News and Notices
Visitors We welcome all our visitors today. A new Induction Loop System has now been installed; the best reception will be found in the centre pews or the pews on the left hand side. Large print song sheets are available on request. During our time of worship together, an offering for the work of the church will be taken. If you are a visitor with us today, please don’t feel any obligation to give or any embarrassment to let the bag pass you by. Gift-aid envelopes are available from one of the Stewards. Should you wish to use it, a crèche is also available throughout the service for babies and younger children..
Welcome, in the name of Jesus! Sunday 2nd March 2014 Morning Service 10:30am Including Communion Led By - Ryan Baldwin Family Talk – Troy Preacher – Pastor Gemma Dunnning Prayer Week 1 “What Does Prayer Do Anyway?” Tea Time Service with Ryan Baldwin 4:30pm – 6:00pm
Monday Morning Prayers – The dates for our March meetings are 3rd and 17th, both 10:30am in Room 2. With Richard unavailable due to ill health and a heavier load falling on Gemma as well as the deacons there is a great need for prayer to carry everyone through this time. Do please consider coming along to join in this much needed ministry. Edwina. Change of Date – There will be no Triple F this week 6th March, the Pancake Party has been rescheduled for Thurs 13th March. If you missed the fun last year put the date in your diaries now. If you are able to support in any of the following ways; set up, make batter, host, fry pancakes or clear away please could you let Gemma or Ryan know. Last year was such fun! PS bring your own toppings. “Women’s World Day of Prayer” – Christ Church, Alumhurst Road, are hosting the Women’s World Day of Prayer on Friday 7th March at 1:30pm. This year the focus is on Egypt. Everyone welcome (including gentlemen). Willing volunteer from WCBC required to take part as Dalia an office worker, and will need a prop of a laptop/tablet or mobile phone to put on a table. Rehearsal on Mon 3rd March at 2:30pm in Christ Church basement. Please consider prayerfully. Orange Sunday – Much thanks to all who supported this day, we are pleased to announce that the total collected for Kidzcan is £761-19. Praise The Lord. Dehumidifier – please does anyone have a dehumidifier that Elisabeth could borrow to see if this helps improve her health. Please contact Elisabeth on 07532 252418. Thank you
If you missed the latest BMS Prayer Letter from David & Clare-Lise Judkins please take on from the back of church near the blue BMS notice board. 2nd Bournemouth Cubs – based at St Michaels Church, just along Poole Road, warmly invite you to their Table Top Sale on 8th March, 1:00pm – 4:00pm. The afternoon will be a family orientated, fun event with games, stalls and activities to raise funds for the pack. It would be wonderful if you could share this, and make the event a great success. Mentoring Matters@WCBC – Would you like to see more of the Grace of God in your life? Are you hungry to experience more of God? Keen to develop your gifting and areas of service? If so, then maybe being mentored could be for you! To register your interest or have a brief conversation about being mentored please speak with Pastor Richard or Faith, John Farthing or Norah Mwenifumbo, call the church office on 01202 767070 or email Bible Appeal – Thank you to the people of West Cliff for their generosity. It is with great pleasure we have received donations to secure the target figure of 60 Bibles for St Michaels School. Should anyone wish to further donate to this cause, please contact Gemma Dunning. Advance Diary Dates Banner Making Day- many of you will have appreciated the various banners around our church. Whilst we have banners for the various seasons and celebrations, such as weddings, we have been sadly lacking in terms of celebrating new birth. We intend to remedy this, on Tuesday 11th March, when you are invited to come along to the church hall from 10:30am, for as long or as short a time as you are able, to help make a “Dedication Banner” All skills required e.g. cutting, sewing, sticking, tea making. Enquiries to Sue Thompson. Sunday 16th March – Church Members meeting. Saturday 5th April – West Cliff will be hosting a training day, 9:30am 4:00pm, on the subject of “Developing your Ministry To The 3 rd Agers”, led by Liz Stacey. Liz brings a wealth of experience in this field, having developed a vibrant ministry at Winchester Baptist Church. She now spends
her time writing, advising and training others in what is a vital and growing area of ministry for us at West Cliff. If you have a heart for this area of ministry in church please make a date in your diary; it promised to be an excellent day of training and envisioning. Other churches will be invited to join us and there will be a nominal charge of £5 per person (free to West Cliff people). Hot drinks and biscuits will be provided but attendees should bring their own lunch. Missed Sunday's morning service? catch up by searching for West Cliff Baptist Church on iTunes or Richard Burfoots’ is unavailable due to ill health. Please contact the church office or deacons for any business during this time. Our Children, Youth and Families Pastor Gemma Dunning will be away from 4th – 6th March at a Baptist Pioneers Conference. If a matter is urgent and you can’t reach her please call the church office or one of the deacons. Our Church Administrator is in the office on Monday Wednesday, and Friday 9:30 – 11:30 am. Alternatively, leave a voicemail message or email (details below)
Contacts Minister (Pastor/Team Leader): .....................................Revd Richard Burfoot
01202 767070 Children, Youth and Families Pastor:............................ Gemma Dunning 01202 767070 Church Secretary:....................................Val Downham
01202 871229 Finance Team:.......................................................................Anna Ward
01202 759149 Church Administrator:……………………………………………..Louise John 01202 767070 Notices:..................................................................................Sue James
01202 972543 Website:.................................................................................Shaun Forward
07516 406163
This Weeks Diary Dates Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Sunday 9th
Morning Prayer, Room 2 (10:30am) Outreach to Sunrise Living (10:00am) Fellowship Group 4, Room 1 (2:30pm) Cornerstone Art Group (1:00pm) Open Door (8:30am), Prayer Meeting (9.30am) Morning Worship (10:30am) International Students (WIC) – (1:00pm lunch, 2:00pm service)
Fellowship Group Meetings this week: Tues 4th March – 2:30pm Westbourne Weds 5th March – 10:30am Branksome
A full list of the groups can be found on the notice board in the vestibule, to the LEFT (going towards the toilets). Please speak to one of the Stewards if you would like more details or contact one of the Church Officers.
Diary Dates Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th
Thursday 13th Friday 14th Saturday 15th Sunday 16th
Monday 17th Tuesday 18th
Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st Sunday 23rd
Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th Friday 28th Saturday 29th Sunday 30th
(next 3 weeks)
Deacons Meeting, Room 1 (7:15pm) Outreach to Sunrise Living (10:00am) Banner Making Day in the Hall (10:30am) Cornerstone (2:15pm – 3:45pm) “Jutewallah’s Child – Memories of a childhood in Calcutta & Darjeeling Pt2” – Noreen Kemp Triple F Pancake Party (5:30pm – 7:30pm) Open Door (8:30am) Just for Dads (10:00am) Prayer Meeting (9:30am), Morning Worship (10:30am), Church Members Meeting (12:30pm) International Students (WIC) - (1:00pm lunch, 2:00pm service) Morning Prayer, Room 2 (10:30am) Outreach to Sunrise Living (10:00am) Cornerstone Small Group “Nutty Knitters” Fellowship Group 4, Room 1 (2:30pm) Mentoring Matters, Room 1 (7:30pm – 9:30pm) Mentoring Matters, Room1 (9:30am – 11:30am) Open Door (8:30am) Prayer Meeting (9:30am), Morning Worship (10:30am), International Students (WIC) – (1:00pm lunch, 2:00pm service)
Outreach to Sunrise Living (10:00am) Fellowship Group Leaders Prayer Meeting (7:30pm) Cornerstone (2:15pm – 3:45pm) Triple F (5:30pm- 7:30pm) Open Door (8:30am), Prayer Meeting (9.30am), All Age Worship (10.30am) International Students (WIC) – (1:00pm lunch, 2:00pm service) Reflective Communion Service (6:00pm)