Tehama Campus Needs Assessment

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1.2E – If Existing District Colleges & Centers Do Not Exceed Planned Enrollments, Justification of Regional or Local Need for the New Center The 2018–2019 academic year yielded 4,627 in annual enrollment and 672.31 FTES. The Tehama Campus has consistently exceeded the minimum threshold of 500 FTES for an Educational Center since opening in 2009. Although FTES and enrollment declined in 2014–2015, the Tehama Campus continued to meet the minimum FTES requirement. The state-wide budget crisis from 2008 to 2012 caused the District to scale back program offerings and slowly add back. However, FTES at the Tehama Campus consistently remained above 500. The Tehama Campus has been steadily increasing FTES over time. Although the effects of the 2020 pandemic are still uncertain, the District has made efforts to ease any potential FTES declines through future additional program offerings and the ability for Tehama students to access more degree programs through online and in-person courses. The Tehama Campus is an existing facility with recorded growth. Shasta College has been offering courses in Tehama County since the mid-1970s and the demand for classes has steadily risen over time. The Tehama Campus has established positive relationships with community organizations and local school districts. Tehama County has been historically underserved and Shasta College has been working to expand program offerings. The Tehama Campus will continue to grow by focusing on the needs of the community, increasing outreach efforts, expanding facilities, offering a wide variety of programs, lengthening operating hours, and supporting the regional population growth. Geographic and socioeconomic barriers

Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District

often result in students moving out of the area or choosing not to pursue their higher education goals. The Tehama Campus is centrally located and has allowed students to remain local while pursuing their education. The investments Shasta College continues to make in serving students throughout the district is evident in new buildings, expanded online and in-person course offerings, and increased student services. This section presented historical and projected Headcount and FTES for the Tehama Campus, which exceeds Education Code’s 500 FTES minimum requirement for an Educational Center. The Tehama Campus has a rising projection of over 600 FTES and a headcount of over 4,000 per year ongoing (Exhibits 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, and 2.05). The historic annual averages over the past 10 years are 626.9 FTES and 3,586 Headcount. The California Department of Finance (DOF) population data set shows a slow population growth projected for Tehama County, with a steady 0.6% annual growth starting in 2022. The forecasting model predicts that annual enrollment and FTES are expected to continually grow at approximately 0.5% annually. The methodology used to develop projections follows the recommended procedures outlined in the California Community Colleges’ Facilities Planning Manual and is based on acceptable methods established by the Department of Finance Demographic Research Unit. The 10-year historical data and steady projections of enrollment at the Tehama Campus satisfies the FTES requirement for an approved Educational Center.

Needs Assessment for the transition of Shasta College Tehama Campus to Tehama Educational Center | 2021


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