skin OlikeOG ! info@


ped by Austra .com s ri tap lian Physiotherap k @G pitwww. WARNING: If in ists. severe injury is ri tra present we recom medical advice @G www.faceb h: dS mend you seek prior to applica it s anm/GripitAUS tion. This produc allergenic acrylic te n it Gri t contains a low glue @GripitAus ist info@ rain While a skin reactio adhesive which is latex and and he e is ass www. zinc oxide free. gripitktape.c n is unlikely, please , Sp ongripitk Develo ped Used for ied that wchoic have an itchy @Grip om ay itktap in remove immed tr by Austra lian Pain,-Inju a WARNING: or es tape.c burnin m ti P n faceb www. iately if you om g sensation. o ists. e ry-S medical adviceIf severe injury isPhysioetherap upport presen p dt awe int reveitAus pr @Grip ls s recomm ab ape @Grip very ingm/GripitAUS e th end T h lo o Jo p n K e c P you ll re a seek ev ssio KT d esRe e Developed by pit nd d itktap fe st inlian Physiotherap is d roAustra Gri scle a ry an re an e and nd sw e WARNING: p hIfpsevere u Inju e ca nc e a be injury is presen ists. Gripi lt eryprior a ag KTlaeadvice medica s tiev may • MtoKTap t we recommend a rt it v in rm • assist to p Musc you Gripi h e application. This seek ple and ramay with: allerge rfo c dePain, product contain • Sport•sSInjury Gri liannic peratPJoint eKTap assist Sprai r thacrylic glue adhesive which s• aPost nswith: a low operas•t oMusc ti and and o While g Preve Strain a F tr is a skin latex ntion s o tive s ps! reaction is unlikel h and and zinc•oxide and rehab care ple Joint Enha m free. ncing Pain, Sprains and • PPerfo Auhave ncinrman please remove • Assis lym s Injury immed Gri an itchy or burning sensaty,ion. ce and Reco Strain iately ting nh•a Sport if you lymp s QR cod Scan very and Preve • E shatic ting drain age and e for video ntion swelling s •is Post operative care demonstration •A • Enhancing Perfo and rehab or visit rmance and Reco • Assisting lymp hatic drainage gripit-tutorial-vide and swelling os

Scan QR cod SUIeTAB for vide LE oFOR ALL AG demonsCHIL , ATHLETES tratiDREN ES on or visit , ADULTS & SENIO







G Gripit KTape Austr is developed alian , tried and teste ding lly h profession Grips! Forhealt the very als so that da bya best in KTape wheny le it’s reonleading the choic d be isn itGripiit really ste ’s o pit. t.





O yN – Just OG.fa




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Tan X 5M

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velo o n D e C o tt



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Instructions for use inside





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ek u se w d yo a lo . ts. en ins ee pis mm nta e fr u era reco co oxid if yo Develo ped in Austra ioth t we roductd zinc tely lia and Made in China Cotton KTape Phys sen p an edia with 3-5% Spand an is pre n. This latex imm li ex stra ry io is ve Au inju at ich mo by re applic e wh e re ped seve to esiv leas elo G: If prior adh ely, pn. ev e lik D NIN vice glu un tio R sa WA ical adacryliction is g sen med enic reacburnin rg in alle a sk y or ile ch Wh e an it hav

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Develo ped in Australia Cotton KTape and Made in with 3-5% Spand exChina



n Q tio oum/h/g Sca onstra opme.c.a k.cta dem .g.gririppitit w ww

Instructions for use online

tions online




n o u uonon n



ode for video ation or visit



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ticity – Just like






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ns ctio e 33s 207eo tru sid o Ins use in for vide AtoRpTGlyria-l-2vid it for R coden or vis oriwptoit-taup




Instructions for use inside



K velo on De Cott

an ely, burn r unlikchy o it an

X 5M Why Why Gripit – Gripi SIN Gripit – GripiSINGLE ROLL 10CM Gripit KTap Gripit KTape e t KTape has been t KTape has been X 5M Strapit Medical om Australian healtis developed, tried and Australian healtis developed, tried and Physi Physi developed developed by other other teste teste e.c Sports Supplies apists. Gripi d apist d by S h professionals h professionals by Lead by leadi ping s.and Leading Austr Gripi 2/36 Latitu t KTape is desig ng ng t KTape is desig AU so so that when it’s leadi Grips! For the alian Boule itkta Austr whenSuita ned to assist with ned to assist with vard, pit alianGrips! For the very best it’sdeble Suitaon very best in KTap thatThom bleitfor it really really grip tappain in KTape the choic /Gri astownon all ages, Gripit all pain and injury e the choic VICfor 3074 fo@ ripitk .com and injury. KTape worksinwher . e is Gripit. ages, Gripit KTape works wher Australiae is Gripit. k hurts .g eooit e it hurts. Used 180– 180– w . for 200% 200% Pain-Inju www. G Elas G Elas ww ceb

otherapists. Gripi loped by Lead ing Australian t KTape is desig ned to assist with Suitable for all pain and injury ages, Gripit KTap . e works where njury-Suppo it hurts. rt 200% Elas ain-Inju 180–

iothera sent we pists. recommend This produc you seek h is latex andt contains a low zinc oxide free. remov straliaenimmed Physioiately therap if ists. you

Instructions for use inside

Instructions for use inside


Latitude Boule Supplies Thomastow vard, Why Austra Gripit n–VIC 3074 lia Gripi www.gripitk t KTape has been deve Physi







The most popular size of kinesiology tape on the market. 5cmx5m $11.50 Colour options: Tan plain/logo Black plain/logo Pink plain/logo Blue plain/logo 10cmx5m $2 0.75 Purple Red Yellow Green Navy Camo Cool Blue/Black logo Colours available: 5cmx31.5m $66.80




Use Gripi Gripi t KTap t KTap e may e for: assist with: • Muscle and Joint Pain • Sprains & Strain s • Sports Injury and Prevention • Post operative care • Enhancing Perfo and reha & raStrain & raStrain & ce rmance & ce for video for video for video for video in in in in w X X X X s s s s os cinwwgw os cing rman os cinwwgw os cinwwgw rman raStrain raStrain Instructions Instructions and Reco and Recovery ww demonstrationInstructions demonstrationInstructions demonstration demonstration • P h•anSpor • Pvery • P h•anSpor • Pvery • nSpor • nSpor ry c d ry c d ry c d ry c d 5CM 5CM 5CM 5CMand Reco or visit or visit or visit or visit n cove ptshatiInjury and Prevention n cove ptshatiInjury and Prevention nha ecove ptshatiInjury and Prevention nha ecove ptshatiInjury and Prevention LL LL • Assisting • Assisting lymp for use inside ROLL for use inside ROLL for for www..gripi www..gripi www..gripi www..gripi www www www www • E d•RePost • E d•RePost • E lymp • E lymp •R Post use use R Post m oper m oper RO RO • Assisting ktape ktape insi insi hatic drainage ARTG ARTG - 22073 ARTG ARTG - 22073 de de .com/ .com/ ative ative .au/h .au/h .au/hgripit .au/hgripit lym operative care and rehab lym operative care and rehab lyhatic lyhatic d•d drain drain - 22073 - 22073 gripit gripit owto owto owto-tutor owto-tutor care and rehab care and rehab age age Use Use Use Useing 3 3 -tutor -tutor apply apply apply apply LE LE 3 LE LE 3 d for an •dtiEnha an • tiEnha aning and•dtiEnha ial-vid ial-videos ial-videos ial-vid and swell and swell ngfor Pain-Inju ng g ngfor Pain-Inju ngfor Pain-Inju Pain-Inju g ncing Scan QR code SING Scan QR code SING Scan QR code SING eos Scan QR code SING eos and swellsing is lling ncing is• tiEnha is lling ncing Perfory-S Perfory-S Perfory-S ssis ellin ncing Performance rmanupp rmanupp rmanupp for video for video for video for video ce ort ce ort ce ort e e ellin Ass swand Ass swand A s swand • A d swand • • • demonstration demonstration demo demo Reco Reco Reco Reco very very very very nstration or visit nstration or visit or visit or visit and• Assis and• Assis an • Assis and• Assis www. www. www. www. www.gripi www.gripi www.gripi www.gripi ting lymphatic ting lymphatic ting lymphatic ting lymphatic ARTG - 22073 ARTG - 22073 ARTG - 22073 ARTG - 22073 .au/hgripit .au/hgripit .au/hgripit .au/hgripit drainage drainage drainage drainage owto-tutor owto-tutor owto-tutor owto-tutor Develo Develo Developed in Developed in Used for Pain-Inju Use Use Use 3 3 3 3 apply apply apply apply d for Pain dpedfor dpedfor in Austra in Austra ial-videos ial-videos ial-videos ial-videos Australia and and swell and swell and swell and swell Pain Pain lia lia and and -Inju -Inju -Inju ing ing ing ing Made Made Made ry-Support ry-Support ry-Sin China ry-Sin China in China Cotton KTape Cotton KTape Cotton KTape Cotton K with 3-5% Spandupport with 3-5% Spandupport with 3-5% Spand ex ex ex by by by by ed ed ed ped lop e is lop e is lop e is elo pe is . . . . Develo Develo Develo Develo eve KTap all eve KTap all eve KTap all ped in Austra ped in Austra ped in Austra ped in Austra ists ists ists ists d dev it KTa r all d d lia lia lia lia p p p p and and and and r r r n n n n Made Made Made Made it it it in China in China in China in China Cotton KTape Cotton KTape Cotton KTape Cotton KTape era era era era with 3-5% Spand with 3-5% Spand with 3-5% Spand with 3-5% Spand bee . Grip able fo bee . Grip able fo bee . Grip able fo bee . Grip able fo iothnt we r to iothnt we r to iothnt we r to iothnt we r to s s s s ex ex ex ex a a a a ys ys ys ys o o o o h h h h ts ts ts ts h h h h it it it it P se pri P se pri P se pri P se pri pe pis . Su s. pe pis . Su s. pe pis . Su s. pe pis . 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t Medical and Sport atitude Boulevard, s Supplies astown VIC 3074 alia Gal and Sports N Strapit Medic gripitktape 2/36 .com


application. This application. This application. 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Gripit ADVANC Gripit ADVANC Gripit ADVANC Strapit Medical Strapit Medical Strapit Medical Strapit Medical E E E and Spor and Sports Supp and Spor and Spor tested by lead KTAPE is developed, tried tested by lead KTAPE is developed, tried tested by lead KTAPE is developed, tried and and and lies 5M 2/36 2/36 Latitude 2/36 2/36 ing Aust ing Aust ing Aust M Latitude Boulevard ts Supplies Latitude Boulevard ts Supplies 5M Latitude Boulevard ts Supplies 5M Boulevard, Designed for toug ralian health professio Designed for toug ralian health professio Designed for toug ralian health professio X5 X X X , , , Thomastown VIC nals. nals. nals. astown VIC 3074 astown VIC 3074 astown VIC 3074 h conditions, for Thom h conditions, for Thom h conditions, for Thom 3074 water or for whe water or for whe water or for whe 5CM 5CM 5CM 5CM useAust useAust useAust in in the the Australia L L L L n n n ralia ralia ralia you you you L L L L really sweaGrip really sweaGrip really sweat. 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ns ctio e os ide tru nlin o Ins use o for videit utorial-v is e r d fo QR co on or vm/gripit-t

Made in China spandex comp osite

AD ble. tech pe o ripit aila of e ta at. – G pe av terpro PE th s swe a PE y Ta d w KTA xces KTAsiolog ance ANCE sing e ET E v V C AN ineina ad D au ing W DV d KCh e, es A ns c y A anacdee indphoesisteiv mak ditio gett h c v M n m W adnd ercoa bri co en salit a a nndgex ht fa rts & h o w T m troa eig po ustr hssp rks EA in A owf ita htw ters wo SW ped TAPE lig wa PE ith velo c K and e for De theti ic KTA d w Sy n cho CE an




n ati o Sca onstr tape.c k dem .gripit



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ns ctio e os ide tru nlin o Ins use o for videit utorial-v is e r d fo QR co on or vm/gripit-t


ex composite






ns ctio e os ide tru nlin o Ins use o for videit utorial-v is e r d fo QR co on or vm/gripit-t ww



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n ati o Sca onstr tape.c k dem .gripit





AD ble. tech pe o ripit aila of e ta at. – G pe av terpro PE th s swe a s PE y Ta d w KTA xce KTAsiolog ance ANCE sing e ET E v V C AN ineina ad D au ing W DV d KCh e, es A ns c y A anacdee indphoesisteiv mak ditio gett h c v M n m W adnd ercoa bri co en slit a a nndgex ht fa rts & h o a w T m troa eig po ustr hssp rks EA in A owf ita htw ters wo SW ped TAPE lig wa PE ith velo c K and e for De theti ic KTA d w Sy n cho CE an

KTAPE with spand





n ati o Sca onstr tape.c k dem .gripit



Colour options:








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Scaneos QR code for vide o demonstration or visit

Developed in LTS & SENIORS Australia and

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of pro ter gy Wa siolo e Kin e Tap














n ati o Sca onstr tape.c k dem .gripit




ns ctio e os ide tru nlin o Ins use o for videit utorial-v is e r d fo QR co on or vm/gripit-t

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Developed in Australia and Made in China etic KTAPE with spandex comp osite

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Scan QR code for video demonstration or visit




of pro ter gy Wa siolo e Kin e Tap







code for video tration or visit


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KTAPE with spand

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T: +44 (0)1372 723 434 E:

Gripit PRECUT KTAPE PRECUT Kinesiology Tape (Contains pre-cuts for single application) Features: • PRECUT KTAPE is used for general pain/injury/support • An easy to use alternative for those wanting a simple way to apply • 7 precut options for injuries in common regions

• Water resistant tape • 5–7 day use • Easy application and Easy removal • Suit all ages • Low Allergy Adhesive • No latex or zinc oxide

Colour options: Tan Black/Blue Knee PRECUT KTAPE can assist with: • Pain and Swelling • Arthritis • Adolescent Growth Plate Pain • Mal-tracking • Patello-femoral Pain • Bakers Cyst • Post Dislocation or Surgery • Patella/Quad Tendonitis


Shoulder PRECUT KTAPE can assist with: • • Bursitis • Arthritis • Impingement • Post-Surgery • Frozen Shoulder • Post-Dislocation • Instability


T: +44 (0)1372 723 434 E:

Achilles & Calf PRECUT KTAPE can assist with: • Calf/Achilles Pain • Achilles Tendonitis • Calf Strain/Tightness • Heel Pain • Post Surgery • Calf Compartment Syndrome • Adolescent Growth Plate Pain


Tennis/Golfers Elbow PRECUT KTAPE can assist with: • Elbow Pain • Elbow Ligament Sprain • Elbow Tendonitis • Repetitive Strain • Adolescent Growth Plate Pain • Forearm Muscle Strain • Post Dislocation/Surgery/Fracture


Plantar Fascitis PRECUT KTAPE can assist with: • Plantar Fasciitis • Heel Spur • Flat Foot/Collapsed Arch • Arch Pain • Bunion • General Foot Support • Post Foot/Ankle Surgery


T +44 (0)1372 723 434 E:

General/Spinal PRECUT KTAPE can assist with: • Neck and Shoulders • Lower Back • Hamstring Soreness • Carpal Tunnel • Thumb and Hand Injuries • SIJ/Pelvis Pain • Ankle Sprain


Lymphatic Drainage PRECUT KTAPE can assist with: • Muscle Bleeding • Muscle Corkie/Contusion • Lymphoedema • General Swelling • Pregnancy – Fluid and Swelling • General Bruising


T +44 (0)1372 723 434 E:

Gripit Active Single Roll 5cm / 7.5cm / 10cm x 5 Metres

Gripit ACTIVETAPE Multi-Directional K Tape – Multi-Directional Nylon Tape Features: (Single Roll 5cm/7.5cm/10cm) • A functional tape assisting in deloading muscles and joints, reducing pain and enhancing performance and recover y.

Features: Can stretch assist with: • Nylon based tape with 250% properties. Allows for full range of motion without limiting user inand • A functional tape assisting in during •e xercise Reducing pain and the fatigue y. deloading musclesanywa and joints. improving blood flow circulation • Multi-directional tape that stretches in both directions, meaning it can and infor muscle function • 250% stretch. adhere closely around joints andhealing body parts maximum support and area. unloading. • Allows for full range of motion low allergenic • - Soft tissue and joint pain during exercise. • Latex and Zinc Oxide free • Smooth and comfortable to wea r, slinky light with an athletic feel. • Multi-directional• tape thatand contours well to all body shapes and sizes. Durable improve mobility and motor stretches in both directions, control. Can assist with: meaning it can adhere closely • Reducing pain and fatigue and improving blood flow circulation an d • Deload joints/muscles/ around joints and body parts. healing in muscle function tendons area. during post • Low Allergy Adhesive • operation or rehabilitation. (no latex or zinc oxide) and motor control. • Deload joints/muscles/tendons during post operation or rehabilitation. • Smooth and comfortable to wear, Colour options: slinky light with an athletic feel. Tan plain/logo • Durable and contours well to all Black logo body shapes and sizes. Blue logo • Suitable for children, Red logo adults and seniors.

5CM × 5M

$12.50 7.5cmx5m $17.00 10cmx5m $25 .00 5cmx5m

Colours available: Black




All prices quoted e xclude G ST

7.5CM × 5M

10CM × 5M

T +44 (0)1372 723 434 E:

Retail Display Options Small/Compact Reception Counter Display • • • •

Comes with most Gripit orders as a shipper box Folds out to hold 12 standard 5cm rolls Neat and presentable on reception counter Option to put on shop/retail shelf space

Large Counter Display

• Large display when minimal floor space for full retail display • Ideal for available counter space / shelf space in shop/clinic • 3 shelves with option for precuts on top shelf • Areas for sample/demonstration • Information on video instructions

Full retail display • • • • •

Small footprint instore/clinic (approx 29.5cm W x 40cm L) 4 shelves with option for precuts on top shelf Enough shelf space to cater for entire gripit range Area for sample/demonstration Information on video instructions

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