1 minute read
To Collect and Preserve Materials Illustrative of or related to the History of Hampshire Township.
• The Historical Society was formed in October 2001.
• 2026 is our 25th Anniversary!
• 2026 is the 150th Celebration of the Village of Hampshire!
• HTHS activities have included House Walks, Downtown Walks, Cemetery Walks, rural drives to view local farms, and numerous free public programs.
• In addition, current projects also include development of a website, interviewing Hampshire Seniors for digital recording of our oral history, and identifying Witness Trees within our Township.
DONATIONS can be made on line to hampshirehistory.com
Or mail to: P.O. Box 434, Hampshire, IL 60140
For more information on our events visit: https://www.facebook.com/ HampshireTownshipHistoricalSociety