a Creating a New Direction For Your Business by Shaun Dallas Dance | Sep 30, 2020 | shaun dallas dance, strategic planning
Before you can create a new direction for your business, you rst need to have a realistic view of the current state of a airs. The more honest you are at this stage, be more e ective any plans will be. A SWOT analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is a great way to formally assess your business in its current state and see areas for improvement or change. In addition, you should also get as much feedback as possible from current employees, business partners, and your customer base. Once you have a good idea of where you are comfortable and where you need to improve, it’s time to begin the process of steps towards change. The
best thing about data collection is the ability to pull out patterns. The larger the data set, the more information available. Look for criticisms that are repeated over and over or praise about a certain customer feature. Check every possible security precaution to ensure there are no loopholes. In addition, nd out what obstacles there might be that are preventing the company from making certain advancements. Without tackling the obstacle rst, nothing else will change. All facets of a business can bene t from improvements. This includes customer service, human resources, operations, and sales and marketing. Sometimes you can even kill two birds with one stone. There are many cases of overlap between customer service and sales, for example. Keeping customers happy at both the moment of sale and when there are issues might be in the same wheelhouse, leading to a common solution. Brainstorming is a great way to come up with ideas. For this reason, include team members in the process. Be completely transparent about the areas that need improvement and post them in public spaces so employees can think up ideas. There are many ways to help motivate your team by holding friendly o ce competitions for people who come up with ways to make improvements. The other thing to keep a sharp eye on is the market and your competition. Just like most things in life, the only constant is change. Stay up to date on the latest technology and trends so that you stay ahead of your competitors, as well as keeping an eye out for upcoming threats to your customer base.
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