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Looking Forward Planning for Life After 50

With informative features on finance, health and wellness, retirement living and more!


Thursday, October 17 2019

Thursday, October 17, 2019



Live comfortably on less Many people look toward retirement with mixed feelings. There is the anticipation and excitement of no longer having to stick to a set schedule. However, there may be some trepidation about living without a steady income. Bloomberg financial experts found the number of Americans aged 65 and older without a disability that weren’t in the labor force rose to 800,000 in the fourth quarter of 2016. This has become a long-standing trend of Baby Boomers leaving the workforce and entering retirement. Yet, a Statistics Canada study of people between the ages 60 and 64 who had left long-term employment found 43 percent of them were working again, most within a year of leaving their job. Although boredom may have compelled many of those people to reenter the workforce, some may have started working again to make ends meet. Researchers found the higher the earnings in one’s late 40s, the more likely a retiree is to go back to work. While retirees may need to alter their spending habits, it is possible to live happily on less. Here are some ways to do just that.

• Accurately assess home expenses. The Na-

tional Foundation for Credit Counseling says the cost of home-related expenses accounts for roughly 45 percent of spending for retirees. Individuals can add up exactly how much their homes are costing them and then decide if downsizing is a practical solution. Downsizing has a host of benefits, not the least of which is reducing housing-related expenses.

• Invest in health care. Unexpected health care

costs can quickly deplete individuals’ finances. That’s why it is essential to have a solid insurance plan in place. Health care planning also may include thinking ahead to long-term care, such as assisted living and nursing homes. One may have to make concessions elsewhere, but investing in health care can assuage concerns men and women might have about the cost of living in their golden years.

• Use alternative transportation. Cars can be

expensive. A budget-friendly alternative to driving is to use public transportation or transportation services provided to seniors free or for nominal fees.

• Take advantage of senior discounts. Many

restaurants, stores and service centers offer discounts to seniors. The starting age for discounts may vary from store to store, so always ask before cashing out.

• Shop for food differently. Bulk buys may have

been appropriate for men and women when there were kids running around, but empty-nesters can cut back on food expenses. Shopping sales and making more meals at home can help seniors save money. The market research firm NPD Group found that in-home meals cost roughly one-third of what it costs to eat the same food at a restaurant. Save dining out for special occasions.

Retirees can make changes to save money without negatively affecting their quality of life.

The first Baby Boomers will be turning 70 in 2016, and this generation remains one of the most influential in the country and around the world. Scores of products and services are now marketed to seniors, many of whom remain as active and socially aware as they were in their youth. One aspect of senior marketing that is booming is dating and relationship products. Singles age 50 and older are increasingly relying on online dating sites and other methods to find love and companionship. Dating is no longer kids’ play, and those who have been away from dating for some time may have to get reacquainted with the process in the modern age.

Finding love again is possible for seniors who get back into the dating scene.

Consider online dating

Data from Pew Research found one in two divorced or widowed seniors had remarried in 2013, and that trend figures to continue. Many seniors are using online dating sites to find their new matches. While websites geared to dating make it easier to get in touch with fellow singles, the relative anonymity of the process can make it challenging to separate the truth from some self-promoting hype on dating profiles. Begin by relying on dating sites that have been tested and recommended. One to try is the AARP dating site partnered with How About We. In addition to its simplicity and small financial commitment, the site caters to the over-50 crowd and is backed by the AARP name. It’s good for those looking for an activity partner as well as casual dating. Popular sites Match.com and eHarmony.com also boast high percentages of users age 50 and up. Even after thorough consideration and conversation, online daters should exercise caution when meeting someone online and then in person. Profiles aren’t always what they seem, and it’s easier to fudge the facts when initiating contact over the Internet.

Keep an open mind

It’s easy to be preoccupied with the rigors of being an older

Finding love again is possible for seniors who get back into the dating scene. adult and the responsibilities that still may rest on your shoulders. Part of the fun of dating when you were young likely had to do with throwing caution to the wind. But some of those same carefree aspects remain true whether you’re dating at 17 or at 57. Laughter, fun, spontaneity, and the chance for some adventure are still the keys to making memorable dates.

Sometimes it’s who you know

The old adage of it’s “who you know” and not “what you know” is applicable to dating. If you are ready to jump into the dating world again, ask your close friends or family members if they know anyone who might be in a similar situation. Taking another stab at dating later in life can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, but no matter how long it’s been since your last first date, some aspects of dating are the same as ever. Just remember to have fun and don’t be afraid to try new things.

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LOOKING FORWARD | Thursday, October 17, 2019

Senior dating trends and tips


Thursday, October 17, 2019



Active aging: 5 important questions to ask to help prevent falls (BPT) - Despite the common belief, falls are not a normal part of aging, and they are largely preventable. In fact, the best way to prevent falls is with a proactive, team approach. Be empowered and engage your health care professionals, community providers and family by asking these five important questions recommended by the National Council on Aging.

1. What are my chances of falling? When you visit your doctor, you likely bring up concerns about how your body feels physically. Be sure to also ask about your risk of falling - especially if you have fallen, have a fear of falling or are unsteady on your feet. By asking your doctor to assess your risk, you’ll learn more about what you can do to prevent an injury. These can include physical activity, medications and proper footwear. A doctor can help you understand any concerns and provide helpful advice.

2. What home updates can I make to help prevent falls? Most falls happen at home, but there are simple changes you can make to reduce your risk. Increase lighting in dark locations, particularly at the top and bottom of stairs, bathrooms and walkways from the bedroom to the bathroom. For stairs, install a railing on both sides for balance. Many falls occur in bathrooms, so install grab bars

in the tub/shower and near the toilet. For even greater safety, consider using a shower chair and hand­held shower. Ask family or friends to assist with home modifications or consult with an occupational therapist who can do a home safety assessment. NCOA provides 18 steps to fall-proofing your home.

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LOOKING FORWARD | Thursday, October 17, 2019

3. Do the medications I take impact my likelihood to fall? The next time you pick up your medicines, take time to discuss the possible side effects with your pharmacist. Ask which ones might increase your risk of falling and what you can do to prevent accidents. Side effects to look for include dizziness, drowsiness, blurry vision and even confusion. Keep in mind, it’s not just prescription medications that can impact your fall risk. Other medicines, such as over-the-counter sleep aids, can make you drowsy or dizzy during the day, which can increase your likelihood of a fall. Keep a record of your medications and take the list with you when you visit your doctors and pharmacist.

4. When was my last eye checkup? Your vision is essential to keeping your balance and preventing falls. That’s why it’s important to have your eyes checked every year. If you wear glasses, remember that tint-changing lenses can be hazardous when going from bright sun into darkened buildings. A simple strategy is to change glasses upon entry or stop until your lenses adjust. Bifocals also can be problematic on stairs, so it’s important to be cautious. Eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma can increase risk for falling, too. Talk with your eye doctor about these concerns.

5. How can I improve my balance and strength? Ask your family physician about exercise programs that can help you build stability, strength and flexibility. While some exercises can be done at home, consider signing up for a local program. Joining an exercise group is a lot of fun and a great way to meet new friends. Some


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exercise programs, like Tai Chi and EnhanceFitness, have been shown to improve balance and strength and reduce falls. Contact your local senior center or Area Agency on Aging for more information. By being proactive, you can reduce your risk of falling and maintain your independence now and in the future. Learn more at www.ncoa. org/FallsTips.

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Ask these 5 questions before choosing a savings account

Thursday, October 17, 2019



(BPT) - Breaking up is hard to do, but there’s one relationship you may want to reconsider - the one with your savings account. According to an August 2019 survey from Marcus by Goldman Sachs, which polled 1,053 Americans who have savings accounts with both traditional and online banks, nearly half (49%) have had their savings account at a traditional bank for more than 18 years. Consumers tend to stay with what’s familiar to them even though there may be a better alternative.

count at a traditional bank.

To help set up for financial success, it’s important to first evaluate your current banking situation to make sure your financial institution has your best interest (literally) in mind. An option that may be better is an online savings account that offers a higher rate. For example, if you opened a Marcus Online Savings Account at its current rate, and had an initial deposit of $25,000, you could earn $500 in a single year, which is more than what you are likely to earn with a savings ac-

1) What is the interest rate?

The survey also found that of those surveyed, 72% are satisfied with the interest rate on their savings account at an online bank compared to 34% who are satisfied with the rate at their traditional bank. So if you are looking for possible alternatives to your current savings account, an online bank could be a good place to start. If you are unsure of where to begin when evaluating your current bank or when looking to switch, consider the following: Make sure you are not only saving your money but also growing it by exploring savings accounts with competitive interest rates. Online savings accounts often offer higher rates. To better understand how much interest you could earn, take advantage of tools such as this online savings calculator, which helps calculate how much you could earn with a Marcus Online Savings Account.

Avoid savings accounts that require you to spend money to start saving money. Choose a savings account that is transparent and has no transfer or hidden fees. Also look for savings accounts that do not require a minimum deposit, so you can open an account on your own terms.

3) Do you trust the financial institution behind it? When it comes to your money, you want security that you can trust. Savings accounts from FDIC-insured institutions are protected by the FDIC, an independent agency of the federal government.

Knowing that the bank managing your money supports you and will get you the answers that you need is crucial. An online bank may not have branches, but it can still provide customer assistance through telephone support, chat or via email. Look for banks that have easily accessible customer service representatives and are leveraging technology to make your life easier. Taking a look at awards the customer service department has received from reputable sources can help give you a sense of what to expect. By taking the time to explore your savings account options, you could make a difference in the interest and money you are accumulating each year, ultimately preparing yourself for a better financial future.

Did you know? Over the last decade, seniors have become increasingly more savvy in regard to social media usage. The Pew Research Center found that, in 2015, around 35 percent of people age 65 and older reported using social media. That’s a large jump from just 2 percent in 2005. As of 2016, 65 percent of people between the ages 50 and 64 reported using social media, according to Pew. Social media usage among seniors continues to climb, although young adults still comprise the demographic most likely to use it. Among seniors ages 50 and older, Facebook is by far the most popular social media platform used, followed by Pinterest and LinkedIn.


4) What does customer service look like?

LOOKING FORWARD | Thursday, October 17, 2019

2) Are there any fees involved, or a minimum deposit required?

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Thursday, October 17, 2019



Are you getting enough protein in your diet? (BPT) - You may have noticed protein bars and shakes popping up at grocery stores or gyms. Coverage of the benefits of protein is all the rage. So it might be surprising to learn that almost half of older adults are not consuming enough protein, thus negatively impacting their health, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging.

What role should protein play in our diet? “Protein can be thought of as one of the building blocks to our muscles, bones and blood,” said Dr. James Metcalf, a medical director with UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement. “Not only does protein help keep our body strong, it helps promote good balance and mobility - all important factors to being able to live independently as we age.” Additionally, protein helps combat common signs of aging, like declines in muscle mass, strength and function, which can put you at

greater risk of falling and fracturing bones. But before you grab the nearest protein bar, let’s discuss exactly how much protein you should consume each day.

• Chicken breast (one): 54 grams of protein

• Salmon (0.5 fillet): 40 grams of protein • Lentils (one cup cooked): 18 grams of protein

• Black beans (one cup cooked): 15 grams of protein

• Greek yogurt (one container; plain, nonfat): 10 grams of protein • Egg (one): 6 grams of protein How much protein do I need? The National Academy of Medicine’s recommended dietary allowance for protein is 0.8

grams per kilogram of body weight per day. For an adult who weighs 195 pounds that’s 71 grams per day; for someone who weighs 170 pounds that’s 62 grams per day. While it is helpful to know how many grams of protein you should aim to consume each day, knowing the amount of protein in the foods we eat can be a bit of a mystery. Below are some sources of high-quality protein and the corresponding amount of protein in each, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture FoodData Central database:

Bottom line

If you feel you might benefit from adding some sources of protein into your diet, be sure to talk with your doctor before making any drastic changes. Increasing your protein consumption will not be a silver bullet to keeping your body healthy as you age. Staying physically active is also important to help maintain your health and live your best life.

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